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1、UNIT FOUR Where is my car?(lesson 1)一Teaching contents and analysis:1、能听懂会说:日常用语Wheres.? 及其 Its in/on/under.2、让学生学会提问和回答物品所在的位置能在实际情境中运用.二Teaching main points:能够运用本课所学的重点词语进行简单描述,用Where is.?/Its in/on/under.来询问和回答物品所在的位置.三Teaching difficulties:under的发音,需要多次练习;Where is my.一句与后面表示某物的单词的连贯朗 读,并能熟练询问物品所

2、在位置。四Teaching aids:单词卡片,学习用品,教学挂图,录音机五Teaching designStep 1, Warm-up1、师生日常用语问候Good morning,boys and girls.How are you?评价:Very good ,you are very clever .I like you.2、Lets do Show me your . Put your . on/in/under.Step2, PresentationLets learn 1、创设情境,引出教学内容。Boys and girls,Lets begin our English class

3、now. Uh-oh!Where is my English book? I cant find it. Can you help me?师做找的动作:Where is my English book?On the desk ?生:No. In the desk ?生:No.师:Uh-oh!Look,Its under the desk.拍拍自己的头:silly me.2、教育学生正确放置物品Where are your English book?On the desk ?Yes,you are good boys and girls .You put your things in the r

4、ight places.3、教师把一些学习用品放在不同的地方,如:铅笔盒放在讲桌内,铅笔放在书本下面等。 然后教师对学生说:I cant find my pencil box. Where is it?引导学生回答“在桌子里”,教师说:Yes.Its in the desk.教师板书并教读句子Where is my pencil box?和Its in your desk.4、教师把找到的铅笔盒打开,拿在手上,说:Uhoh!Where is my pencil?引导学生回答出“在书下面”。教师按照学生提示移开书本,说:Oh,yes!Its under the book!教师板书并教读句子Whe

5、re is my pencil?和Its under your book!5、教师可用book,ruler,pen等学习用品与学生进行替换练习,巩固学生对句型的掌握,如: T:Where is my book? S:Its in your desk. T:Where is my ruler? S:Its under your book!6、展示学习Lets talk。(1)出示Lets talk 图片:Shool is over .Zhang Peng and John will go home . 板书“Lets go home.”领读。 Just then ,something happe

6、n. Please,listen carefully and answer the questions.Where is Zhang Pengs pencil box? Where is Zhang Pengs pencil?(2)听Lets talk并跟读。(3)学生自读、集体分角色读、小组内分角色读Lets talk。(4)学生小组合作模仿对话内容,到台前表演。(学生拿出自己的铅笔盒,他们可以选择自己喜欢的学习用品,放在铅笔盒或桌子的里面或上面,用in,on,under进行如下对话: A:Where is my pencil? B:Its in the pencil box.)Step3,

7、 Practice完成A部分Lets play活动。教师准备三个夹子,第一个夹子装有文具类图片,第二个夹子装有in,on,under三个词,第三个夹子装有desk,chair图片。教师自己在第一个夹子中抽出一张图片贴在黑板上Where is my?句子中的省略号的位置上,然后请两位学生分别从第二个箱子和第三个箱子抽出一张图片,分别放在Itsthe中省略号的位置上,请全班读出这些奇怪的句子。Step4, Assessment1. 师生一起看板书,引导学生根据板书设计总结本节课的重点,总结过程中关注学生能否熟练认读和是否会应用所学语言。2. 小组自评互评。Step5, Blackboard Writing Unit4 Where is my car? Part A Lets learn . Where is my pencil box? Its in your desk. on under


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