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1、Unit5 Lets eat!第一课时一教学目标与要求:1能够听懂、会说单词some。2. 能够听懂、会说、会认句型Id like some juice, please./Here you are./Have some bread, too.并能在实际情景中灵活运用。二教学重、难点分析:1重点是三会句型Id like some juice, please./Here you are./Have some bread, too.并能在实际情景中灵活运用。2难点是正确区分不可数名词和可数名词。三 .前置性作业:1. Listen to the tape 5 times.2. Review the

2、sentences.3. Underline the words or sentences that you cant say.四.教学设计:一. Before the class.1. Greetings.2. Sing a song.二. New lesson.T: Today well learn Unit5 Lets eat!( Write on the blackboard)三.Learn the new words in your groups.1.Cooperation in groups.Read all the new words and sentences.Listen t

3、o the tape. Group by group. Boys Girls. Number1/2/3/4 together.四Show in class.1. Read the sentences.Id like some bread.Id like some milk.Id like some eggs.Here you are.Thank you. Read the sentences together.2. Listen to the tape.3. Practice in groups.五 Do exercises. Read the new words and sentences.

4、 Unit5 Lets eat!第二课时一教学目标与要求:1. 能够听懂、会说、会认读单词bread, juice, egg, milk.2. 能够听懂、会说句子Mum, Im hungry!二教学重、难点分析:1. 重点是三会单词的掌握。2. 难点是听懂指令并按指令的要求完成相应的动作。三前置性作业:1. Listen to the tape 5 times.2. Review the sentences.3. Underline the words that you cant say.四教学设计:一Before the class.1. Greetings.2. Listen to the

5、 tape.二.New lesson.T: Im hungry. Id like some bread.Read all the new words. 三.Learn the new words in your groups.1. Cooperation in groups Listen to the tape. Read the words and sentences together.四Show in class.1. Ask and answer. What would you like?Id like some juice.What would you like?Id like som

6、e milk.3. Listen to the tape.五.Do exercises. Read the words and sentences. Unit5 Lets eat!第三课时一教学目标与要求:1能听、说、读、写四会字母Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt.2. 能够听懂、会说单词on, orange, pig, pen, queen, quiet, rice, red, six, Sarah, tiger, ten.二教学重、难点分析:1. 掌握四会字母: Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt.2. 字母的正确书写。三前置性作业:1. Listen to the tape 5 tim

7、es.2. Review the words.3. Underline the words that you cant say.四教学设计:一Before the class.1. Greetings.2. Lets do.二New lesson.Lets say the letters.三. Learn the new words in your groups.1.Cooperation in groups.Read all the words: on, orange, pig, pen, queen, quiet, rice, red, six, Sarah, tiger, ten.2.

8、Try to write the letters: Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt.四Show in class.1. Read the new words and letters. Read the words together.2. Listen to the tape.五. Do exercises. Copy the new letters.Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss TtUnit5 Lets eat!第四课时一教学目标与要求:1. 能够听,说,认读新单词cake, fish, rice, water.2. 能够听懂,会说句子Cut the cakes.二教学重、难点分析:1重点

9、是能够听,说,认读新单词cake, fish, rice, water.2难点是正确运用句型Can I have some,please?三前置性作业:1. Listen to the tape 5 times.2. Review the words: mike, juice, egg, bread.3. Underline the sentences and words that you cant say.四教学设计:一Before the class.1. Greetings.2. Listen to the tape.二New lesson.1. Listen to the tape.2

10、. Read together.三.Learn the new words in your groups.1.Cooperation in groups.2. Read the new words and sentences together.3. Teach the difficulties in groups.四Show in class.1. Read the words group by group.2. Listen to the tape.五. Do exercises. Read the words.cake fish rice water Unit5 Lets eat!第五课时

11、一教学目标与要求:能够听懂,会说、会认读句型Can I have some water, please? Youre welcome.并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。二教学重、难点分析:1重点是三会句型的掌握。2难点是理解和运用句型Can I have some water, please?三前置性作业:1. Listen to the tape 5 times.2. Review the words.3. Underline the sentences that you cant say.四教学设计:一Before the class.1. Greetings.2. Lets chant.二N

12、ew lesson.1. T: Can I have some bread? Ss: Here you are. T: Thank you .2. listen to the recorder.三.Learn the new sentences in your groups.1.Cooperation in groups.Teach the difficulties in groups.2. Read all the new dialogue.四Show in class.1. Read the new sentences.Group by group, Number1/2/3/4 toget

13、her.2.Read the dialogue together. Ask and answer in groups.五Development.Make the dialogue.六.Do exercises. Read the new dialogue. Unit5 Lets eat!第六课时一教学目标与要求:1. 复习本单元所学的字母,单词及句型。2. 能够按要求完成Start to read部分的练习。二教学重、难点分析:1重点是Start to read和Lets check部分的内容。2难点是正确理解歌曲中歌词的含义。三前置性作业:1. Listen to the tape 5 ti

14、mes.2. Review the words and sentences.3. Underline the words that you cant say.四教学设计:一Before the class.1. Greetings.2. Lets sing.二New lesson.1. Look at the book.2. listen to the recorder.三. Learn the new dialogue in your groups.Cooperation in groups.Read the story.四Show in class.1. Read the dialogue together.Group by group.2. Listen to the tape.五Do exercises.


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