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1、How to achieve effective communication in a letterClass: _ Name: _ No. _I. What is effective communication in a letter?假如你是耀华中学的李华,于2015年10月5日在Amazon图书网站购买了外文小说Twilight。在阅读过程中,发现小说缺页严重,你想通过网站客服解决该问题,特写了一封邮件,内容如下:1. 购书时间及书名;2. 书籍的问题;3. 希望有合理的解决方法;4. 期待尽快得到回复。Task I (pair work): Read the following par

2、agraphs to see whether effective communication is achieved.AThe moment I received the book, I was so excited that I couldnt wait to start reading it. I was deeply impressed by the fascinating plot and vivid descriptions of the characters. To my surprise, the hero and heroine fell in love with each o

3、ther even before they met, which made me confused. It was not until then that I realized that the book had some missing pages!BI dont want to see this case happen again. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, I suggest you send staff to check the products before they are sold. It is also advisabl

4、e that you get in touch with the publisher and look into the case thoroughly. Only if you guarantee the quality of your products will you win faith in the consumers.CI was driven mad by such a silly problem. If you dont offer me a reasonable explanation and make up for my loss, I will tell my friend

5、s never to buy your products again. You will ruin your reputation and lose your faithful customers.A masterpiece:I bought a book entitled Twilight on October 15th, 2015 at Amazon. To my disappointment, a number of pages were found missing when I read it, causing great difficulty to my reading and br

6、inging much inconvenience to me. Therefore, I sincerely hope that you can deal with the problem in a proper way and take measures to prevent such an incident from happening again. I also wonder if you could send a new copy of the same book to me, for Im greatly fond of this book.Conclusion: a standa

7、rd for effective communication in a letter1. _2. _3. _II. How can we achieve effective communication in a letter?假如你是亚马逊的经理John Smith。顾客李华写信投诉网站出售的小说Twilight存在缺页现象。经过调查后,你发现那是一本不完整的样本书,误发给了李华。请你写一封回信给李华致歉。Task II (Group work): Brainstorm a mind-map for the body of the letter. Put yourselves in the s

8、hoes of the reader.My mind-map:Group assessment:CriteriaexcellentgoodaveragepoorClosely follow the purposeMeet the readers needBe polite and appropriateConclusion: How to achieve effective communication in a letterStrategies:1. Analyze the writing task and study the _ and _.2. Develop a mind-map by

9、asking yourself1) What is the writing _?2) What does the _ expect?3) What kind of language is the most appropriate?3. Connect the aspects and key words logically and coherently with appropriate language to form a passage.4. Check if the writing meets our standard for effective communication.A possib

10、le version:Dear Mr. Li, In response to your letter of complaint, we acknowledge the problem of the missing pages in the book Twilight and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience we caused you. We looked into this matter immediately after receiving your letter. We found that we had mistakenly sent

11、a sample book to you, which covered only part of the complete version. It was our carelessness that had caused you so much trouble. We will take all the responsibility and make up for your loss. We have sent a perfect copy of the book to you and we will refund your money in full to you in two days.

12、We promise to prevent such an incident from happening again. We would appreciate it if you could accept our apology. Thank you for your trust and understanding.Yours sincerely,John SmithIII. Practice假如你是英国剑桥中学(Cambridge High School)的留学生李华。你上周五在市图书馆借阅了小说傲慢与偏见,然而在昨晚不小心遗失了这本书。请你写一封致歉信给图书馆解释情况并提出合理的解决方案

13、。注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语已为你写好。 Dear Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua, an overseas student in Cambridge High School.Task III (group work): Work out the structure and mind-mapPara. 1: _Para. 2: _Para. 3: _My mind-map:Group assessment:CriteriaexcellentgoodaveragepoorClosely follow the purposeMeet

14、 the readers needBe polite and appropriateNotes:IV. Homework1. Polish your letter of complaint to achieve effective communication.2. Study the handout to read more examples for a letter of apology. Then, finish writing the letter of apology in Part III Practice.3. Refer to the standard and evaluate the letter individu


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