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1、 新概念英语单词第3册Lesson31:A lovable eccentric可爱的怪人【单词搭配】 a lovable kitten得意的小猫【单词例句】His vicious temper made him an unpopular man.他的坏脾气让他成为一个不太受欢送的男人。 eccentric k”sentrk; ek-n.(行为)奇怪的人 disregard dsr”gd v.不顾,无视【单词扩大】ignore不顾【单词搭配】in disregard of不顾【单词例句】We cannot disregard his coming late to work so often.对他

2、上班常常迟到,我们不能不管。 convention kn”ven()nn.习俗,风俗 【单词扩大】custom风俗【单词搭配】local conventions当地风俗【单词例句】It”s a matter of convention that businessmen should wear suits.商人应当穿西装,这是惯例。 conscious ”kns adj感觉到的,意识到的 【派生词】consciousness意识,觉悟【单词搭配】be conscious of意识到【单词例句】He is badly hurt but still conscious.他伤得很熏,但神钾还糊涂。 i

3、nvariably n”verbl adv.总是,常常地 routine ru”tin常规,惯例,常规的【单词扩大】tradition惯例【单词搭配】daily routine曰常工作【单词例句】The security men changed their usual routine and collected the money at a different time.保安人员转变了他们的通常做法,在不同的时间取款。 shrewd rudadj精明的 eccentricity ,eksen”trst 怪癖legendary ”led()nd()r adj.传奇般的【单词搭配】a legend

4、ary fgure传奇人物【单词例句】A:He is a household legendary figure.A:他是个家喻户晓的传奇性人物。B:Yes,most of my friends know his story.B:是的,我大局部的朋友都知道他的故事。 snob snb 势利小人,谄上欺下的人 intense n”tens adj.剧烈的【派生词】intension强度【单词搭配】intense pain剧痛 Intense heat炎热【单词例句】He finally escaped after intense struggle.经过猛烈的挣扎她最终逃脱了。 bedraggled

5、bi”drld adj.拖泥带水的,又脏又湿的 【单词例句】She looked rather bedraggled.她看上去邋里邋遢的样子。 dump dmp v.把砰的一声抛下 apology ”pld n.赔礼【派生词】apologize赔礼【单词例句】A:Please forgive me for my impoliteness.A:请原凉我的无礼。B:You need to make an apology.B:你需要赔礼。 reprimand ”reprmnd v.训斥 【单词搭配】reprimand sb.for sth.为某事训斥某人【单词例句】The military cour

6、t ordered him to bereprimanded for failing to do bis duty.军事法庭下达裁决令:他工作失职,应受训斥。 stage sted v.暗中筹划 elaborate ”lb()rt adj.细心构思的,精巧的【派生词】elaboration细致的工作【单词搭配】elaborate plan细心的打算【单词例句】A: She made elaborate preparations for the party, but no one showed up.A:她为了聚会费心预备,但是一个人也没来。B:She must be very sad.B:她确定很难过。


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