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1、Revision of Unit 4- Astronomy: The science of the stars -Lectured by 刘婵娟 2010-5-19一 Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1对本单元重点单词,短语,句型进行记忆和强化。 2将本单元重点语言点灵活运用并升华于写作中,锻炼学生的写作能力。二 Ability Aims(能力目标): 1能活学活用地用所学单词,短语,句型来造句并写作。 2通过写作中语言点的运用,让学生深刻懂得扎实地学好基础知识的重要性。三 Teaching Key Points(教学重点): 1能正确,熟练地运用本单元的语言点。2通过词汇,句型,

2、语法基础知识的学习和积累,高效地运用于写作中。四 Teaching Difficulties(教学难点): 1. 学生对基本句子结构的掌握及运用。 2对复杂句的运用,综合地表达信息的能力。五 Emotional Aims(情感目标) : 1培养学生的写作兴趣。2训练学生团结合作的能力。六Teaching methods (教学方法) Reading, Speaking, Writing.七 Teaching Tools (教学工具) :Multi-media and other normal teaching tools.八 Teaching Procedures(教学步骤) : Step 1

3、: Check the homework , ask the students to recite the passage, “Rome wasnt built in a day.” Step 2: Please fill in the blankes with correct words by the Chinese meanings.1._ n. 大气层 2._ adj. 猛烈的 3._vt.&vi. 使爆发 4._ n. 系统 5._ adj. 有害的 6._n. 发展 7._ adj. 全球性的 8._ n. 理论 9._ vi. 存在 10._ n. 出席 11._ adj. 失望的

4、 12._vt. 减少 13._vt. 耗尽 14._n&v. 谜,难题练习(Practice): 用所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。1. China is a _country and it _a lot these years. But with the rapid _ more and more waste water is poured into the rivers. (develop)2. Air _everywhere and its_ makes it possible for us to live on. (exist)(目的:强化本单元所学重点单词,并变换形式活用于句中.)S

5、tep 3: Please fill in the blankes with correct words or Chinese meanings.1.既然_ 2.掌握_3.欢呼_ 4.爆发,突发_5.依靠,依赖_ 6.阻止,制止_7. as a result of_ 8. block out _9. give birth to_ 10. in time_11. in ones turn_ 12. lay eggs_练习(Practice): 用上题短语的适当形式填空。 1. SARS_ in 2003 and quite a few people died of it. 2. Choosing

6、 the right bike _ what you want to use it for.(目的:通过用英汉互译的方式加强本单元重点短语的记忆并活用于句中.) Step 4: Please choose the proper one from some words, according to every sentence.1. force, power , energy , strength 1) Yong people usually have more _ than the old. 2) He lifted the stone with all his_. 3) Knowledge i

7、s _. 4) Those people are the progressive(前进的)_ in the society. 2. break out, happen, take place 1) The war between the north and the south_ in 1860. 2) When did the traffic accident _? 3) Great changes _ in my hometown since liberation. (解放) 4) Death _ about midnight, the doctor said.(目的:克服英语学习中的障碍,

8、达到事半功倍的效果,这些近义词虽然意思相近,但是在语意、语用等方面仍然存在差异。弄清差异有助于理解词语的内涵,利用这些差异有助于增强语言的表达效果。经常注意对比近义词之间的差异,对于掌握语言表达的准确性、提高阅读能力和增强语言交际能力,都具有极其重要的作用.)Step 5:根据括号内的提示,将下列句子补充完整。1._(既然你已长大),you can decide it yourself.2._(他是否来) hasnt been decided.3.We should find some ways _(防止有害的气体蔓延).4.I dont think she can help him_(仅靠给

9、钱).(目的:根据所给信息,填补信息断层,要求学生能用所学的语言点来灵活运用,帮助复习重要词义和词语,并能在具体环境中正确运用.)Step 6 基础写作 写作内容:来自中国的学生李华一直想掌握天文学方面的知识, 他不想只依靠老师从课本中学习理论知识。有机会通过电视看到神州七号的发射,李华很激动。神州七号的成功发射使李华很振奋,他决心更努力地学习,希望将来亲自去太空.评分标准: 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 参考单词:发射:launch【可用到的本单元的短语:get the hang of, depend on, have a chance to, cheer up.】(目的: 能

10、恰当地将本单元所学的重点单词,短语,句型灵活运用于写作中,与写作质量显著相关,词汇是英语写作最基本的材料,丰富的词汇运用是高质量作文的显著特征之一.)Step 7 Sum up and homework:If you have not finished writing , after class, would you please continue to do it? After that, check what youve written carefully to find out mistakes and try to improve it. In this period, we mainly study some expressions. Youd better spend some time going over what you have learnt and keep them in mind. So todays homework is to review it , prepare for tomorrows dictation and finish P63: Ex 3 Translation and Ex 4 in workbook.


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