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1、一 词汇(10分) (A)据汉语,写出单词的适当形式: . He_(看)TV home now.2. Sptember 10 is_. (教师节) 3.She is _ (渴了)Sheants to drinksome ae. 4. Decmber is the _ (第十二)mnth ofthe yr. 5.Man _ (猴子)e oth hil. (B) 用所给词的适当形式填空 . She wou like _ (go) to thzo. Theunis hning. tvery _ (su) ta. 8Al the _(chid) relyingin he rom. 9. a I _ (

2、be) goo friend 10.Th s _ ( Mng) new ike. Its ne. 2 选择题(分)(A) 词语释义 ( )11 lot of seep re oming tswy. A. uc B. n C Any Lo of ()12.I l oe mlk an an eg for rakfat . like B. want hae .was. ()1. I ime fr supper.A. ave super B has upper. to hae supper to supper ()14. We go o on undas Aevery und. B.onSunday

3、C. every Sudays. in the Snday. ( )15. M nc is at wokow . woring wok Corkr D out (B) 单项选择 ( )1. ie is _Englih girsLiYin s _Chiee gi.( ).a, a B. ,an C. an, a . a,n ()1. Coul you help _, Plase A sheB hs . me D. I ( )1. Look! Thy_with l. . play pays C. playig . are aig ( )19._ the boy li livng in Cn A.

4、Ds BDo CAr D.Would ( )2. Se ke _bs res readC o read D.is ding ( )21. Danny es up _8:00_he morn. A. , n Bat, at C a, in Dt, n ( )22.Letsgo t the stoe _.It ear her. A. on fo . by bus C. wlkD on fe ( )23. What ay i t ay A.Its eptembr 1 B. Issve C. tsriday D. Its Snny ()24. Myfath _a car. _toor.A.hae,dr

5、iv . ha, by ar . has, dris D. av, by ca ( )25.hey ar _shol, ut _lass A. the me, th sameBthe sae,diffr. dferet, te e D.se, ifeent ( )2. hewmanis od, bu she ooks _.A.oungB. ood newD.old ( )2Tom doesnt like mah,_ he liks ins a t. A.nd B. ut C. oD so ( )28. here rnt idws in throom. Arethere _wndows in y

6、our rom A.oe, sm B. an, yC some,any D. ay,m ( )2Jenny has _ha. blond lon .lon blond . big blod . bnd ig( )30. I ant _todnk.A. two bottle of watr . two bt of water C. two ttle of wae . two ttlewaters 三.句型转换(15分) 31. Those arepples. (变单数句)_ is_. 32. y righ fot hurts(一般问句) _ yur ri fo _ 3. Ths coat is

7、fifty u.(划线提问) _ i tisc 34. Tey spea Frh.(划线提问) _they spek 5. y unt goet wor yik. (同义句) M nt _ tor. 36 Whatste weater lik (同义句) _ is the wather 37. Mary ha tw anaa for lunc.(提问) _ _ banaas _ Mary haefor lunch .Lynns air s bon (提问) _ _ synn hair四情景对话(0分)() 补全对话,(B) 每空一词。 A: 39 Iep yu B: Ye. I wantt b

8、u dess, please 40 are the dess:I sho yo Th 41 ,please. Hereheyare .: How 42 is tis dress A: Sixty-fie uan.B:Okay, Il 43 it, pee.(C) 选择适当句子完成对话。 Mothe: Der son, _44Son: Im wathingsmictus n lin,um. other: up iray. Plase ae super. So: O, Mu thr: Whatiture , my dar Sn: 45_ Mother:Oh, this s Yao in He pa

9、ys bketba verywell. Sn: Great. I i imvry mc. But do you kow where he i Mot: O our. _46 Son:_47_ Moher: Sorry. _48_ n: HaLet me tell you H is2.26 mts al. Mother: ll ,ave uper uikly. A.whatr u doing B. He isi th U.S. C. heyar abot sprtsars(体育明星) Wats the materE.Cn youtel F Do ou ko ow tllhe is 五.完型填空(

10、1分)Jaki elvn yeod. Hei md scol9 He gos tosho bycyclevery 5. His bike is ry51.One dayhi bie is roken.So (于是) his fthr wts oy anew icycle or . n aSunday orning , Jack ad is fater go o t deprtnt 53 .ack ee 5 good bicyclesechoses(选择)a ble55, ecause h lies ble56. “o muc it” sashsfahe . “35 ya,” sas th sa

11、esman. “Illtaethe bicycle” ver 57. He ids s newbiycle t hishe . Nowe goes tchl 8 his ew bike eer ay ( )49. . bo B.studt. gr D. techer ( )50 day. mnt C.year . ( )51.A. ne B. oknC. fie D. od ()52.A her . hemC. m D. ( )5 . hp BstreC. ffic D.plae ( )54. A.ma B any C. h D. a ot()55.A.it B.that C.thi D. ne ()56. redy B alot Criht D .hen ( )57. A.hapy B. sd C tire D ad ( )58 . i B. ob D.for六.阅读理解(10分) (A) MrBreGredMrs Mary Gree coefrom te U.Thy ave tochlren,therso i Jim. eisfee eas old. Kate is Jims sister. Shei tirteen. Mrren wos in No. 5ddle



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