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1、Unit3-4综合练习卷姓名: 班级:听力部分 (40%)一、听选单词 8( ) 1.A. penB. pencilC. bag( ) 2.A. behindB. besideC. under( ) 3.A. treeB. chairC. train( ) 4.A. caseB. nameC. cat( ) 5.A. sleepB. eatC. three( ) 6.A. drinkB. dressC. desk( ) 7.A. hereB. whereC. there( ) 8.A. awayB. whatC. where二、听句选单词 8( ) 9.A. inB. onC. under(

2、) 10.A. myB. herC. she( ) 11.A. pearB. pearsC. a pear( ) 12.A. familyB. fatherC. fat( ) 13.A. ofB. atC. for( ) 14.A. openB. closeC. sit( ) 15.A. cakeB. cakesC. eggs( ) 16.A. isB. notC. isnt三、听选中文 8( )17.A. 看那本书。B. 看那只鸟。C. 看那个文具盒。( )18.A. 它在树上。B. 它在树下。C. 它在树后面。( )19.A. 给你。B. 你在哪里?C. 你喜欢什么?( )20.A. 椅子

3、在哪里?B. 课桌在哪里?C. 书包在哪里?( )21.A. 我的钢笔在那里。B. 我的钢笔不在那里。C. 我的钢笔是黑色的。( )22.A. 它不是Bobby。B.她不是Bobby。C.他不是Bobby。( )23.A.这是一支蜡笔吗?B.那是一支蜡笔吗?C.蜡笔在哪里?( )24.A.请关门。B.请开门。C.请关窗。四、听句应答 6( )25. A. OK.B. Im sorry.C. Yes, I am.( )26.A. Its on the chair.B. Its an ice cream.C. Its under the chair.( )27.A. Yes, it isnt.B.

4、 Yes, it is.C. No, it is.( )28.A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, she is.( )29.A. I can see a tree.B. I like trees.C. Yes, it is.( )30.A. Im five.B. Im fine.C. Im ten.五、听力填空 101. Where is your ? Is it your desk. No, it isnt. Is it your ? Yes.2. Look my coat! How beautiful! Can I a look ? OK. you .

5、笔试部分 (60%)二、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F。541. ( )A. rabbitB. red42. ( )A. deskB. bed43. ( )A. chairB. where44. ( )A. hereB. there45. ( )A. rubberB. ruler三、单词归类546.( )A. rulerB. pencilC. closeD. pen47.( )A. doorB. deskC. openD. chair48.( )A. ballB. dollC. birdD. toy car49.( )A. sleepB. inC. underD. o

6、n50.( )A. fatherB. friendC. motherD. sister四、中英文互译851. 在桌子下面 52. 我的钢笔 53.在门背后 54. 你的橡皮 55.吃和喝 56. 在树上 57.Wheres my lunch box? 58. How beautiful! 五、根据句意和括号中所给的中文填空559.What are these? They are .(蜡笔)60. Whats that .(在那边)61. Is this your ?( 椅子)62. I can see two balls (on的反义词) the table.五、单项选择 10( )63.Th

7、is hot dog is for you,Lingling._. ANo. B.Thank you C.Yes,it is.( )64.This is _ pen. A.my B.he C.she( )65._ your ruler? A.What B.How C.Wheres( )66. -Dont _ pies in class. -Im sorry. A. eat B. drink C. talk( )67.A red robot _ a ruler. A.have B.as C.has( )68.What a _ pencil ! A.my B.nice C.your( )69. T

8、he doll is in_ desk. A. you B. me C. my( )70.Is that parrot? No, isnt A. you, it B your, he C. your, it( )71. Look at the bird_ the tree. A. on B. in C. at( )72. Look at _ , please. A. he B. I C. me六、情境选择 5( )73.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:A. Im sorry. B This is your book. C. This isnt my book.( )74.当你想询问别人

9、那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:A. That is your pen. B. Is that your pencil? C. Is that your pen?( )75.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说:A. Whats that? B wheres my rubber? C. Wheres my ruler?.( )76.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:A. This is for you. B. Thank you. C. Is this for you?( )77.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:A. Wheres my car? B Its over there. C. Th

10、at is your book.七、按要求写句子 778. He is a doctor.(改写否定句) He doctor.79. Open the window, please.(改写否定句) the window, please.80. The book is in the bag. (对划线部分提问) the book?81. This is a nice ruler. (对划线部分提问) this?82. This is my pencil. (改写一般疑问句,并写出否定回答) this pencil? No, it .83. 你想要一本英语书吗? you an book?84. 请

11、不要在图书管理大声说话。Please dont shout in the .九、改错10( )85.This is a book? _ A B( )86.Here you is. _ A B( )87.Look at the skirt.What beautiful! _ A B( )88.Wheres SuHai?Hes over there. _ A B( )89.Is this you pencil case? _ A B十、阅读理解,判断句子的对错。对的写T,错的写F。 5Kitty: Good morning,Mary.Mary: Good morning, Kitty. Wheres my ruler?Kitty: What colou


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