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1、Section B 3a-42.句型: Can you come to my party? When is it ?及回答语。 . a、看牙医 b、去看电影 c. 为自然科学考试而学习 d、打网球 e、参加堂兄的生日晚会 。2、知识点:回忆现在进行时表示将来的用法,be+doing.例:下星期四我将去看电影。 thank you for 可接名词或动名词。例:谢谢你的帮助。 谢谢你加入我们。 have to 为“不得不,必须”,后加动词原形。例:我每天必须六点钟起床。 Tom 不得不照看他的妹妹。 三、合作探究。1、Thanks a lot for your invitation. 非常 感谢

2、你的邀请。1)Thanks a lot相当于Thank you_.2)Thank you/thanks for +n./v-ing 如:Thanks for your photos . (photos为名词)Thanks for _(帮助)me . 如果说:谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。我们可说:Thank you for your invitation to visit3)invitation 名词, “邀请,邀请书”是动词invite去掉e,加后缀-tion构成。一、句型转换1、She has to help her parents.否定句: 一般疑问句 2、He went to the mo

3、untains last Sunday .(用 next Sunday 改写) 3、I can come to your party.否定句: 一般疑问句: 二完成句子1.他们打算去参加一个聚会.They _ _ _ a party.2.他必须学习,准备数学考试 He _ _ study _ the math _.3.请在假期后给我打电话Please _ _ the _ .4.周五你能来和我们一起看电影吗? Can you _ _ the _ _us _ Friday?5.今天是什么日子? 是十四号 星期一 _ today ? - Its _ _ _Unit 5 Can you come to

4、 my party?Self CheckAmerican ,project ,match,whole ,over,come ,over,free,till(3)重点句子 My American friend is going to visit me next vacation.Can you come over to my house Wednesday evening?一、预习感知自学以下的词组并且译成汉语,然后大声朗读go to the mall really busy on Thursday night a football match a culture club finish the

5、 geography project discuss the science report 二、合作探究。1、come over to my house 到我家来over 作副词或介词,意为“从一边至另一边”come over to表示从一个地方来到另一个地方。come over还有“过来”“顺便来访”的意思他们跑过草地。They ran_ the grass.2、whole 全部的,常放在名词前面。the whole world 全世界,the whole class 全班 我的一生:my whole life =all my life3、I have to help my mom .大家还

6、记得help的搭配吗?请填上介词 help sb sth . 或help sb (to) do sth翻译下列各句。1. Mary能去棒球赛吗? 2. 她必须照顾(babysit)她的妹妹。 3. 我这周真的很忙。 4. 非常感谢你的邀请。 5. 我这周末作业太多。 6. 我后天去大型购物中心。 7. 我不得不帮他打扫他的房间。 8. 我必须练习钢琴。 9. 你能和我一起去购物吗? 10. 当然我很愿意。 Unit 5 Can you come to my party ? 测试题一、根据句意和首字母提示完成句子. 1. Thank you for your i_. Im sorry I can

7、t visit you. 2. Can they go to the c_ ? No, they cant. Theyre going to the party. 3. He has to p_ the piano twice a day. 4. Shes babysitting her sister the W_day. 5. I usually get up early on w_. On weekends I always sleep late. 6. Next week I will be _ (有空的). 7. Thanks for _ (帮助) me. 8. Michel Jord

8、on is a great _(美国的) basketball player.9. He has tennis _(训练) every day.10._ (化学) is my favorite subject.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Thanks a lot for _ ( invite ) me. 2. Please _ ( not talk ) to Jim. Hes doing homework. 3. She _( have ) a computer lesson today. 4. Look! Some people _ ( take ) photos here. 5.

9、 Shed love _ ( go ) with you. 6. Do you have _ ( be ) at home today? 7. My mother is busy _ ( clean ) the room now. 8. Im busy. I have a lot things _ ( do ). 9. We have fun _ ( visit ) the zoo.10. It takes him an hour _ ( listen ) to music.三、 句型转换. 1. He would like to play with us. ( 改一般问句 ) _ he _

10、to play with us? 2. They can play the piano. (对划线部分提问) _ can they _? 3. You should eat something. ( 改否定句 ) You _ _ _. 4. Today is Tuesday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is today? 5. He did his homework last night. ( 变否定句 ) He _ _ his homework last night. 6. Im playing football. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ ? 7. Would you love to play with us ? Yes,_. ( 给出肯定答语 ).四


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