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1、【人教广东版创新设计】2021高考英语一轮复习提能训练Unit 2English around the world.词汇运用1We all went to see the film,_(包括我在内)2The tiger is _(产于) India.3The mother asked us not to talk about her daughter _(当着她的面)4The audience _ that the singer _(要求他再唱) again.5The book is _(公认) a great work.6Nobody obeyed the teachers _(停止聊天的命

2、令)7The film _(以为根底) a novel by DH.Lawrence.8_(提出了许多建议) at yesterdays meeting.9When the police arrived,the crowd ran away _(朝四面八方)10Where are you from? I cant _(听出你的口音)答案:1.including me2.native to3.in her presence4.requested;should sing5.recognized as6 mand to stop chatting7.is based on8.A lot of adv

3、ice came up9.in all directions10.recognize your accent完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。Grandfathers ClockIn the dining room of my grandfathers house stood a heavy grandfathers clock.Meals in the dining room were a _1_for our four generations to become one.The grandfathers clock alway

4、s stood like a trusted old family friend,_2_us playing jokes and telling stories,which was already a _3_of our life.As a child,the old clock interested me.I watched and listened to it during _4_.I was surprised how at _5_times of the day,the clock would strike three times,six times or more,with a wo

5、nderful great _6_that echoed(回音)throughout the house.The clock chimed year after year,a part of my _7_,a part of my heart.Even more _8_to me was my grandfathers special action each day.He carefully _9_the clock with a special key each day.The key was magic to me.It _10_our familys magnificent clock

6、ticking and _11_all year round.After my beloved grandfather died,it was several days after the _12_before I remembered the clock!“Mama!The clock has wound down!The _13_washed my cheeks when I entered the dining room.The clock stood hopelessly as serious and _14_as the funeral ceremony had been.Not q

7、uite as magnificent without my grandfathers _15_touch.I couldnt bear looking at it.Years later,it worked again.In the movement of the hands of the clock,my grandfather lived again.【解题导语】 记叙文。作者通过写爷爷的闹钟来纪念已故去的爷爷。1A.time Bpossibility Cproblem Dpleasure解析:a time一段时间(时光、光阴);信息词become one成为一体,聚集一堂。在这个餐厅里

8、一日三餐是我们一家四代人聚集一堂的时候。答案:A2A.seeing Bhearing Cwatching Dlooking解析:爷爷的闹钟总是坐在那里,像一位可以信赖的家庭朋友一直守护(watch)着我们开玩笑讲故事,这已经是我们生活内容的一局部。答案:C3A.start Bpart Csignal Dmark解析:根据第1段第23句判断,一日三餐全家人四代欢聚一堂吃饭的过程中,才有这种开玩笑讲故事的经历。开玩笑讲故事,这已经是我们生活内容的一局部(part)。答案:B4A.stories Bjokes Cperiods Dmeals解析:信息词见第1段第2句Meals in the dini

9、ng room.。当我还是个小孩子的时候,这座老钟使我感兴趣,在吃饭期间(during)我注视着这座钟聆听它的声音。答案:D5A.busy Burgent Chappy Ddifferent解析:根据下文和生活中有关闹钟的常识判断。我感到奇怪的是在一天当中不同的时候这座钟是如何敲响3下、6下、或者更多下。答案:D6A.shock Bsound Csong Dmusic解析:信息词the clock would knock.与echoed。闹钟发出的奇妙的宏大的声音(sound)在满屋里回荡。答案:B7A.memories Bminds Ccomfort Dinformation解析:闹钟年复一

10、年地打钟报时,留在我的记忆里,也留在我的心田里。答案:A8A fortable Bhopeful Cwonderful Dskillful解析:信息词第2段的第1句the old clock interested me与第2句中的surprised。甚至使我感到更加惊奇的(wonderful)是爷爷的习惯性动作。答案:C9A.opened Bwound Cturned Dstarted解析:wind(wound,wound)vt.上发条。他每天用一个专用的钥匙小心翼翼地给闹钟上发条。答案:B10A.made Bcontrolled Ckept Dfixed解析:在我看来,这个钥匙是有魔力的,因

11、为它一年到头都能够保持我们的辉煌的闹钟作滴答声和打钟报时。答案:C11A.singing Bstanding Cknocking Dstriking解析:信息词见第2段.the clock would strike three times.。这把钥匙使闹钟一年到头不停地作滴答声和打钟报时。答案:D12A.funeral Bdeath Cgeneration Dceremony解析:在我心爱的爷爷去世之后,葬礼结束之后过了好几天,我才记起这座闹钟。答案:A13A.tears Bsweats Chair Dwater解析:wind down(使)发条放松下来。我们已经让闹钟停下来了。当我走进餐厅的

12、时候,我已经泪流满面。答案:A14A.attractive Bquiet Cnoisy Dmagnificent解析:闹钟绝望地伫立着,像葬礼仪式一样肃静(quiet)。答案:B15A.brave Bspecial Ckind Dstrong解析:根据第811空的语境判断。如果没有爷爷每天专门去给它上发条,闹钟就显示不出同样的华美。答案:B阅读理解(2021九校高三联考)Qian Xuesen is one of the pioneers of Chinas space science. As a worldfamous expert on aerospace rockets and aero

13、dynamics,he obtained great achievements in the areas of applied mechanics,engineering cybernetics and system engineering and made distinguished contributions to the foundation and development of Chinese aerospace undertaking(事业)Graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934,Qian Xuesen went to

14、the United States to study in MIT,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,one year later. After receiving masters degree in MIT,he went to study in California Institute of Technology and received PhD degrees in both aerospace and mathematics.In 1955,six years after the founding of Peoples Republic of

15、China,Qian Xuesen returned to his motherland. His return brought China the hope of developing space science and its own missiles.In 1956,Qian Xuesen put forward “Proposal on the Development of Chinas Aviation Industry for National Defense. With the support from Zhou Enlai,the premier,and marshal Nie Rongzheng,Qian Xuesen began to prepare for the establishment of Chinas f



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