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1、6A Unit1 (Part A) 教学方案年级:6年级单元:Unit 1课题:Public signs 课型:新授课教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组cousin, always, mean, danger, grass, cage, only, public signs, stay away from make noise, 2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语There are a lot of signs here. They mean different things. Keep off the grass. Be quiet. 重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:What does it/th

2、is/that mean? It means you/we must/should/shouldnt教 学 过 程第一步:重难点突破T: (PPT 1 显示课题) Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.T: Well, lets start our English lesson of this term, OK?T: OK. First, lets play an interesting guessing game.现在我们一起来热热身,做一个有趣的游戏。在这个游戏中,请你仔细看老师的动作,猜一猜这些动作分别代表什么意思。回答老师提出的问题: What

3、 does this mean? (PPT 2 显示操练句型) (指屏幕,重复,慢 )请大声跟我读如果你猜出来了,就可以回答:It means (指屏幕,重复,慢 ) 请大声跟我读 好,现在我们就来试一试吧!T: Now watch me carefully. (做一个叫别人过来的手势) What does this mean?T: Yes! It means Come here”. And what about this one?(做牙疼状) What does this mean?T: Right! It means Ive got a toothache. Now try again.

4、(做跑步状) What does this mean?T: Clever! It means Im running. Now you can play this game, too. 现在你也可以和同学玩一玩这个游戏,请记住要用的句子是:What does this mean? 和It means (活动时间2分钟)(学生互问互答,展示游戏问答对话)S1: (做游泳状) What does this mean?S2: It means swim”.S1: (做快速游泳状) What does this mean?S2: It means swim fast”.S3: (做停止手势) What

5、does this mean?S4: It means Stop”.S4: (竖起大拇指) What does this mean?S3: It means Great”.T: They did a good job. What about you? 你呢?(本步骤设计说明:本节课课文对话生词较多,对话中反复出现新句型What does it mean? It means 学生感觉比较陌生,在理解时会产生困难。教师通过此游戏不仅可以活跃课堂气氛,还可以渗透和帮助学生理解本课新知识,减轻后面学习课文的难度。)第二步:课文学习1 T: Well, boys and girls. Do you li

6、ke this game? Now, lets meet a little boy. Look! (PPT 3 显示男孩头像图) Do you know him?T: No? 那我们就一起来读读他的自我介绍吧!Now please read this. (PPT 出现字幕)Hi, my name is Jack. Im four years old. Im Bens cousin. I usually go to the park at the weekends. And I always have a lot of questions. (学生读字幕内容 半分钟)T: Do you have

7、 any new words? Now read after me. (PPT 4点出单词,带读cousin和always,教)T: OK.读完了Jack的自我介绍,现在你能向大家介绍介绍他吗?(PPT 5显示介绍内容和提示词) You can begin with: This is Jack. He is T: Who can? S1: Let me try. This is Jack. He is four years old. Hes Bens cousin. He usually goes to the park at the weekends. And he always has a

8、 lot of questions. T: Well done! (PPT 6 出现前言) Now please read this and answer my questions: (PPT 7 出现3个问题) 请你也来读一读,找到这三个问题的答案。Q1: Where is Jack now?Q2: What does he see?Q3: What is he doing? (学生读前言, 半分钟)T: OK. The first question: Where is Jack now? ( 稍停顿,PPT 8点出答案:He is in the park now.)T: OK. The s

9、econd question: What does he see? ( 稍停顿,PPT 9点出答案:He sees some public signs.)T: Do you know public signs? Let me show you some public signs. (PPT 10出现若干公共标志) These are all public signs. 这些都是公共标志。Now read after me (带读,教)T: OK. And the third question: what is jack doing now? ( 稍停顿,PPT 11点出答案:He is ask

10、ing Ben some questions about them.)T: Now can you try to read this?现在你能试着来读一读前言部分吗?注意生词cousin, always和public signs的读音。Please.(PPT 12 显示前言 阅读时间 半分钟)2 T: OK. Now we know Jack is asking Ben some questions about the public signs. What public signs can he see? 现在我们已经知道Jack正在问Ben一些有关公共标志的问题,请听录音,选出Jack在公园

11、里看到的标志。(PPT 13 再次出现若干公共标志 ) Are you ready? Lets go. (播放课文录音 1分钟)T: OK. 你找到正确答案了吗?请你来看看你的答案和老师的答案一致吗?(PPT 14 显示正确标志)T: Are you right? OK. Jack can see these three public signs, and he always has the same question about them. And that is - PPT 14 出现问题:What does it mean?)Jack对他看到的公共标志总有一个问题-What does i

12、t mean? Now please listen and answer. 请仔细听对话,试着说一说这些标志的含义。(再播放课文录音 1分钟)3 T: OK. Can you tell me the meaning of the signs in English? 现在你能告诉我这些标志各自代表的意思了吗?First this one (PPT 15 显示第一个标志) What does it mean? (稍停)T: Good! It means Danger Read after me ( 点出标志意思Danger, 显示中文意思,带读, ) This sign means-Danger!

13、 Look, if we see this sign on a building, what we should do? (点出句子+中文) 如果我们在建筑物上看见这个标志,应该怎么做呢? Should we go in to the building?T: Of course not. We should stay away from the building. (点击出现句子,带读词组stay away from 和句子)4 T: Good! What about this one? (PPT 16 显示第二个标志)What does this mean?T: it means-Keep

14、off the grass. (点出标志意思, 显示中文意思,带读, ) So if we see this sign on grass, what should we do? T: Well, we shouldnt walk on the grass, understand? (点击出现句子,带读 shouldnt和句子)5 T: And what about this sign, can you ask this two questions for me together? 现在你能试试问我这个标志的含义吗?( PPT 17显示句子:What does it mean? What sho

15、uld we do?)T: Good! It means we should not make noise. (点击出现句子,带读 make noise和句子)6. T: Now please talk about these public signs. 请你来就这些公共标志进行交谈,(PPT 18显示对话所用句型) 记得你可以使用的语言是:What does it/this mean? It means What should we do? We should 请你开始吧!(操练时间 1分钟)7 T: Good! Not lets listen and repeat. (PPT 19-21 显示课文内容,放录音学生跟读 每句间停顿,教单词cage)8 T: Please read the text. 请你也来自己读一读课文吧!注意本课的生词和词组。(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师利用Jack这个新人物引入课文,让学生通过初步的转述自己了解人物Jack, 自然进入主题,然后通过选出标志


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