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1、How tall are you?教学设计 Part A Let s learn / Let s play / Let s start /Lets sing )教学目标:(一)知识目标:1、使学生能听、说、读、写有关比较级的单词older、younger 、shorter、taller 、stronger。2、知道than是比较的意思,than前面要用形容词比较级(v-er)。3、了解cm、kg分别表示长度和重量单位,并知道它们的读音,会回答句型:How tall are you? How heavy are you?(二)能力目标:1、使学生初步掌握比较级的用法及句型。2、使学生知道形容词比

2、较级变化的一般规律。3、使学生能在一定的情境中自觉运用所学新知识。(三)情感目标:培养学生分析观察能力,知道要关爱身边的人,爱父母要从生活中的小事做起。教具准备:图片、卷尺、钓鱼杆。教学过程:Step 1.Warm-up ( revision )(1) Sing a song. Whats your favorite season?(2)Game: guess the numbers.(3) Lets do:Step2. Presentation (practice)older/ younger的教学1.The panda is The bear is Strong -strongerThe

3、bear is stronger.The bear is stronger than(比)the panda.2. Yao Ming is tall. Liu Xiang is tall. Yao Ming is taller.Yao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang.How tall is he? Hes cm tall. 教学长度单位cm=centimeterHow tall is Yao Ming?Hes 226cm .He is 38cm taller than him. He is 38cm taller than him. 3. Who is taller

4、? (Li Lianjie &Cheng Long)4.Whos older? (Li Lianjie &Cheng Long)5. Whos younger? (Li Lianjie &Cheng Long)6. Now lets play a game. Guess:How old am I? If your number is more than my age, I will tell you older. If your number is less than my age, I will tell you younger. Lets see who can guess quickly

5、.7.Its my turn now. You should ask me and say older or younger to help me. (出示图片)先请学生猜老师的年龄,假如学生猜出的年龄比老师的实际年龄大,老师就说older , older, 假如比实际年龄小,老师就说younger , younger。然后由老师猜图片上小男孩的年龄,全班学生说older, younger来提示老师是否猜对。最后,由两位学生分别猜中年男人和老奶奶的年龄,全班学生通过说older, younger 来提示。Step 3. Consolidation:1. Lets compare:2. Lets

6、 talk3. Good to know).4. Lets try.Step 4. Homework (extension )I think every father and every mother can remember their Childrens birthday, height, weight and age clearly. But some of the children often forget these of their parents. So todays homework:1. Ask your parents and finish the form. Then say something about your parents.Name Age Height WeightFather cm kgMother cm kgis older than is taller than is stronger than2. Remember these numbers forever. Give your father or mother a surprise on their birthdays.3. Copy the new words for eight times each, and write the Chinese meanings once.


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