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1、剑桥五年级下册英语按要求写句子过关专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求改写句子。1Please give me a pear. (同义句转换)Please_a pear_me.2My animal friend can fly. (改为一般疑问句)_animal friend fly?3My sister has a dog. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_your sister_a dog? Yes,_.4She canrun and jump. (对句子主题意思提问)_she_?5It has four legs. (改为否定句)It_four legs?2. 按要求改写句子。1.

2、This ismybag. (对句子主题意思提问)_bag is this?2. She goes to school by bike today. (用tomorrow改写句子)She_to school by bike tomorrow.3. Theyre in the garden. (改为一般疑问句)_in the garden?4. They can play in the classroom. (改为否定句)They_play in the classroom.5. She cleans the bedroom. (改为现在进行时)She_the bedroom.3. 按要求完成下

3、列各题。1Its asunnyday.(对句子主题部分提问)2I likewinterbest.(对句子主题部分提问)_season_like best?3Becausewe can swim in summer.(对句子主题部分提问)_do you like summer best?4is, like, What, weather, the, today(连词成句)5go, every, can, swimming, I, day(连词成句)6Is this English book yours?(肯定句)4. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Whats your favourite food?(

4、按实际情况回答)2. The apples aresweet.(用同类词替换画线部分的单词)3. They are fresh and delicious.(写出其中文意思)4. Whats for breakfast?(按实际情况回答)5. thirsty/am/I(连词成句)6. Id likesome chicken and dumplings.(对句子主题意思提问)5. 按要求做题。1Childrens Day ison June 1st. (对句子主题意思提问)2Will you come to the Easter party? (作否定回答)3I willmake a birth

5、day cardfor my mother. (对句子主题意思提问)4When is your birthday? (根据实际情况回答)5eat, birthday, cakes, on, I, my(.) (连词成句)6. 根据要求写句子。Ilight firecrackersin the Spring Festival.1.翻译句子_2.对句子主题部分提问_3.变为否定句_4.对时间提问_5.变为一般疑问句_7. 按要求写句子。1. He feels sad .(改为否定句)2. I feel happy.(改为一般疑问句)3. My mum is ill in hospital.(改为一

6、般疑问句)4. Amy feels sadbecause her mother is ill.(就句子主题部分提问)5. Your grandma is better now.(改为否定句)8. 按要求改写句子。1. I can ride fast. (改为一般疑问句)2. Can you make cakes? (作否定回答)3. Can you dance? (作肯定回答)9. 句型转换。1. I willtravel to Hangzhouthis summer. (对句子主题意思提问)2. We will travel toQingdao. (对句子主题意思提问)3. We will

7、goby car. (对句子主题意思提问)4. They will go to work. (改为否定句)5. Have a good time! (作出回答)10. 变换句子。1. Whats your favourite fruit?(依据实际回答问题)2. would like what you eat to (?) (连词成句)3. Can you play the guitar? (做否定回答)4. Be careful! (翻译成汉语) 5.Mr Suis our English teacher. (主题意思提问)_is your English teacher?11. 按要求完成

8、句子。(每空一词)1We went to the childrens theatre last week. (用next week替换last week)We_to the childrens theatre_week.2Mum bought a new computer for us. (对句子主题部分提问)_Mum_for you?3Please remember to bring some CDs of Chinese songs. (改为否定的同义句)_bring some CDs of Chinese songs.4My grandma lived in a small house

9、many years ago. (用small的反义词和now改写)My grandma_a_house_.5Sam ate six hamburgers at school. (改为一般疑问句)_Sam_six hamburgers at school?12. 句型转换。1I want to eatsome mooncakes.(根据句子主题意思提问)2This isPeter and Tonysbedroom.(根据句子主题意思提问)3Peters grandfather livesin Beijing.(根据句子主题意思提问)4We sometimes do the housework

10、for the old people.(改为一般疑问句)5My aunts birthday is on the first of August.(改为般疑问句并肯定回答)13. 按要求改写下列句子。1. Peter will weara captomorrow. (对句子主题部分提问)2. No, these books are not mine. (写出问句)3. Dad likes the gardenbecause its very quiet. (对句子主题部分提问)4. Will Alice visit her grandparents this Sunday? (否定回答)5.

11、Wild geese change homesevery year. (对句子主题部分提问)6. This girl will wear glasses in the future. (改为一般疑问句)7. I, will, to, get, up, breakfast, early, and, have, try, (.) (连词成句)14. 句型转换。1Hes a policeman.(改为复数句).2I teach English and write stories. (用she代替I)Sheand.3My uncle isa cook. (对句子主题部分提问)uncle?4Im a t

12、eacher in a international school. (改成否定句)a teacher in a international school?5Billy iscold and wet. (对句子主题部分提问)thewith Billy?15. 句型转换。1. We sawpandas. (对句子主题部分提问)_you see?2. We sawmonkeys. (对句子主题部分提问)_did you see?3. We gave bananas to Monkeys. (改为一般疑问句)_you_to the monkeys?4. We were hungry. (改为一般疑问句)_hungry?5. Was the elephant lovely? (转换成陈述句)The_very lovely.16. 按要求完成句子。1. Are you going to be late? (用will替换be going to)2. Itseight oclock. (对句子主题部分提问)3. I will be home at seven oclock. (用be going to替换will)4. Dad will be homeat 8 oclock. (对句子主题部分提问)5. My father goes to work at sev


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