2020人教版新目标八年级上 Unit 8 同步练习资料包Unit 8 单元检测 1

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《2020人教版新目标八年级上 Unit 8 同步练习资料包Unit 8 单元检测 1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020人教版新目标八年级上 Unit 8 同步练习资料包Unit 8 单元检测 1(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料单元测试Listening(略)Using LanguagePut the words into the correct column.Choose the correct word in the sentence.1First _ three bananas.2Then _ the bananas.3_ the bananas in the blender.4Next _ the milk into the blender.5_ the blender.6Now _ the smoothie.Put the word in its correct order.1

2、ogrtuy _ 2aadls_3reykut _ 4ooeimtsh_5ieepcr _ 6zaizp_7eenldrb _ 8aimnnnoc_9rtnu no _ 10ansooept_Fill in the blanks.1Put the mayonnaise on a _ of bread.2How many _ of cinnamon did you put in the fruit salad?3I like _ on my turkey sandwich.4You have to _ the onions,then add them to the salad.5_ the mi

3、lk into the blender.6Put the apples and bananas into the _, then add the cinnamon and yogurt.Put the words in the correct order.EXAMPLE: are What doing you? What are you doing?1make salad lets fruit_2apples we need many do how?_3you pizza make how do?_4the into the popper popcorn popcorn put_5up and

4、 peppers cut mushrooms_6a for great sandwich heres recipe a turkey_7put on slices bread first mustard two of_8the hot then pour water blender into_Fill in the blanks with“How many”or“How much”.1_ bananas do we need?2_ yogurt do we need for the smoothie?3_ apples did you put in the salad?4_ cinnamon

5、do we need for this recipe?5_ mayonnaise is on the sandwich?6_ onions did you cut up for the pizza?Choose the correct answers.1_ apples do we need to make salad?AHow many BHow much CHow long2First, _ two bananas,then put them in the blender.Acut Bpeel Cmake3We have to _ the apples.Aeat Bpour Ccut up

6、4 Do we need to _ water into the bowl? Yes,we do.Aput Bpour Cpeel5Be careful when you _ the blender.Aturn on Bturn off Cturn into6 Are these _ necessary to make a pizza? Of course.Aingredients Bingredient Cmany ingredients7 What should I do next? Next you should _ everything into a blender.Amix Bmix

7、 over Cmix up8Next,pour a cup of honey _ the bread.Ainto Bon Cto9_ you have all the ingredients.ACheck BChecking CChecked10Put two _ of sugar into the water.Acup Bcups Ccups ofCloze Test.Jack: Hi,Jim! What are you going to do next Sunday?Jim: 1 much. Why?Jack: We are going to pick pears 2 the farm.

8、Can you go with us?Jim: Thats a good 3 ! I think its much more exciting than 4 .Jack: I agree 5 you.Jim: 6 are we going there?Jack: We are going there 7 bus.Jim: When and where are we going to 8 ?Jack: 9 the road outside my house,at eight oclock next 10 morning.Jim: OK. See you then.Jack: See you.1A

9、VeryBTooCNothingDSomething2AonBinCtoDof3AideaBwayCquestionDwork4Ahave classesBhaving classesCgo to schoolDat school5AtoBinCwithDon6AWhenBWhereCHowDWhy7AinBonCwithDby8AseeBmeetClookDwatch9AOnBInCAtDTo10AMondayBSaturdayCSundayDFridayReading Comprehension. Li Ping is going to England. He wants to know

10、something about English people. One day he sees an English girl in the street. Then he comes up to her. “Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?” “Of course you may.”answers the girl politely(礼貌地). “Ill go to London. What should I notice(注意)when Im talking with English people in London? ”asks Li Pi

11、ng. “Well, dont ask a woman how old she is and” “But how old are you? ”Li Ping stops the girl and asks suddenly(突然). “I”The girl gets angry(生气的). “Why do you get so angry?”asks Li Ping. “Now we are in China, not in England, you see”Choose the correct answer:1What does Li Ping want to know?AHe wants to know the girls name.BHe wants to


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