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1、Excuse me. My n ame is Richard Stewart. 对不起,我叫 Richard Stewart ,Im a photographer.我是一位摄影师。May I take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以替你和你的小男孩拍一张照吗?Whats it for?是做什么用的?Its for a book.是为一本书拍的。Youre writing a book?你在写一本书吗?Its a book of pictures.这是一本摄影集。I call it Family Album, U.S.A.我称之为美国写真。Oh

2、, thats a nice idea.噢,这想法不错。Well, its fine if you take our picture.你想拍我们的照,就请吧。Im Martha Vann.我叫 Martha Vann 。Thank you. I appreciate your help.谢谢,很感谢你的帮助。Im Richard. Whats your n ame?我是Richard ,你叫什么?Gerald.Gerald 。How old are you, Gerald?Gerald ,你今年多大啦?Five.五岁。And where do you live?你们住在哪里?We live i

3、n California.我们住在California 。Well, welcome to New York.噢,欢迎你们到纽约来。OK, just a sec ond.好了,请稍等一下。Im almost ready here.我快要准备就绪了。Can I help you?我能帮你忙吗?Oh, please.噢,太好了。Hold Geralds hand, please. Great! 请握住Gerald的手。很好!Now point to the buildi ngs.现在请指着那些建筑物。Terrific!好极了!Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice!Gera

4、ld,亲一亲妈妈,很好!Thank you, Gerald. 谢谢你,Gerald。And tha nk you, Mrs. Vann.谢谢你,Vann太太。Oh, my pleasure.噢,不客气。Well be look ing for your book. 我们会去买你的书。Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 谢谢。再见。 Gerald,再见。Thanks aga in.再次谢谢你。Oh, youre welcome.噢,请别客气。Hey, let me take your picture!嘿!让我给你拍一张照!Won derful. Please.好啊

5、,请。Are you from New York?你是从纽约来的吗?No, Im from Greece.不是,我是从希腊来的。Im an excha nge stude nt. 我是一名交换学生。When did you come here?你是什么时候来这里的?Three mon ths ago.叁个月之前。Your En glish is very good.你的英语说得很好。Than ks.谢谢你的夸奖。I studied En glish in school. 我是在学校里学的英语。Would you like some coffee?要不要来点咖啡?No, tha nk you.不

6、要,谢谢。Tell me about your book.谈谈你的书吧。Oh, its not fini shed yet,噢,它尚未完成,but I have some of the pictures.但我手头有一些照片。Would you like to see them?你要不要看一看?Yes. Id like that.要啊,我想看一看。Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A.就在这里。美国写真,Its an album of pictures of the United States:是关于美国的the cities, the special place

7、s, and the people. 一些城市,一些特别的地方以及人们的摄影选辑。And these are pictures of people work ing:这是工作中人们的照片:steelworkers, ban kers, police, street ven dors,钢架工人、银行职员、警察、街头小贩、ambula nee drivers, doctors.救护车驾驶员、医生等等Oh, this is my father. Hes a doctor.噢,这是我父亲,他是一名医生。This is my mother.这是我母亲。Whats her name?她叫什么名字?Elle

8、 n.Ellen。My you nger brother, Robbie. 这是我弟弟 Robbie ,He goes to high school.他在上高中。This is my sister Susa n.这是我妹妹Susan ,She works for a toy compa ny.她在一家玩具公司工作。Heres my gran dfather. He lives in Florida. 这是我祖父,他住在 Florida。And this is my wife Marilyn. 这是我太太Marilyn 。Oh, shes very pretty.噢,她很漂亮。Than ks.

9、And what about your family?谢谢。那你的家庭呢?They are in Thessal oni ki.他们住在 Thessaloniki,Thats a large city in n orther n Greece.那是希腊北部的一个大城市。But now Im livi ng in the Bronx.但现在我住在 Bro nx区。With a Greek-America n family?跟希裔美国家庭住吗?No. Hispa nic.不是,是西语裔家庭。Oh no! Its five thirty.哎呀,已经五点半了。Will you excuse me?我失

10、陪了,I have to meet my wife.我得去见我太太。It was nice meeting you.非常高兴遇见你。It was a pleasure meeting you, too.我也很高兴碰到你。Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。And good luck! Ive got to go.祝你好运!我得走了。By the way, Im Richard.噢,我忘了说,我叫Richard ,Whats your n ame?你呢?Alexa ndra.Alexa ndra。Bye-bye, Alexa ndra. Than ks. 再见,Alexa n

11、dra ,谢谢。Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag! 再见。Richard ! Richard !你掉了一个旅行袋Excuse me, officer. 对不起,警官。Can you help me?你能帮帮我吗?Sure.当然可以。Can you tell me你能告诉我how to get to Linden Street, i n Riverdale? 怎么去Riverdale的林登街吗?Richard Stewart, 46 Lin den Street,“ Richard Stewart ,林登街 46 号,Riverdale,

12、New York.Riverdale ,纽约”。You should take the n umber 1 subway.你应当搭一路地铁。Is there a station near here?附近有地铁站吗?Yes. The stati ons that way.有。地铁站在那边。You should take the n umber 1 tra in你搭一路车to Van Cortlandt Park.到Van Cortlandt公园下车。Number 1 tra in to Van Cortla ndt Park. Tha nk you.一路车到Van Cortlandt 公园。谢谢

13、。Any time. Good luck.不用谢。祝你好运。Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform.记住,搭一路车,在北线月台。Thank you.谢谢。Youre welcome.不客气。Is this pink too bright for me?我穿粉红色会不会太过鲜艳了?Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink.是的,这种粉红是亮了点。Try this. Its size eight.试试这一件。尺码是八号。But I wear size ten.但我穿十号的衣服。How about gree n?

14、Its size ten.绿的怎么样?它是十号的。Let me try it on.让我试试看。Im tak ing too much of your time.我耽误了你很多时间。Its six oclock. 已经六点了。Wheres my husba nd?我丈夫怎么还没来?I was expecting him here at five forty-five.我们约好了五点四十五在这里会面的。Dont worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. 别担心。这个时间交通很拥挤。I know. But were going to be late for dinn er. 我知道。但我们晚餐可要推迟了。Ill take this green sweater.我买这件绿毛衣吧,I like the color on me, dont you?我觉得这种颜色较适合我,你说呢?I think it looks terrific on you.我觉得你穿上它好极了。Im sorry Im so late.对不起,我迟到了这么久。I had a really bad day.今天真是糟透了。Its ten after six. Were late.现在是六点十分。我们迟了。Robbies cook ing toni ght,


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