【同步练习】Unit 2 Lesson 7(冀教版).docx

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1、Unit 2 Friends and ColoursLesson7同步练习 单选题选出适当的回答1. How are you? - ( )A. Fine, thanks.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Hello. 改正错误Hi, nace to meet you, me name is jenny, this is my friand, Lily, she likes play soccer, she is very outgoing, and this is my friends ,too, his name is Tony, he is a little shy

2、.lets be friends and to play together. 填写单词1. 2. 3.4. 5. 1.Fr end 2. Na e 3. M t 4. L t 5. H s 连词成句1. Nice you to meet 2. is his name this 3. are you How 看图写单词 1. 2. 3. 4. 参考答案 单选题1. A解析:How are you? 是问句,答案B后缀too 与How are you? 不匹配。答案C 的 hello一般用于问好,不作为回答。 改正错误解析:拼写错误包括nice , friend.其中主谓搭配不当的有this和fr

3、iends,like 后动词应该有ing形式,my name应该用所有格my, 而非宾格me,let后用原型不能加to 。 填写单词1. nice 2.my 3.playing4.friend 5.去掉to 1. Friend 2. Name 3. Meet 4. Let 5. His解析:此处考察重点在于单词拼写,单词范围主要在PPT内。 连词成句1. Nice to meet you.2. This is his name.3. How are you?解析:1句和3句考察和重点在于问候语,1句属于祈使句,3句属于特殊疑问句。2句考察主谓结构。 看图写单词1. apple 2. book 3. cat 4. door解析:单词范围见PPT。


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