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1、九年级英语unit2重点句子复习题空气污染使人生病,它导致呼吸问题甚至癌症。9.In some cities theres _caused by many cars. The government_.在一些城市有太多由许多车造成的噪音污染,政府已经做了一些有用的事来阻止它。10.Light pollution_ eyes. 光污染对眼睛有害。11.Litter_ our environment so people shouldnt_.垃圾影响我们的环境,因此人们不应乱扔垃圾。12.Its difficult for me_. 我呼吸困难。13.How long_ this? 你这样(呼吸困难)

2、多久了?14.Ive been like this_. 我从上周起就已经这样(呼吸困难)了。15.The chemical factory produce_. 化工厂制造了可怕的气体 。16.The bad air_ my chest_. 糟糕的空气使我胸疼17._ _ , the factory makes_ an d I cant_ at night.而且,工厂制造了太多噪音,我在晚上睡不好。18.I m always_because I cant_ the environment here.我心情总是不好因为我无法忍受这儿的环境。19.Have you _the_ fish in the

3、 river? 你曾注意过河里的死鱼吗?20.Pollution causes_. 污染造成了太多问题。21.However,_ know noise is also a kind of pollution and _humans health.然而, 并不是所有的人都知道噪音也是一种污染,且对人体健康有害。22._many teenagers in Amer ica can hear_ 65 -year-old people do, because these young people always listen to _pop music.据报道说美国的许多青年的听力和65岁的老年人一样差

4、,因为这些年轻人总是在听大声的流行音乐23.It_ disturbs others_ does great_ peoples_.它不仅打扰了其他人而且对人们的听力影响很大。24.Nowadays, many countries are solve_ environmental problem ,_ noise pollution.近来,许多国家正在尝试解决所有种类的环境问题,包括噪音污染。Unit 2 topic 2 重点句子1. It says that China has become the worlds largest_ and _of coal.它写着中国已变成全世界最大的煤的生产和

5、使用者2. But the government is doing _to protect the environment.但政府正做一些有用的事来保护环境3._ likes pollution. 我们没有人喜欢污染4.We shouldnt leave rubbish_.我们不应该到处留下垃圾。5.Dont walk on grass or pick flowers.不要践踏草坪或采花6.Everyone should_ wild animals and plants more trees.每个人应关爱珍惜动物和种更多树7.We_ do_ we can to protect the_.我们应

6、该尽我们所能做任何事来保护环境8._, some of them are quite rude when _others.更糟糕的是,他们中一些人跟他人谈话很粗鲁9.Perhaps it will be hard for us to _in the_.刚开始我们可能很难遵守规则10.Some animals are_ of_ completely.一些动物的确有死亡的危险11.Humans have come to realize the_ of _animals人类已经意识到保护动物的重要性12.The wind is blowing _with_.风夹带着沙刮得很强烈13.I couldn

7、t see anything, and my face _while I was walking down the street_.我不能看到任何东西,并且刚才刚当我走过街道的时候我的脸受伤了14.People hav e_ too many trees.人们已经砍了太多树15._, a lot of rich land has _desert.结果,很多富裕的地方变成了沙漠16.Trees can _the wind_ _ the earth_.17.And a lot of water _by forests.并且森林能节约很多水18.They can also_ the water_ t

8、he earth_.他们也能防止水土流失19._ trees is_to human beings, animals and plants.20._ we have built ”The Great Green Wall”, we still _work hard to _the environment.虽然我们已建“了绿色城墙”,但我们仍然需要努力工作来保护环境21.Water is very important to_, but not everybody knows _andsave it. Here are some ways: 1.Pass laws _water pollution

9、. 2. Stop factories _waster water into rivers. 3.Remember to _the tap_ when you leave. 4._ and_ waste water.水对人类来说很重要,但并不是每个人都知道怎样来保护和节约水。这儿有几种方法:1 通过法律来反对水污染。 2 阻止工厂把废水倒进河里。 3 当你离开时,记着关掉水龙头。4 收集和重新使用废水。22.Some things weve done are very_ the earth _some are bad.我们已经对地球做了一些有益的事同时也有一些坏事23.Wh en it rai

10、ns or when the wind blows, thee earth is_.当下雨或刮风,会水土流失24.More and more _animals and plants are_.越来越多种类的动植物正在消失25._ harmful radiation from the sun _the hole and reaches the earth_.来自太阳的太多有害的辐射通过这个洞直接到达地球。26.The heat_ the sun cant_ so the temperature is_.太阳的热量不能发散所以温度升高27.It causes _the oceans to rise

11、 它导致了海平面的上升。28.This _the environment and_ a lot of space. 这个损害了环境,并且占用了许多空间。29.At the same time, _the waste _too much money.同时,处理废气花费了太多钱了30.The garbage _every day has _a serious problem around the world.每天都在生产垃圾已成为一个全世界的严重问题31.People have _new land to put the _in.人们在找新土地来放置垃圾有困难Unit 2 topic 3 重点句子1

12、.我们都知道你在为环保组织工作。We all know that youre _ an organization that protects the environment.2.你能告诉我你在那儿干什么吗? Can you_ us _you are doing there?3. 我的主要工作是帮助传播一些环保方面的信息。My main job _help _the message about_ the environment.4. 我们在家里能做哪些事情来进行环保。What kinds of_ can we do _to protect the environment.5.比如,我们可以使用纸张的两面,重新使用塑料袋。_ _, we should use both_ of the paper and_ plastic bags.6.我们鼓励学生收集废纸、饮料瓶。We _students_ waste paper and soft drink cans.7.我们把它们分类,以便能够被回收。We sort them _t they can_.


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