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1、公共英语三级精讲unit21-30Dialogue 1:David is the Operations manager, of the Waldorf Meridien Hotel in London. Now he is answering questions about reservations.1. If you are a leisure traveler, is to book as early as possible because thats when most of the discount or promotional offers will be available.如果你

2、是观光旅行者,尽可能早的预定,因为定的早会有打折和促销活动。2. When you make the reservation always, if you are making it by phone or the Internet, always ask for or write down the confirmation number.当你预定的时候,如果你通过电话或网络预定,记得要求并记下你的确认号码。3. Most U.K. hotel will, if it is not guaranteed by a credit card, or some form of payment, wi

3、ll release the room between 2 and 4 p.m. now.如果没有信用卡或别的形式的支付方式,大多数英国的旅馆将会在下午2点到4点把房间给别人。Dialogue 2:Clifford is a new arrival in London. He wants to know more about the cinemas in London. Now he is asking Kenneth about going to cinemas in London.1. You can wander around and see which film is to your

4、appetite.你可以走走看那部电影和你的胃口。to ones appetite 和某人的胃口2. This cinema often shows films a few weeks later than some of the others, so if you dont mind being a bit behind the times and want to save a couple of quid this could be the precise place for you.这家电影院经常放映电影比别的电影院晚,所以如果你不介意落后与时代想省钱,这家电影院将是个最好的地方。1)

5、mind doing sth 介意做某事2) precise 恰好的,准确的3. It shows a wide variety of movies but tends not to show more mainstream films.它放映很多的电影,但是不放映太多的主流电影。1)a variety of 2)tend to do sth4. These films are made by independent filmmakers and are not aimed at mass audience.这些电影是独立制片者们拍的,并且目标不是大众的观众。Dialogue 3:Myrtle

6、 is now at a Fast-food Restaurant. He is ordering his food and asking for the information about discount. A clerk is greeting him.1. Im going to have the bacon cheeseburger with a can of orange soda.我要咸肉奶酪汉堡和一听橘子水。2. And, youre having an introductory special for free French fries with every sandwich

7、 order, is that right?任一款三明治都可以免费配备一份你们正在介绍的薯条,是吗?3. Do I enjoy special privileges for being a senior citizen?我可以享受老年顾客的特权吗?4. While youre waiting for your order, here are two of our big prize game cards.当你在等待的时候,我们这儿有两张大奖的奖券。5. You have to scratch the surface of the cards and match the numbers up t

8、here on our bulletin board.你刮开卡片的表面,把它的数字和布告板的号码对照。6. If youre ever in the mood for a fast and easy breakfast, we have a wide selection which we serve from 6:30 to 10:30 a.m.如果你想要快速方便的早餐,我们从6:30 到10:30 提供了很多的选择。Dialogue 4:Peter and Louis are feeling tired since they have been driving for a whole day

9、. They decided to stop for the night at a motel.1. Especially in this heat.特别在这样的温度下。2. Im anxious to get to Moms but I dont think we should overdo it.我很想去妈妈那儿,但是我不想过度劳累。3. Lets pull over and have a look.我们停车去看看。pull over 停车4. “No vacancy” sign房间已满的标记5. Please fill out this registration card and be

10、sure to list your cars license number.清填写这张申请表并写下你的车牌号码。Passage:Background knowledge:licensing laws 酒类专卖法on the premise 只卖给在店里喝的off the premise 只卖给在店外喝的off-license (商店的)卖酒执照Language points:1. The sale of alcohol in Britain is strictly controlled by licensing laws.在英格兰销售酒严格受到酒类专卖法的控制。2. In order to o

11、pen a bar or wine bar the owner must obtain the approval of the local magistrates who must be satisfied with he or she is a suitable person to sell alcohol.想开酒吧店主必需获得当地政府官员的允许。政府官员必需与他/她满意,认为他/她是卖酒的合适人选。3. If magistrates are not happy with the way a pub is being run they can cancel the license.如果政府官

12、员对酒馆经营方式不满意,他们可以取消执照。4. Many pubs are licensed to sell alcohol for drinking on or off the premises.很多酒吧获得执照可以卖在店里与店外喝的酒。5. Some towns are dry, i.e. no alcohol can be sold there at all.很多城镇根本酒不能卖酒。6. In some states alcohol for drinking at home is sold only in special liquor stores; in other places it

13、 is sold in any food shop.在一些州,在家里饮用的酒只有一些商店才出售,在另外一些地方,在任何食品店都能买到。1. The most common restriction is that alcohol may not be sold early on Sunday mornings.最普遍的限制是在星期天早晨酒是无法出售的。Exercises:Reading Comprehension1. global全球的, regional地区的, local当地的, rural农村的8. outgoing离开的,将离任的, incoming正来临的, delivering发送的

14、14. obtain获得, 15. urgent紧急的, alarm警告, emergency紧急情况, automate自动的18. earnest认真的,真诚的便条解题方法与技巧(一)便条的写作便条是一种简单的书信形式, 它的特点是格式简单,内容简短, 主要包括以下四个部分:1. 日期: 写在便条的右上角, 经常省去年份,只写月份与日期。2. 称呼用语:熟人朋友间可以随便些,直呼其名,不需任何头衔。3. 正文:用词尽量通俗口语化,简明扼要。4. 署名:经常省去书信中的结束敬语,一般写上留条人的姓名,非常熟悉的,署上自己的名或姓即可。(二)示例1. Telephone message:Dat

15、e: July 8 Time: A.M. P.M. From: Mr. Walker Sales Manager of Fashion CompanyTo: Mr. GreenTelephone Please ring Call to see you will call again Want to see you urgent Message: There will be a new productPlease conference of 2003, held by Fashion Company in China. Hotel at 9:00 am. in July 15 Mr. Walker called to invite you to attend the conference2. Notice/ Pos


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