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1、新概念笔记第三册笔记大全spot(做动词时候) = see:强调结果、辨别出、看见、识别、发现。find 强调发现的结果。find out 查出事实的真相。discover 做出重大的发现notice 注意到observe 观察watch 观察活动中的人或物on the spot 1,=at once.2,at the place of the action 在现场wherever she is needed , she is quickly on the spot.in evidence:显而易见.accumulate 强调积累的过程gather 聚集,把某人召集在某处collect 收集,

2、采集assemble 集合,集会, 装配hoard 大量地贮存The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter.amass 积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品)feel obliged to do sth.感觉有必要做某事be obliged to do sth 被迫做某事run after 强调追赶、追求.seek 追寻(梦想,理想)=pursuechase 追赶.be cornered 被逼得走投无路常用于被动语态:The thief was cornered at lastThe problem cornered metrail=follow 跟踪

3、convinced sb. of sth 使sb相信sthsb be convicned sb相信somewhat =a littleat large 1:逃遁的,没有被控制的。2,详细的(in detail)3,总体来讲(as a whole)(An idea)come to sb.某人突然想到了take sth. seriously=deal with sth. seriously 严肃对待某事take sth. lightly: 草率对待某事声称曾经作过某事: claim to have done sthin the possession of sb=in sbs possession

4、归某人所有in possession of sth. 拥有某物take possession of 拥有It is disturbing to think that 一想到就心里不安in a trap 落入陷阱中no more than = only equal:A equal B:None of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.be equal to + n: 有能力做某事 to- 介词recognized sb as 认出某人是whatever: ever 用来坚强语气get used to , be used to do

5、get前调渐进的过程,be强调习惯了的状态 In1,表达惊奇,恐惧,失望或生气等感情色彩的名词搭配连用in surprise; in astonishment;in alarm; in embarrassment; in amazement;in despair; in dismay; in anger; indisappointment2,表达以、用; 用于语言,书写材料,色彩或声音等方面in English; in pencil; in ink ; in a few words; in such a high voice; in oil; in red; in code3,用于状态、情况或

6、处境in trouble; in difficulty; in bed; in a hurry; in debt; in love with sb; in tears; in good order; in good repair; in good health;in por health. in the bad mood; in the good mood; in haste;in a favor of excitement; in poverty; in luxuryrun a shop 经营商店joined at the hip 表示交情极厚的Eg: There two are joine

7、d at the hipshoot from the hip 信口开河Eg: Sorry,i said that i shouldnt have shot from the hipdate from (风俗,习惯)从开始happen to do 强调事情的偶然发生Eg: I happen to have dirven that kind of carIt happens thatEg: It happnes that i met her on my way to workhappen on 巧遇,偶然发现Eg: I happend on this old picture in the back

8、 of the drawer.Guess, who i happend on while i was in london last month?turn out 表明结果 turn out ( to be) + n/adj.Eg: Our part turned out (to be) a successthe concert turned out to be failure.It turned out that 原来是(表示结果)Eg: It turned out that the diamond had been in the bank all the time.as it turns o

9、ut 人们后来发现Eg: As it turns out, there was not need to worry.As it turns out, the report was mistaken.so far,up to now 都是现在完成时的标志beforhand:(a.) 事先= in advance.at this distance of/in time : 时隔已久Eg: I can hardly remember him at the distance of timefar more moneyfar-副词,用来强调语气=muchin the case of: 至于,就而言Eg:

10、 Stealing is no shame in the case of him.in case of: 万一,以防Eg: You should ensure your house in case of firein a simple way: 简单的,简朴的Eg: She was always dressed in a simple way.go to extreme (to do)走极端Eg: He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one.journalist (杂志) 新闻记者reproter (电视台) 记者corre

11、spondent (电台)记者,通讯员sack(俚语) 解雇,辞退Eg: If you do it wrong again you will be sacked.instruct sb. to do sth =tell sb. formally to do sth. 正式告诉某人做某事refuse: 拒绝(态度严厉)decline: 婉言谢绝repudiate: 断然拒绝set out to do sth.=decide and try to do 决定,打算,着手做=set about doingEga: He set out to make his first 1,000,000 in 5

12、 years 倒装简述:not only 位于句首,必须采用倒装形式否定副词位于句首,要倒装。Never have i read such stories.Nowhere can he find the book he wantsHardly did I think it possible.常用的否定副词:never,seledom,rarely,little,hardly,scarcely,nowhere,no sooner含有only的状语位于句首,句子要倒装Only then did he realize that he had made a mistake.Only when a gr

13、eat deal more information has been obtained will it be possible to plan a trip.还有not的副词短语位于句首,要倒装。not for a moment, not in the least , not for an instant,not untilNOt in the least is he interested in Englsh literrature.Not for an instant did i believe he had lied.含有no的短语位于句首,也要倒装。at no tim, in no wa

14、y, in no sence, by no means, in no case, on no account, on no condition , under no circumstances.Under no circumstances can we accpet the check.On no account must you leave the baby in the house.so,suh位于句首,句子也要倒装。smash into: 撞到某处catch: get hold of sth./sb. moving snatch: catch sth./sb suddenly and v

15、iolentlyseize: 强调抓住、抓到的结果grasp: 强调“掌握”hold: 强调抓牢,抓紧grab: seize suddenlyon the background of sth. 以什么为背景挡住了某人的道路 in sbs waymutilate 经常用于被动语态1,毁伤,残害。He was mutilated in he accdient, and now has only one leg.2, 把搞砸了Youve already mutilated the novel by making such changes.chew the fat: 聊天chewed up: 着急的,担心的Dont get chewed up about your exmaination.whiter than white=damaged, mutilated.损坏,残缺不全make a claim 提出索求pay back 1, 把钱归还回去 pay money back2


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