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1、Unite 9 CitiesWord Pretest1. arc: arch, curve2. incense: substance burned to create pleasant smell; make someone very angrya stick of incenseburn (offer) incense3. dwarf: make something seem small or unimportant; belittle(treat(to say or think) someone or something is unimportant4. stumble: fall or

2、almost fall while moving; stagger, lurch, slip; hesitate, falter, stammer5. beckon: be very attractive; summon, attract, signal; 6. cavernous: very large and dark7. intricate: complicated; elaborate8. hustle: to make someone go quickly where you want them to go9. bustle: busy yourself, rush around10

3、. hustle and bustle: busy movement; chaos, turmoil, confusion; hubbub; hurly-burly11. astounded: astonished; stunned; 12. gourmet: have particular knowledge about good food and wineText I The Unforgettable Hong KongPara 12 First sight of Hong Kong1. arc into its final descent: form a landing curve2.

4、 fence in: enclosure3. breathtaking: wonderful, spectacular, amazing4. fence off (out): block outPara37 description of the general atmosphere of Hong Kong5. drift into: flow6. pounding beat: hit hard, strike, batter,throb7. discotheque: nightclub8. dot the landscape: spot; put something on surface i

5、n a small amount; spread over; scatter over; situate, stand, exist9. the Tropic of Cancer: 北回归线10. the Tropic of Capricorn:Hong Kong beats the pulse of Southeast Asias heart. Where East greets West, and past colours present.Para817 Specific description of the whole Hong Kong11. be exciting with: noi

6、sy and cheerful12. sheer: pure, utter, absolute13. in operation: in use14. mute: silent, quiet, voiceless15. in its wake: behind it; track that appears in the water behind a moving boat16. in the wake of something else: something happens or appears directly after often because of it.17. Joss: Buddha

7、18. beckon: signal to someone19. walled village: surrounded by a wall20. removed from: distant in time or space; different from21. recreate: reform, reconstruct; make something exist again22. bring a past to life: reappear, be reproduced23. reign: ruleHeart and Soul of a People1. in a land of: place

8、2. thrive: prosper; become very successful, happy, or healthy3. symbolism: use of symbols to represent things4. exert: use influence to achieve something; 5. Stone lions are everywhere, protecting banks and businesses from misfortune. Goldfish keep away evil influences6. color: add / give/ bring col

9、or to something7. lend a surreal touch: add or give something a particular quality;8. surreal: very strange and not seeming real, dreamy 9. touch: characteristic, feature10. when local people set out trays of food for the spirits believed to be temporarily released from hell11. mystical: practice my

10、sticism神秘主义神秘主义12. These are the keys to the mysterious Chinese soul beating at the heart of Hong KongEarthly Treasures1. sophisticated:complicated and advanced in design2. turn left3. turn right4. weigh down: heavily rest on, display,5. under the sun: in the world6. appraise: assess; evaluate; figu

11、re out7. Their craft is flawless, their prices-peerless: better than anyone or anything else无比的,无双的,绝世的The Endless Night1. blind: prevent from being seen2. on a sampan:3. envelop you in the magnificence of another world: wrap you in very impressive and beautiful atmosphere4. to toast the rising sun:

12、 greet, cheer for 5. be under way: in progress 6. recital: performance of music or poetry朗诵,吟诵7. philharmonic: filha:mnik 交响乐团8. stroll: slow walkA Taste of the Extraordinary1. all its own: particular feature belonging to one thinge.g. He is his own man.She is her own woman.The orange has a scent al

13、l its own.2. in order: in the waiting line3. mouthwatering: delicious, tasty, delightful, gorgeous4. for every craving: have a craving for; longing, desire, yearning, thirst; crave for; long for, yearn for; hunger after5. make it to: reach, get to6. to touch the heart: to feel satisfactory7. passion

14、 for food in all its glory: honor of the food itselfGlossary:Atlanta亚特兰大Detroit底特律Las Vegas拉斯维加斯Philadelphia费城Honolulu火奴鲁鲁Chicago芝加哥San Diego圣地亚哥San Francisco生弗兰西斯科Los Angeles洛杉矶Lexington列克星敦Belfast贝尔法斯特Edinburgh爱丁堡Birmingham伯明翰Liverpool利物浦Sydney悉尼Canberra堪培拉Melbourne墨尔本Montreal蒙特利尔Toronto多伦多Johannesburg约翰内斯堡(南非)


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