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1、 Unit 1 A trip to Beijing ()话题 Topic(二)重点词组和句型go on a trip , tooto , far from , work hard , go shopping ,want sb. to do sth. , talk to , leave for , arrive in , by plane , take a bus , stay with , by train , packwith , stand up , How far is it from China to Canada?Its about eight thousand five hundr

2、ed kilometres.May I go on a trip to Beijing?Yes, you may. / No, you may not.I want to go to the Great Wall.Lets take a train.(三) 重难点释义1. May I go on a trip to Beijing ? may 在这里是情态动词,意思是 “可以”,表示请求对方允许,后面接动词原形,例如: -May I come in ? -Yes , you may . -May I smoke here ? No, you may not .2. You are too yo

3、ung to go ,Li Ming . tooto 意为 “太而不能”too的后面跟形容词或副词的原形,而to的后面应接动词原形.注意:这个句子是否定的例如:He is too old to do the work .3. Beijing is far from our city . be far from “离远”例如: Canada is far from China .4. May I go shopping ? go shopping 去买东西/购物 类似的短语还有: go fishing 去钓鱼 go boating 去划船 go swimming 去游泳 go skating 去

4、滑冰 go skiing 去滑雪 go climbing a hill 去爬山5. Lets go to Beijing by plane . Lets =Let us ,let后面用代词作宾语.例如: Let me help you . by plane “乘飞机”类似的短语还有: by train 乘火车 by air 乘飞机 by car 乘轿车 by ship 坐船 by bike 骑车 by sea 坐船 by bus 乘汽车 例: I go to school by bike . 6. I want to take a bus . take a bus 乘公共汽车take a tr

5、ain 乘火车 take a plane 乘飞机ride a bike 骑车 drive a car 乘轿车开车 看以下几个句子 I take a train to Beijing = I go to Beijing by train . = I go to Beijing on a train . 7. But it doesnt cost as much. cost “花费”它的主语为所买之物,而不是买东西的人 例: The shirt cost me 30 yuan .8. They stay with Li Mings family for two days .stay 停留,暂住 一

6、般指住在朋友家或旅馆.例如:How long can you stay this hotel ?with 和在一起 例如:They go there with their friends. 9. Im packing my suitcase with my clothes.pack 包装,收拾 例如: Shall I help you to pack your books ?pack sth. with sth. 把装在里面 例如:She packed the bag with her books . ( 四) 语法知识数字的读法1. 100 读作: one hundred 2. 1,000

7、读作: one thousand 3. 10,000 读作: ten thousand 在英语中, 没有 “万” 这个单位. 英语中, 从后往前, 每三位前一个逗号, 第一个逗号前为千位(thousand).4. 5,000 读作: five thousand (由上可见, hundred 和 thousand 表具体的数字时后面不加-s.) 5. 18,589 读作: eighteen thousand five hundred and eight-nine注意: 20 以上的数字, 个位和十位之间必须加连字符 “-“ 例如:25 : twenty-five 48 : forty-eight 67 : sixty-seven


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