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1、军建小学 年级 五年级 科目 英语 “三段六步”教学模式教学设计教材开心学英语课题Unit1 Where were you last month?课型New计划课时3教学目标知识与技能Review of students Book5 Review the sentences and the words.过程与方法Read and write. discuss and talk in pairs情感态度与价值观The students Can use“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was”to ask their p

2、artner and make dialogue freely.教学重点1 Master pronunciation of“o”.2 Can use“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was”to make dialogue freely. 1 Use“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was”to communicate.2 How to use the preposition.教学准备Teaching tools: tape, comput

3、er, objects. picture cards, word cards 板书设计Unit 1 Where were you last month?Where were you yesterday?I was in Canada.What was the food like?It was 教学过程Teaching processTHE FRIST PERIOD(Vocabulary、Review)1. Revision :Say hello to the students Daily report “Today is .Yesterday was.2. Presentation:.Lear

4、n the new words base on the CAI.T disguises “tasty”、“yucky”、“spicy”Read it together and Ss do the action and how to explain those words.Elicit “Whats the food like? food 食物Elicit “good” and “bad” by praising the good Ss and bad Ss.T ask S1 “Where are you today?”Guide S1 to say: “Im at school.”Lend i

5、n “Where were you last night?I was at home.3. Practice :Open their books and listen to Review first, then repeat.Play a game: Ss write down the places and put them in the box, Some of them going to draw lots others ask her or him“Where were you yesterday?”“What was the weather like?”“What was the fo

6、od like ?”Group work4. Conclusion 5 .Homework :Design a picture for each new word and copy them twice.THE SECOND PERIOD(Conversation、Practice1&2、Chant activity)1. Revision Daily report Spelling test2. Presentation:Use the pictures of the countries, have Ss go to different countries, some of them vol

7、untary to answer the questions as to practice the main sentences in this unit.Still use the flags. T demonstrates: I come from China. Where do you come from?Guide S2: I come from China.(twice)Then say: Where did you come from?Elicit: Many places. (many 、place)Listen to the tape first, and then repea

8、t.3 Practice:Finish Practice1T and S3 to demonstrate Practice2Pair workFeedbackT explains, “I walked a long way.” in Chinese.Listen and chant.Redesign the chant.4. Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing.5. Homework: 1.Finish activity2.Finish WorkbookTHE THIRD PERIOD(Sound and words 、chant、Workbo

9、ok)1. Revision:Daily report2. Presentation:T write down “dog”、“clock” underline “o”Have Ss repeat after the T. Then practice the sound.3. Practice:Open the books and listen to the tape. Then repeat.Look at the month and guess the word within rows.2minutes to read by the students.Feedback: T say the

10、words and Ss point to the exactly pictures.Write down “dog、frog、clock、top、tock、shop、knock、jog.Have Ss underline the words.Listen to the chant and repeatGroup competition and find out the winner.Finish Workbook.4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing.5.Homework:Act out conversation.本课通过学生刚过完的寒假生活引入重点句型,学生兴趣浓厚,乐于参与到课堂活动来,学生掌握句型较好,但有一点就是学生分不清were和where,写错或者说错,得通过更多的活动加强训练。另外对于问句和否定句不能用动词过去式学生也常搞错。比如会出现Did you wrote a letter?的错误。


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