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1、初中英语案例分析(1)1、 案例背景:任务型教学在英语中的应用给学习英语者提供了知识的桥梁。学生在任务型中激发了学习的兴趣,发展了创造性思维能力,同时更要求学生有独立的学习能力。把学习任务完美的完成。本节简要案例讲的是九年级英语上Unit1 Topic1 SectionA学习现在完成时及have/has been to 与have/has gone to区别2案例描述(1) 课前每组准备关于假期的对话表演 eg:A:Where did you go during the summer holiday? B:I went to Beijing. (2) T: Now, All of you ha

2、ve a good summer holiday.WangShan went to Harbin and GuMengmeng went to Beijing. What a wonderful experience! S:Yes. T:Present Perfect Tense:现在完成时 : have/has +过去分词 意义及例子:I have opened the window. Now,we can say:WangShan has been to Harbin and GuMengmeng has been to Beijing. But Where has Rita ,Jane

3、,Maria and Kangkang been? Groups show different points in 1a. Group1:have come back from返回 take place发生*(事先计划好的) happen 发生(偶然发生) Group2: so.that 如此 . 以至于 Suchthat So+adj/adv such+adj+n Group3:There goes the bell.=Thats the bell.=The bell is ringing. Group4: improve oneself自我提高 T: Well done!Now we ha

4、ve to tell “have/has been to” from “have/has gone to”. Action; Group1:A: Where has Rita been? B:She has been to India. Group2:A:Where has Jane been? B:She has been to Mount Huang. Group3:A:Where has Kangkang been? B:He has been to an English summer school. Group4:A:Where has Maria been? B:She has go

5、ne to Cuba. S:have/has been to 去过某地(已回来) have/has gone to去了某地(没回来) SA:Where has HeWei been? SB:She has been to Shuangcheng. SC:Where is LiuChang? SD:She has gone to the teachers office. SE:When will she come back? SF:She will come back in five minutes. Finish 2in Groups. Homework: The differences be

6、tween the simple past tense and present perfect tense. 案例评析:任务型教学目的让学生脱离教材,在乐中学,有任务而学习。本节由学生讲解have/has been to,have/has gone to之间的区别,并表演对话。由学生自己挖掘增强学生记知识点的作用,比以往死记硬背印象会更深。学生展示的内容是每个学生充当“小老师“的角色,自己把所学的、所预习的重点讲解出来,这无疑是提高了学生的表演能力、创造能力、自学能力及社会能力。使老师与学生都逐渐脱离教材。学生轻松掌握两者的区别。那么,一般过去时与现在完成不言而喻,也就理解了。同时分组讨论合作

7、表演在任务型教学中起到主导作用是提高学生能力的重要方面。 案例分析(2)1 案例背景: 九年英语上Unit1 Topic1 SectionA继续学习现在完成时,同时学习高位数字的表达方法,针对世界各国人口问题而讨论,预习1a而得论 。2 案例描述: Group1:A:The world has a large population. B:And it is increasing by 80 million every year. Group2:A:China has the largest population. B:Whats the population of it? C:1.3 bill

8、ion. Group3:A:The population in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries. B:The problem is serious., C:China has already carried out one-child policy. Group4:A:Now, want to ask What the population of India is ,the USA and Brazil? B:1.1 billion. Students explain the way of read

9、ing numbers. T:Please take out the numbers you prepared. Group1:82364580 Group2:Eighty-two million, three hundred and sixty-four thousand, five hundred and eighty. Group3:768540 Group4:Seven hundred and sixty-eight thousand,five hundred and forty. T:Very good,I hope you can read more numbers in futu

10、re.3案例评析: 在任务教学小组中,每组每个人各分配自己的任务,比如在数字这块,有找数字的,有说的,任务相互关联,层层递进,这样要求小组间的合作必须紧密团结,流畅,使得教学环节有序进行, 同时小组长必须密切配合老师及分配任务给其他同学。提高学生们的合作探究能力,展示能力,但在教学流程中不免出现意外情况,比如学生的胆怯忸怩,这要求教师要有足够的耐心,亲和力,鼓励更多学生积极参与,合作学习,重视学生的课外任务,设计同时更注重活动,体验用英语解决问题的成就感,学生在自身素质方面还需有所提高。在任务型教学中每个环节需完美无缺才能有好的效果,在生本教育这片领土我们还需做很大的努力,做到最大限度提高。


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