安德烈巴扎诺夫 (2).doc

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1、 ANDREY BAZANOV 安德烈 巴扎诺夫Born in Saratov in 1959. 1959年生于萨拉多夫1971-1974 studied drawing and painting at the childrens art studio in Kaluga.1971-1974 于卡卢加儿童画室学习素描和油画1974 - 1978 - graduated from Saratov secondary Art College after.1974 - 1978 毕业于萨拉多夫中等艺术学院之后1982 - 1988 - graduated from St.Peterburg Repi

2、n institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of the Academy of Fine Arts of USSR, workshop of Monumental painting of a peoples artist of US A.Milnikov.1982 - 1988 毕业于苏联列宾美术学院,人民艺术家梅尔尼科夫的纪念碑绘画工作室 Since 1987 active works in monumental art (mosaic, stained-glass panels, frescos).从1987年积极的从事纪念碑绘画

3、(马赛克,染色玻璃镶嵌,壁画) 1988 - 1992 - worked in the Art-industrial Workshops of Art Fund in Kaluga. 1988 - 1992 曾在卡卢加艺术基金会的工艺美术工作室工作Since 1995 - member of the Russian Artists Union. Lives and works in St.Peterburg.从1995,俄罗斯艺术家联盟成员,生活并工作于圣彼得堡Since 2004 teach on the chair of drawing of State Art-Industrial ba

4、ron Shtiglits Academy. 从2004 于国立顶级史提格里斯工艺美术学院担任教授Sins 2010 the chairman of the painting section of S.Petersburg Union Artists. 从2010 担任艺术家联盟圣彼得堡分部主席 Participation in exhibitions and auctions 参加过的展览和拍卖 Since 1988 participates in the anniversary exhibitions of Artists Union of St.Peterburg.从1988 开始参加圣

5、彼得堡艺术家联盟周年展览1992 - participation in the International Festival of Arts in Fuengirola (Spain).1992 参加西班牙弗恩西罗拉国际艺术纪念活动1995 - October - auction “Russian painting” in Paris (France).1995年10月 法国巴黎的“俄罗斯油画”拍卖1995 - Group Exhibition “Young Artists from St.Peterburg” in Marburg (Germany).1995 德国马尔堡的“圣彼得堡年轻艺术

6、家”展览1996 - participation in the exhibition of the artists from St. Peterburg “From an advance-guard up to realism” in Oslo (Norway).1996 参加挪威奥斯陆的由来自彼得堡的画家组成的“从先锋派到写实主义” 1997 - March - auction “School of St.Petersburg” in Gallery of Rudolf Mangisch (Zurich, Swiss).1997 3月 鲁多夫 曼基斯奇画廊的“彼得堡学校”拍卖(瑞士 苏黎世)

7、1997 - May - June - participation in the exhibition of Russian painting in “Galerie im Elysee” in Hamburg (Germany).1997 5月到6月 参加德国汉堡的“叶灭利歇画廊”的俄罗斯油画展1997 - December - Group Exhibition of the young artists from St.Petersburg in Marburg (Germany).1997 12月德国马尔堡的“圣彼得堡年轻艺术家”展览1998 - Group Exhibition “Art

8、ists from St.Petersburg” in Erfurt (Germany).1998 德国埃尔福特的“来自彼得堡的画家”展览1998 - February - March - participation in the exhibition dedicated 65-years old of the Artists Union of St.Petersburg Connection of times in Central Exhibition Hall “Manege” ( St.Peterburg ).1998 2月到3月 参加奉献了65年的 圣彼得堡艺术家联盟举办地“时间的联系

9、”于中央展厅“马术练习场”(圣彼得堡)1999 - February - participation in the exhibition “World in love” ( Exhibition Hall of Artists Union of St.Petersburg ).1999 2月 参加 位于圣彼得堡艺术家联盟的“在爱里的世界”展1999 - July ll International Exhibition “Erotick-99” in Central Exhibition Hall “Manege” (St.Peterburg).1999 7月 第二次国际展览“埃洛提克-99”于

10、展厅“马术练习场”(圣彼得堡)2000 - March - I the International Festival of Arts From avant-garde to the present day ”, exhibition “ Modern painting ” (Small Hall of a Philarmonic Society). 2000 3月 第四次国际纪念艺术活动“从先锋派到今天”现代绘画展(皮拉莫尼克社团的小展厅)2000 - may - exhibition devoted Day of a Victory ( Halls of Municipal Administ

11、ration, St-Petersburg ).2000 5月 “奉献于胜利日”展览(圣彼得堡市政厅)2000 June-July - exhibition The Laws of Beauty in Gallery of High Art (Large Commercial Yard, Galery of High Style). St.Petersburg.2000 6月-7月 高级风格画廊“美的规律”展(圣彼得堡)2000 July august - personal exhibition in J & B ArtGallery (Netherlands).2000 7月-8月 “J &

12、 B画廊“的个人展(荷兰)2000 - July august - exhibition Moscow - St. Petersburg in Central Exhibition Hall Manege ( St.Petersburg ).2000 7月-8月 “莫斯科-圣彼得堡” 于中央展厅“马术练习场”(圣彼得堡)2000 -September October -personal exhibition in Frans Wingaarts ArtGallery ( Reewuik. Netherlands ). 2000 9月-10月 法兰斯 温加画廊个人展(瑞维克 荷兰)2001 Ap

13、ril-May - exhibition Moscow - St. Petersburg in Central Exhibition Hall Manege ( Moscow).2001 4月-5月 “莫斯科-圣彼得堡” 于中央展厅“马术练习场”(莫斯科)2001 May exhibition “Academy of Russian Arts” Agnieten Kapel, Gauda (Netherlands).2001 5月 “俄罗斯美术学院”展 阿格涅腾 卡派尔,高达(荷兰)2000-2002 cooperation with the company “LLVK ART” and pa

14、rticipation in internet-auctions “EBAY” and “SOTHEBYS” (New York)2000-2002 和“LLVK 艺术”公司合作并参加“EBAY” 和“SOTHEBYS”网络拍卖(纽约)2003 exhibition “Russian Art” (“Barette Gallery” Los Angeles, USA )2003 “俄罗斯艺术”展(短光带画廊,洛杉矶,美国)2003 exhibition “Landscape and Still Life” ( Gersfeld, Germany ).2003 “风景画和景物”展(戈斯菲尔德 德国)2004 exhibition “Sehstucke” (Huenfeld, Germany).2004 “赛赫斯达克”展 (胡恩菲尔德 德国)2004 exhibition “Schaamteloos” (“Gallery Goda”, Amsterdam, Netherlands).2004 “阿姆带鲁斯“展(哥达画廊 阿姆斯特丹 荷兰)2005 exhibition in medical centre (Fulda, Germany).2005 医学中心的展览(福尔达 德国)2006 May- October - participation in “The


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