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1、看美剧学英语已取消订阅取消订阅更多订阅 窗体顶端窗体底端打工姐妹花“卡洛琳”畅谈星路历程和荧幕友情Beth Behrs has a wsecret/w. Up until a few weeks ago, shed never baked a single cupcake. Im n. 全文抢沙发评论 打工姐妹花“卡洛琳”畅谈星路历程和荧幕友情来自:况况April 2天前| 阅读原文Beth Behrs has a wsecret/w. Up until a few weeks ago, shed never baked a single cupcake. Im not very savvy

2、in the kitchen, she reveals coyly. Were around them all day, everyday on set and one Sunday I was learning lines for a cupcake-heavy episode and thought, Im going to wbake/w cupcakes. But I have to admit, it was a Betty Crocker mix.贝丝贝尔斯有一个秘密。几个星期以前,她还从来没有做过纸杯蛋糕。她害羞的说:“我不太擅长厨房里的事。但我们的片场就是与之相关的,我们每天都

3、被这些厨房琐事包围。有一个周日,我正在背台词,这一集有很多关于纸杯蛋糕的桥段,当时我想,我也要去做纸杯蛋糕。但是我必须承认,那是我用贝蒂妙厨牌的蛋糕粉做的。”Cooking skills aside, Behrs has found the wrecipe/w for success in CBS frisky freshman hit 2 Broke Girls, thanks to her wportrayal/w of former Upper East Side heiress-turned-Brooklyn waitress/cupcake entrepreneur Caroline

4、 Channing. Beth is a gold mine, says wexecutive/w producer Michael Patrick King. She has a deep well of wtalent/w, and its a thrill to have spent this first season discovering what she can do, which at this point, I have to say, seems to be everything.撇开厨艺不谈,贝尔斯显然已经找到了打工姐妹花这部CBS热门新剧的成功秘诀,那就是她对由前上东区富

5、二代沦为布鲁克林服务员兼纸杯蛋糕经销人卡洛琳钱宁的完美诠释。打工姐妹花执行制片人迈克尔帕特里克金说:“贝丝是一块金子,她有着深厚的才华。很高兴我们能通过第一季挖掘出她的表演潜力,在此我必须说,她似乎能hold住一切剧情。”The 26-year-old blonde beauty from Lynchburg, Virginia, is no stranger to raunchy comedy, starting her acting career with a role in the 2009 direct-to-DVD American Pie Presents: The Book of

6、 Love. I was the only girl in it who did not take her clothes off! clarifies Behrs, calling the film one of her favorite jobs ever, since it came at a time when she needed it most. I was scraping to get by, trying to pay the rent, eating ramen noodles and not going anywhere because I didnt have gas,

7、 she says.26岁的金发美女贝尔斯来自弗吉尼亚州林奇堡。她并不是“三俗”喜剧界的新面孔,她的首次触电便是在2009年出演了DVD电影美国派:索爱天书。贝尔称这部电影是她的最爱之一,因为当时的她急需这份工作。她说:“我是这部电影里唯一不用脱掉衣服的女演员!当时我的生活很艰辛,我要付房租,每天只能吃拉面。而且我没有勇气到别的地方闯荡。”While her wdesperation/w in finding a job never wquite/w reached Carolines level, Behrs does bring some of her own wpersonality/w

8、 and experiences to the character. I can definitely wrelate/w to Carolines work ethic and business savvy, says Behrs, who wrote short comedy films while at UCLA to send to agencies. Shes always a glass-half-full kind of girl, and shes goofy like me.虽然贝尔斯寻找演艺机会的经历没有卡洛琳那么艰辛,但她也为这个角色注入了一些自己的性格和经历。当贝尔斯在

9、加州大学洛杉矶分校求学时,她经常创作一些喜剧短片剧本并寄给经纪公司。她说:“我和有着职业道德和商业头脑的卡洛琳的确有相似之处。她很乐观,而且和我一样傻傻的。”Expect more goofy antics during May 7s one-hour finale when a visit from homemaking wqueen/w Martha Stewart could mean big developments for the girls cupcake business. She has the gift of comedy, but I got nervous saying

10、dirty things in front of Martha! says Behrs with a laugh. I held back in our first couple of rehearsals because shes a classy lady.期待更多搞笑剧情的上演吧!5月7日,打工姐妹花将播出一小时季终集。家政女王玛莎斯图尔特( Martha Stewart 上左)将客串出演自己,这可能会为女孩的蛋糕事业带来巨大的发展。贝尔斯笑着说:“玛莎很有喜剧天赋。不过在她面前说一些“三俗”台词让我很紧张。我在前几次彩排里都省掉了几句台词,因为她是位非常优雅的女士。”The crudi

11、ty of 2 Broke Girls jokes has recently come under fire from critics, but Behrs shrugs that off. Maybe its edgy or pushing w=boundaryboundaries/w, but isnt that what comedy is supposed to do? she argues. The jokes all come from a real place, and theyre very true to the characters.打工姐妹花台词中的三俗笑话近日受到了评论

12、界的攻击,但贝尔斯对此并不在意。她回应到:“也许这些台词很犀利,或是触及到了底线,但这不就是喜剧的精髓所在么?这些笑话都取材于现实生活,并且和角色十分匹配。”The show has been part of a slew of female-driven sitcoms to hit primetime this season, including Up All Night and Whitney (whose star, Whitney Cummings, also cocreated 2 Broke Girls). Its exciting to be in a time when wo

13、men are allowed to do certain things on TV like say vagina, says Behrs. Were pushing limits, and it feels great to be part of this wave.打工姐妹花与整夜难眠和惠特尼(Whitney 该剧主演惠特尼卡明斯左一 也是打工姐妹花的制作人之一)一起为这一季的黄金时段美剧注入了新的元素,扭转了戏剧中女性角色被动化的常态。贝尔斯说:“如今女性角色已经可以在电视节目中说出某些话了,比如阴道,这种变化实在是振奋人心。我们正在扩展界限,能成为这一代的演员是我的荣幸。”Behrs

14、 is also quick to give credit to co-leading lady Kat Dennings, who plays her roomie and wsardonic/w fellow waitress Max. Shes like my other half, gushes Behrs. That friendship is what makes the show so special. We love what were doing, and I think it shows. The friendship will extend off camera when

15、 the duo head to Europe for vacation this summer. Its not even like sisters, because we get along so well, adds Behrs.贝尔斯也给予了自己的合作女星凯特丹宁很高的评价。凯特在剧中饰演热爱吐槽的服务员麦克斯,她从第一集起和卡洛琳成为室友。贝尔斯说:“凯特就像是我的另一半。正是真挚的友谊使这部剧变得很特别。我们非常享受如今的工作,我想大家也都能看的出来。”凯特和贝尔斯的友谊也从萤幕上延续到了现实中。今年夏天,她们俩将一起到欧洲度假。“我们甚至比姐妹还要亲密,因为我们相处的太和谐了。”And when the girls return to the diner in the fall for Season 2, Behrs says shes looking forward to stepping into Carolines well-heeled shoes again, even if it leads to minor on-set injuries. Im a huge klutz, and I will literally run into tables, chairs and trip wmultiple/w tim


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