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1、8B Unit4一、重点词组、句型1. 一本好读物 a good read 2. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 3. 做什么 what to do= how to do it 4. 把他们给我 give them to me= give me them 5. 不得不做某事 have to do sth. 6. 够着盒子 reach the box 7. 完成一个关于阅读习惯的调查 complete a survey on reading habits 8. 一本关于德国的书 a book about Germany 9. 第二次世界大战 World War II 10. 对某

2、事感兴趣 be interested in sth. 11. 增长我对过去的认识 improve my knowledge of the past 12. 在你空闲的时间里 in your spare time 13. 小说和戏剧 novels and plays 14. 一本由法国作家写的小说 a novel by the French writer 15. 丑陋的男人 the ugly man 16. 使某人很感动 touch sb. 17. 撞到岩石上 crash against the rocks 18. 尽可能游 swim as far as I can = swim as far

3、as possible 19. 筋疲力尽 be tired out 20. 跌倒在沙滩上 fall down on the beach 21. 被固定在(系在/捆在)地上 be tied to the ground 22. 把某人/ 某物捆在上 tie sb/ sth to 23. 和我的小手指一样大 the same size as my little finger 24. 这个极小的人 this tiny person 25. 开始在我全身上爬 start climbing all over me 26. 继续在我的身上移动 continue moving across my body 2

4、7. 挣脱出一只手 pull one hand free 28. 设法成功弄断绳子 manage to break the ropes 29. 把我的左手举到空中 lift my left hand into the air 30. 看到一大群极小的人 see a huge army of tiny people 31. 径直向我走来 come straight towards me 32. 逃离他们 run away from them 33. 用绳子把东西捆在一起 hold things together with ropes 34. 爬上格列佛的身体 climb onto Gullive

5、rs body 35. 站在某人的肩膀上 stand on ones shoulder(s) 36. 与小人们交流 communicate with the small men = have an communication with the small men 37. 用你自己的语言讲故事 tell the story in your own words 38. 建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth 39. 自学 teach oneself = learn sth by oneself 40. (向某人)推荐如此多有趣的书 recommend so many interes

6、ting books (to sb ) 41. 在如此短的时间内 in such a short time 42. 上交 hand in 43. 等等 and so on 44. 在写之前读一些有关这本书的评论 read some reviews about the book before writing 45. 把书归还给图书馆 return the book to the library = give the book back to the library 46. 按时,准时 on time 及时 in time 47. 不必,不需要 dont have to do = neednt d

7、o 不允许,禁止 mustnt do 一定是(表示肯定的猜测)must be 不可能(表示否定的猜测)cant be 48. 每次 every time 49. 在线续借这些书 renew the books online 50. 一位英国的作家 a British writer = a writer from the Britain 51. 在去伦敦的旅行中有了写第一本哈利波特故事的想法 get the idea for the first Harry Potter story on a trip to London 52. 这个系列中最后一本书 the last book of the s

8、eries 53. 到目前为止(或直到现在) so far = till / until now = up to now 54. 做的笔记 make some notes of 55. 一位加拿大作家 a Canadian writer 56. 在刚开始的时候 in the very beginning 57. 每次,一次 at a time = each time = every time 58. 学校图书管理员 the school librarian 59. 匆忙去一家餐馆 hurry to a restaurant = go to a restaurant in a hurry 60.

9、 在一方面, 在另一个方面 on the one hand , on the other (hand) 61. 发现它们真得令人兴奋 find them really exciting 62. 航海去寻找隐藏的宝藏 sail the sea to look for hidden treasure 63. 书中的主人公 the main character in the book 64. 给我很多自信 give me a lot of confidence 65. 将来有令人兴奋的经历 have exciting experiences in the future 66. 接受书作为礼物 receive books as gifts 67. 向某人寻求有关书籍的建议ask sb. for advice on books 68. 从得到我大多数的书 get most of my books from 69. 在我家对面 (be) opposite my home 70. 为我开启一个全新的世界 open up a whole new world to me 71. 阅读习惯 reading hadits 72. 中国古典四大小说 the four great classical Chinese novels


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