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1、Whether children should sign up for tutoring classes?外刊原句素材Benefits of tutoring classes1. Personalized Approach and Pace个性化的方式和节奏Since all children are unique, some are able to learn faster than the average while others need more time to process information. Neither one of the situations is optimal

2、for the children. Skilled tutors can assess each childs learning needs and set the pace necessary to achieve the desired results.由于所有的孩子都是独一无二的,有些孩子学习速度比一般孩子更快,而另一些孩子则需要更多的时间来处理信息。这两种情况对孩子们来说都不是最好的。有经验的培训师可以评估每个孩子的学习需求,并设定必要的学习速度以达到预期的结果。2. Fewer Distractions干扰更少A large classroom environment can be

3、highly distracting, preventing children from being able to use their time wisely. Private tutoring, on the other hand, usually happens in a quiet setting, with fewer distractions. Tutors can give students their full attention, and students can fully focus on the study material.一个大的教室环境可能会让孩子们分心,妨碍他们

4、合理地利用时间。而私人辅导通常在安静的环境中进行,干扰更少。导师可以给予学生充分的关注,学生也可以完全专注于学习材料。3. Better prospects更好的前途One of the main reasons why parents opt for after-school tutoring is the benefits of better future opportunities for their children. Better academic performance can open doors to prestigious colleges and therefore dec

5、ent jobs.父母选择私人课外辅导的主要原因之一是他们的孩子将来有更好的机会。更好的成绩可以为名牌大学和好工作打开大门。4. More than Just the Syllabus Material不仅仅是课程大纲内容Since a tutor can tailor private tutoring sessions to each students needs, they can involve topics and material that is related to the syllabus material but not covered in it. In this way,

6、they can increase childrens interest in the subject and show ways of applying their knowledge in real life.由于导师可以根据每个学生的需要定制私人辅导课程,因此可以涉及与教学大纲材料相关但未涵盖的主题和材料。通过这种方式,他们可以提高孩子们对这门学科的兴趣,并展示如何在现实生活中运用他们的知识。【they可以指代性别未知的单数人称(a tutor)】Drawbacks of tutoring classes1. High Costs高额费用One obvious disadvantage

7、of private tutoring is its costs. Hiring a quality tutor with qualifications and prior experience can be costly, and many families may be unable to afford it.私人辅导的一个明显缺点就是其高成本。聘请一名具有资格和经验的优质导师可能成本高昂,许多家庭可能负担不起。2. Less Time for Extracurricular and Other Activities课外活动和其他活动的时间减少Tutoring takes time, es

8、pecially if students needs to travel to a different location. Therefore, it can occupy the time that could otherwise be spent on doing homework, participating in extracurricular activities and spending their time with family and friends.辅导需要时间,特别是当学生需要去不同的地方时。因此,它可以占用原本可以花在做家庭作业、参加课外活动以及与家人和朋友在一起的时间

9、。3. Children May See It as an Obligation孩子可能会将其视为义务After-school tutoring is often a choice made by the parents rather than by the child. Because of that, the child may feel obligated to go to tutoring sessions rather than actually enjoy them. Hiring a tutor who lacks teaching skills or whose persona

10、lity your child does not get along with can make this issue even worse.课外辅导通常是父母而不是孩子做出的选择。正因为如此,孩子们可能觉得必须去参加辅导课程,而不是真正享受这些课程。聘请一位缺乏教学技能或个性不好的培训老师可能会让这个问题变得更糟。话题词汇及表达积累1. 个性化的方式和节奏_2. 独特的_3. 处理信息_4. 有经验的讲师_5. 学习需求_ 6. 达到预期的结果_7. 给予学生充分的关注_8. 专注于学习材料_9. 学习成绩_10. 名牌大学_ 11. 体面的工作_12. 在现实生活中运用他们的知识 _13. 一名具有资格和经验的优质导师_14. 参加课外活动_15. 感觉必须做某事_4


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