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1、初二英语外研版(下)观摩课教案Moduce 4 New technologyUnit 1 If you want to record , press the red button 桑高东 Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims1) To give instructions of using a piece of technology2) To use the key words learnt in this unit in new situations.3) To understand the first conditional clause .2. Abilities

2、aims1) To develop the Ss abilities of listening , speaking and reading .2) To train the Ss ability of working in groups .3) To develop the Ss ability of communication by learning the useful structures . Teaching important points1) Key vocabulary press , button , video , instruction , copy , memory ,

3、 turn on ,lend , recorder , second , come on , lady ,gentleman2) Phraseturn on turn off lend sb sth = lend sth to sb3) Key structures The first conditional clause (1) Teaching Difficult Points :1. Develop the Ss spoken English . Describe how to operate a piece of technology .2. Get the Ss to get eno

4、ugh knowledge about The first conditional clause . Teaching Aids Computer , taper recorder,mobile phone. Teaching procedures Step 1 Revision Revise six kinds of simple sentences(Purpose of my designing :Review learned knowledge )Step 2 Lead in 1、 Show a mobile phone to the Ss ,adding two questions :

5、 1) Do you know what you can use a mobile phone to do? 2) How to use the mobile phones function?2、Let Ss discuss 3、Collect information(In this section, the interest of Ss can be attracted by the real object , lead the Ss into the new knowledge)4、Use the Flash to show the new words.(Give some minutes

6、 to the Ss to read these, the teacher walk around to guide them)Step 3 Listening Do you want to know how to use the video camera ? Tony will tell you the anwers.Listen to the tape twice and check the answers1. What do you do before take your video?2. How do you play back the video ?3. How do you sav

7、e your video?4. Why do you save your video on your computer? ( In this part of listening, train the students listening and speaking )Step 4 Presentation Play a fine piece of music. (Let the Ss relax and lead the Ss into the knowledge ) Ask them a question : Do you like the music? If you want to have

8、 it, you can record. Do you know how to record? Now lets listen to the tape and you will get the answer.Step 5 Listen and read1、 Listen to the tape twice and answer the questions:Why does Sally have the CD recorder?What do they do to find out how it works? How do they know if it is working?Why isnt

9、Sally playing on the recording?Why do they think Chen Huan wants to hear Sally , not KyLie?What do they decide to do?2、 Read freely and then ask the Ss to get into groups of four. Ask them to read the conversation in character.3、 Have some pairs perform the conversation of the class.(By this ,train

10、the students ability of comprehension and oral ability )Step 6 Practice1、 Give the Ss five minutes to fill in the table.2、 Ask the Ss to make a short dialogue with their partners to practice the “if” conditional clause, using the phrases given in the table of Activity 53、 Explain how to use the “if”

11、 conditional clause.4、 Do exercises about the“ if” conditional clause.Model: You are unhappy. If you are unhappy ,ring a friend.1) You are tired.-2) You are hungry.-3) Your hands are dirty.-4) You are not feeling well.- 5) You dont know the answer. -( Further train how to use the if condition clause

12、)Step 7 Act out Show a mobile phone. Let the Ss prepare an instruction for the partner telling how to use mobile phone to send a text message. (Through these, the Ss may be very interested in the new technology. At the same time, the Ss ability of speaking can be developed)Step 8 Sum up When you need to Suppose something, you can use The if condition clause. For example:If you want to go, please tell me . If you want to know more about it , please telephone our teacher.If the green light isnt on ,wait a minute.Step 9 Homework Do exercise on Page 108 in the exercise book.


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