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1、2010-2011 学年第一学期八年级英语第一次月考班级_ 姓名_得分_ A卷.首字母填空。(10分)1. How o_ do you go to the movies.2. Drinking more water is good for our h_.3. I have a healthy eating h_.4. Were taking a v_ to Hawaii this summer.5. I have a cold, I need to see a d_.用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. My sister enjoys _(read) storybooks very muc

2、h.2. The Greens _(clean) their house now.3. I _(go) to Beijing yesterday.4. Its very important for us to eat a _(balance) diet.5. John has eight _(tooth). 单项选择。(10分)( )1. My mother _ goes to work on foot.A. some time B. some times C. sometimes D. some times( )2. Can you help me _ my room. A clean B.

3、 cleaning C. to cleaning D. cleaned( )3. What _ she _ on weekends? A is, do B. does, does C. do, do D. does, do( )4. Whats _ with you? I have _. A .wrong, sore back B. matter ,sore back C .the wrong ,a sore back D .the matter ,a sore back( )5. I am tired. What should I do? You should _. A .lie down

4、and rest B. listen to the music C .drink some water D. eat an apple( )6. _ important _ some exercise every day. A .Thats , to do B. Its , to do C. Thats, do D. Its , do( )7. He has _friends at school. So he often stays at home on Sunday.A .little B. a little C. few D .a few( )8. I believe people who

5、 are angry may have _ yang in their lives. A .much too B. too much C. too many D. many too( )9. How hungry Im now .You should _A .see a doctor B have a rest C .lie down D. have some bread ( )10. _ are you going to Tibet_?A .what ,with B. Who, with C. Who ,and D. which, with . 句型转换。(10分)1. Theyre goi

6、ng to the Great Wall next week.(划线部分提问)_ _ they going to the Great Wall.2. Whats the matter with you? (同义句转换)_ _ with you?3. Im staying there for three weeks. (划线部分提问)_ _ are you staying there?4. I think a chicken can swim.(否定句)I _ think a chicken _swim.5. He has a bad cold.(一般疑问句) _ he _ a bad cold

7、? .用方框中所给句子补全对话,有两项是多余的。(10分)A: Whats the matter?B: 1_A: And now, how are you feeling?B: _2 _A: Let me take your temperature. You dont have a fever. Nothing is serious. Just a cold.B: 3_A: Dont worry. Did you eat anything for breakfast?B: _4_A: Have a good rest and drink some water. You will be bett

8、er soon.B:_ _5_A: Not well .In fact, Im feeling even worse.B: Thats right.C: No, I didnt want to eat anything.D: I had a headache this morning.E: Im sorry to hear that.F: Really? But I feel so bad now.G; Ok, thank you very much1._2._3._ 4._5._.完形填空。(10分)The winter holiday is coming. This year Peter

9、is going to Australia 1 vacation. He is going there 2 his parents by plane. Australia is 3 to visit. The people are 4 ,and the city is very beautiful. They are staying there 5 two weeks. They plan 6 a special Christmas . Because its winter 7 China but it is 8 in Australia .They can swim in the lake

10、9 Christmas Day .They want a no snow Christmas Day. They plan to take some 10 ,and have a wonderful time.( )1. A: in B : for C: about D: at( )2. A: and B : to C: with D: about( )3. A: a good place B : good place C: good a place D: friendly( )4. A: friend B : friendly C: unfriend D: unfriendly( )5. A

11、: on B : in C: since D: for( )6. A : to have B : have C: having D: has( )7. A: on B : at C: about D: in( )8. A: spring B : summer C: winter D: autumn( )9. A: on B : at C: in D: of( )10. A: photo B : photoes C: photos D: picture.阅读理解。(20分)ALast year, we had an English teacher from the United States.

12、We call him Mr. Black .He often told us,” English is very useful in the world.” He taught us very well. He was strict with us all. In class he always gave us more time to speak English. At first I could hardly understand a word and I could not talk in English at all. But soon I found English was not

13、 so hard and I could talk to my classmates in English. So I began to like it very much.Now Mr. Black taught in another school. This year we have a new teacher ,Mrs Green. She also teaches us carefully. She often asks us to recite (背诵)the texts and play games. With the help of the two foreign teachers, we



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