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1、新目标七年级(上)第六单元测试双向细目表试题内容题目数题型分值认知维度识记理解运用难易度第一部分听力5听句子选单词10 前两项比较容易,只要平常注重听力的练习基本都能能完成,最后一项考察的是识记和理解相结合,有难度,是拉分的一个题目。5听句子判断对错105听短文,补全信息10第二部分单项选择1515 主要是考察学生识记以及简单的理解,比较容易第三部分完形填空1015此项考察的方面比较多,学生必须综合所学的知识以及合理的运用才能得出正确的答案,是学生失分比较多的一项第四部分 阅读理解1530 中主要考察学生的综合理解能力,难度较大第五部分任务型阅读510此项考察学生的理解和运用能力,难度较大 第

2、六部分词汇5根据句意和首字母20 这一项考察的是学生的基本功,只要学生认真学习都可答出,比较容易5综合填空第七部分句型转换5语法点的转换10 此项考察学生的运用能力,注重语法点,难度比较大根据标点重排句子同义句的转换第八部分作文120 此项对于七年级的学生来说难度比较大,考察的面很全,包括单词,短语,句子,语法等等。一、听力部分(一)请听句子,在括号中选出你所听到的单词(A或B)1、Tom likes (A、bananas B、oranges).2、Jackie Chan is a great movie (A、star B、actor).3、I think Beijing Opera is

3、(A、boring B、interesting).4、(A、Who B、Where)is this girl?5、Sally (A、likes B、wants)to eat French fries.(二)请听对话判断正(T)误(F)6、The girl wants to buy breakfast.7、The girls mother likes thrillers.8、The girl wants to see an action movie.9、The girls father doesnt like comedies.10、The girl often goes shopping.(三

4、)听短文,补全信息 Im a beautiful girl. I like eating 11 , pears and 12 . And I often have vegetables and fruit _13_lunch. I think these are 14 for me. Do you like 15 healthy food?二、 单项选择 (15分)( ) 16. Tom likes some _. A. apple B. banana C. broccolis D. salad( )17. What food do you like ?A. Yes ,I like B. No

5、 ,I dont like C. I like carrots D. I like it.( )18. -Would you like _apples ? - No, thanks.A. any B. some C. an D. much( ) 19. Does _like chicken?A. you B. your parents C. John D. Tonys friends( ) 20. Linda _ lunch at school every day.A. have B. has C. eat D. like ( )21. Toms brother _ broccoli.A. l

6、ike B. dont like C. doesnt likes D. likes ( ) 22. Sandra Clark is a _ star.A.run B. running C. runner D. runs( ) 23. I often have vegetables and fruit _lunch.A. of B. for C. at D. in ( ) 24. _ your sister _ French fries?A. do; like B. does; like C. Does; like D. Do; likes( ) 25. My brother doesnt li

7、ke _.A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatoes D. a tomato( ) 26. It is good for us to eat much _ food.A. health B. healthy C. Healthy D. Health( ) 27. Lets read the list _ food.A. at B. in C. of D. on ( ) 28. Look, there _ some chicken on the plate. A. are B. is C. does D. do ( ) 29. We have bought two _ f

8、or the coming party.A. box of apple B. boxes of apple C. box of apples D. boxes of apples( ) 30. The two girls _ like eating eggs.A. does B. dont C. not D. doesnt三、完形填空(15分) Dale and Bruce 31 a good friend .His 32 name is Dave .They like sports .Dave thinks baseball 33 interesting .He 34 it .Bruce a

9、nd Dave like playing tennis .They have a pair of 35 .Tennis 36 relaxing .They 37 play soccer because its difficult .Dale and Dave 38 watch TV because it is boring .Dale and Bruce 39 volleyball . 40 go and play volleyball, OK? ( ) 31.A. have B. has C. are D. is ( ) 32. A. family B. friends C. last D.

10、 first ( ) 33. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 34. A. play B. likes C .like D. plays ( ) 35. A. tennises rackets B. tennis racket C. tennis rackets D. tennises rackets ( ) 36. A. are B. have C. has D. is ( ) 37. A. can B. cant C. dont D. arent ( ) 38. A. can B. cant C. dont D. arent ( ) 39. A. like

11、B. plays C. have D. has ( ) 40. We B. Lets C. Let us D. Let we 四、阅读理解(30分)A I have six baskets. Three are big .Three are small. I have some pears and some oranges .I put three pears in each small basket, and I put three oranges in each big basket and one orange in each small basket. The number of th

12、e oranges is my age. ( ) 41. I have _ pears. A. three B. five C. seven D. nine ( ) 42. I have _ oranges. A. six B. eight C. ten D. twelve ( ) 43. What are those in the three small baskets? _ . A. Nine pears B. Nine oranges C. Three pears and nine oranges D. Nine pears and three oranges ( ) 44. Where

13、 are the pears? _ . A. Three big baskets B. Three small baskets C.A big basket D.A small basket ( ) 45. Do you know how old I am? Im _. A. nine B. ten C. eleven D. twelve B We do the shopping on Sundays. I often go to the supermarket with my mother on Sunday morning in a car. Father likes fruit very much. We buy so


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