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1、Unit 4 Keeping clean 一、 教学目标1 学会一般过去时的意义及结构,使学生灵活运用一般过去时。2 学生能区分一般现在时与一般过去时,能运用到日常对话中。3 学会本单元的新单词: warm wet cool dry clean dirty messy mouse mouth cow house south loud 等。二、教学重点与难点1 学会本单元的新单词。2 学会一般过去时的运用及be动词的过去式的表示方法iswas arewere三、 教具:录音机、挂图、部分单词的实物、图片等。四、课时:4课时。The first period一、 Review1 Read the

2、words: spring summer fall winter 2 T: Whats the weather like in fall ? S1: Its windy in fall. T: Whats the weather like today ? S2:It is sunny.3 Talk about the weather in pairs.二、 Presentation1 T: Whats the weather like in spring ? S: Its rainy.T: Yes. Its rainy ,its warm too. Teach: warm 温暖的2 T:Is

3、it rainy in fall ? S: No, it isnt.T: Right. But its cool in fall. (教 cool 凉爽的) warm_对应词_cool3 情景教学单词wet and dry : 两件衣服一件弄湿,一件是干的 wet_对应词_ dry4 T: What day is it today ?S: Its Monday.T: What about yesterday ? It was Sunday. 教单词 was yesterday is _过去式_wasT:Whats the weather like today ?S: Its warm. Wha

4、t was the weather yesterday ?T: It was wet.三、 Drills1 听录音,图出所听到的单词。2 听录音,完成书本P49 Practice 1 A B 四、 Practice 1 Read the new words 2 Pair work : talk about the weather today and yesterday.五、 Homework写一段话介绍一下天气情况。教后小记:The second period一. Review1 Read the words in the pictures : warm wet cool dry sunny

5、rainy windy cloudy2 Look at the picture and answer the questions: Whats the weather like today/in summer ? What was the weather like yesterday ? is _过去式_was一、 Presentation1 T: Whats that ? S: It is a desk . T: Good. The desk is tidy now, but it was messy this morning .(摆出一张整洁的桌子和一张凌乱的桌子图片进行比较)教学单词:

6、tidy 整洁的 messy 凌乱的 tidy 对应词 messy2 T: What are they ? S: They are shoes . T: Yes, they are dirty ,but they were clean this morning .(出示两幅鞋的图片,一幅有干净的鞋 ,一幅有脏的鞋进行比较) 教单词: clean 干净的 dirty 脏的, clean 对应词 dirty,were (are的过去式) ,are 过去式were3 T: These are my books . Where are they now ? S: They are on the des

7、k now . T: But my books were on the floor this morning . S: The books are on the desk now , they were on the floor this morning .4 T: Is it a desk ? S: No, it isnt. T: It is d bedroom. Is it tidy now ? S: Yes ,it is .But it was messy this morning .5 Listen to the tape : Target.二、 Drills1 Read “Targe

8、t ”2 Sing a song “ What can we do ?”3 Finish “Practice 1” C & D ( 1 ) Ask and answer ( 2 ) Listen and check.三、 Exercise1 按要求写词 clean 反义词 ( ) tidy 反义词 ( ) is 过去式( )2 填空(1) Your bedroom _ messy this morning , but now it is _.(2) My books _ on the floor the morning , they _ on the desk now .四、 Homework

9、: 背好单词和句型及“Target”.教后小记:The third period一、 Review1 Sing a song “What can we do ?”2 Read P48 “Vocabulary” & “Target”二、 Presentation1 T: What is this ? Its garbage (object) Lets put the garbage there . 教单词:garbage 垃圾 there 那里2 Show the picture of “Conversation” T: Look, its dirty .listen to the tape “

10、what happened”3 Listen to the tape and read by the Ss the let one or two students read.4 Act.三、 Drills1 Pair work : Practice 2 2 Check the answer.四、 Exercise 1 Finish “Song activity 2 ” They were _ before . But theyre _ now. What can we do ? They were _ before. But theyre _ now . What can we do ? We

11、 can make them _. _ _ _. We can make them _. _ _ _.五、 Homework 读熟”Conversation.”和有关的单词。教后小记: The fourth period1. warmup:Listen and sing2. Review the story, vocabulary and target.3. Study reading and writing.(1). Look, listen, read, and fill in the blanks.(2). Read again(3). Look at the photos. What are these people saying?4. Study more reading and writing.(1). Look, listen, and fill in the boxes with the answers.(2). Read again. Answer the questions.(3). Look ,read and compare .Mark the correct letter by the picture.



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