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1、全品中考网 Unit 8Id like some noodles.单元检测1听 力一、听辨单词,找出录音中包含的单词或词组1.A. blueberriesB. strawberries C. greenberries2.A. kind B. behind C. Kate3.A. ice cream B. green tea C. ice tea4.A. around B. near C. about5.A. carefully B. friendlyC. family二、句子理解,找出与你所听到的意义相近或相同的句子1. A. Do you like chicken noodles?B. D

2、o you want chicken noodles?C. The noodles are like chicken.2. A. There are some potatoes,tomatoes and cheese with Johns noodles.B. John would like potato,tomato and cheese noodles.C. Johns noodles looks like potato and tomato.3. A. You can help me.B. I want your help.C. What can I do for you?4. A. T

3、he large bowl is like porridge.B. I want a large bowl of porridge.C. The porridge is large.5. A. Where do you live?B. Its 256 Green Street.C. My house is on a busy street.三、情景反应 根据问题选择答语。1. A. Id like potato and beef.B. Id like a large bowl.C. Id like mutton,cabbage in it.2. A. A bowl of noodles wit

4、h chicken in it.B. A small glass of juice.C. A friendly and smart animal.3. A. Id like some tomatoes,please.B. Yes,I want you to help me.C. Yes,you can.4. A. Green Street 223. B. 223 Green Street.C. Sorry. I dont know.5. A. Number 68345038.B. My phone number is 68345038.C. Phone 68345038.四、对话理解,听对话及

5、问题,选择正确答案1. A. A large bowl. B. A medium bowl.C. A small bowl.2. A. Because its health and cheap.B. Because its nice and cheap.C. Because its large and cheap.3. A. A blue. B. A Tshirt. C. A skirt.4. A. A large bowl of beef dumplings.B. A small bowl of dumplings.C. A large bowl of chicken dumplings.5

6、. A. A big supermarket.B. A post office.C. Bridge Street.笔 试一、英汉互译(10分)1.想要_ 2. as well as_3.多大号_ 4. play with_5.电话号码_ 6. from Africa_7.订购食品_ 8. cabbage_9.列菜单_ 10. orange juice_11.large(同义词)_ 12.tomato(复数)_13.medium(同义词)_ 14.Hed(完全形式)_15.potato(复数)_ 16.why(对应词)_17.he(宾格)_ 18.have(第三人称单数)_19.Fri.(完全形

7、式)_20.large(反义词)_二、词汇 A) 写单词1. China is a l country with long history.2. What s shoes would you like?3. T is between Monday and Wednesday.4. My telephone n is 8348394.5.Whats your a? Its 558 Bridge Street.6.We often have rice,meat,_(马铃薯) for lunch every day.7.John likes_(粥),pizza(比萨),salad and ice t

8、ea very much.8.They usually _(订购) food and drink in this restaurant.9.My favorite drink is _(橘汁).10._(星期四) is the fifth day of a week.11. What _ (饮料) would you have?12. We have many great _ (特色菜) in the restaurant.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There _(be) some beef and eggs in the noodles.2. There_(be) some on

9、ions and mutton in the bowl. 3. I would like you _(come) to my house.4. Look, they _(buy) fruit and vegetables in the market.5. Would you like some juice _(drink)?6. She _(have) an egg, a small bowl of chicken noodles and two apples every day.7. I like _(listen) to the pop music and watching TV. 8.

10、They would like _(see) the animals in the zoo.9. Let them _(help) us with English.10. I as well as Jack _(do) homework in the classroom now.11. They enjoy _(have) beef.12. There are some _(tomato) and _ (porridge) on the table.13. What about _ (swim) in the pool?14. How about something _(eat)?15. Ca

11、n he _ (watch) TV with you?三、单选1. Jim doesnt like tomatoes,potatoes _ cabbages.A. and B. with C. or D. for2. There _ some food on the table.A. have B. are C. isD. has3. Im hungry. I would like _ a large bowl of dumplings.A. have B. eat C. eating D. to eat4. Do you like noodles _ chicken?A. with B. o

12、fC. inD. to5.What size shoes do you want? _.A. Small shoesB. Size 36C.36 sizeD. Big shoes6. There are _ tomatoes on the table.A. many B. much C. a little D. any7. -Would you like _tea with ice in it? - Yes, I _A. any, would B. some, wouldC. any, will D. some, will8. The noodles with orange juice _ o

13、nly $1.5.A. isB. are C. for D. with10.What size bowl of dumplings would you like,small,medium _ large? (自己填空)9. My daughter likes to eat dumplings _ well _ noodles.A. so; so B. so; asC. as; asD. as; so10. My family usually _ bread,eggs and milk _ breakfast.A. has; forB. eat; forC. have; forD. have; on11. Its 11 oclock. Please _ our lunch.A. ordering B. orderC. to order D. orders12.Would you like a cup of tea? _.A. Id love B. Yes,pleaseC. No,I wouldnt D. Sorry13. We have music _ Monday and Wednesday.A. in B. on C. atD. /14. He likes English _ its fun.A. when B. wh


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