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1、高二定语从句复习一用正确的关系代词填空。1. This is the man _ will go to the south with us tomorrow. who/that2. Whos the boy _ the teacher is talking with? that3. I like the book _ youve sent to me. that/which 4. The old man _ we talked about can speak English well. whom/that5. This is the most difficult job _ weve ever

2、 done. that6. This is the cleverest man _ Ive ever known. That7. I bought all _ was necessary. that8. The old lady _ you met just now is a famous writer. whom/that9. The girl to _ I lent my bike works in a hospital. whom10. All _ come are welcome. that11. This is the girl _ songs you heard last nigh

3、t. whose12. She was the brave woman _ name is known to everybody here. whose13. Thank you for the help _ youve done for me. which/that14. This radio set _ we have had for two years is a good one. which/that15. The next question _ I found difficult to answer was put to me by Mary. that16. All _ is ne

4、eded is more time. that17. Finally, the thief handed over everything _ he had stolen to the police. that18. This is just the place _ we visited last year. that19. The house _ roof was damaged has now been repaired. whose20. These books are for students _ native language is not English. whose21. The

5、second book _ I want to read is Travels in China. that22. The only language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongue. that23. That was the very book _ I wanted. that24. This is the very man _ I have been looking for. that25. This is the place_ Li Bai once visited. that / which二用正确的关系副词填空。1.A room_ we

6、 do experiments is a lab. /where2. This is the office _ our teacher works. /where3. In Beijing, July and August are the months _ it rains very often. when4. Do you remember the day_ we first met? when5. During the Spring Festival I went back to the town _ I was brought up. where6. This is the place_

7、 Li Bai once lived. where7. If a shop has chairs_women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. where8.Its the reason _he is out of work. why9. I havent seen her since the year _ I left Paris. When10.I dont know the reason _Tom is so angry. 三用正确的介词+关系代词填空。1. The doctor _ she sent

8、her friend is very famous. to whom2. Mr. Lee is the professor _ we should learn. from whom3. Do you like any of the music _ youve listened? to which4. The man _ I am sending this parcel is my uncle. to whom5.I have many friends, _ some are businessmen. of whom6. The factory produces half a million s

9、hoes every year, 80% _are sold abroad. of which 7. 13. Many factors influence a student in his/her study, most _ I think are out of a teachers control. of which8. Today the public is much concerned about the way_nature is being ruined . in which9. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ he could s

10、ee what was going on inside house. through which10. This is the magazine _ I copied the paragraph. from which11. The pencil _ _ he wrote was broken. With which12. He built a telescope _ _he could study the skies. Through which13. The woman, _ _I learned the news, is a nurse. From whom14. The wolf_ _

11、 the sheep was killed was shot. by which15. She has three children, all_ _ are at school. Of whom16. There is a tall tree outside, _ _ stands our teacher. Under which17. My glasses, _ _ I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke. without which18. In the dark street, there wasnt a person_ _

12、she could turn for help. to whom19. I was surprised at the way_ _ he treated the old man. in which20. The age_ _ children can go to school is seven. At which21. His bike_ _ he went to work was stolen last night. On which22. Do you know the building_ _ is flying a red flag? On which23. Ours is a beau

13、tiful school, _ _ we are proud. Of which24. The desk_ _ Jack is leaning is Johns. against which25. He bought a book yesterday, the author_ _ is a teacher. Of which四填空。1. Nearly all the streets are in straight lines, running from east to west. Those _ run from north to south are called avenues. Which

14、/that 2. This is the case _ hes had all his money stolen. where 3. The artist will not paint people or animals but he will paint anything _ the little girl asks him to . that4. How did you get in touch with the travel agent, Robin?Oh, thats easy. I surfed the Internet and then called one _ the telephone number is provided. of which


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