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1、合作探讨协议书撰写说明及范本基本内容(但不仅限于如下部分):1. 合作探讨的题目2. 合作方主持人和主要参与者包括合作方主持人和主要参与者的列表。3. 合作探讨安排、分工和进度简述探讨课题的内容,清晰阐明合作担当的探讨工作和相应责任,需提出进度时辰表,每年供应进展报告的时间4. 经费来源和运用简述合作探讨的经费如何运用,必要时合作方需供应相关证明或书面承诺5. 学问产权归属、运用和转移阐述合作探讨成果的归属、运用或共享等有关约定;6. 探讨期限、变更和退出写明合作探讨的起止日期,如何处理项目结题前项目主持人和主要参与人的变更等。7. 协议法律效力的约定 协议生效、有效期、中止等的有关约定8.

2、双方项目主持人签字及协议的签署时间与地点Collaborative Research AgreementBasic parts (but not limited to these parts):1. Collaborative Research Title2. Principal Investigators and Main Participants from Both SidesList principal investigators and participants of each side3. Research Plan, Division of Labor and TimetableB

3、riefly describe the scientific objectives, methodologies and approaches of the research. State clearly which part is “Partner A”s work and which part is “Partner B”s. Include time frames in this part if necessary. 4. Sources of Funding and Its Use Describe sources of funding for the collaborative re

4、search and the mechanism to use it. Provide certificates or written commitment of the foreign collaborator if necessary. 5. Ownership, Use and Transfer of the Intellectual Property Clearly state who shall own the intellectual property and how to use or share it. 6. Duration, Amendament and Withdrawa

5、l Clearly state the specific dates that the collaborative research starts and ends and the process to deal with changes concerning principal investigators and main participants before the research terminates. 7. Legal Validity Effective date, period and termination.8. Signature by Principal Investig

6、ators of Both Parties, Date and PlaceThe Agreement shall be printed on paper that contains the name of the either collaborators institution and contact information (address, telephone, fax and email). Sample Agreement: Agreement on Joint ResearchI. Collaborative Research TitleThe title of the collab

7、orative research is *.II. Leading ScientistsParty A:Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Zhao YiE-mail: Tel.: Fax: Address: Main Participants (Participating Universities/Institutes and other Institutions):Prof. Dr. Qian ErProf. Dr. Sun SanDr. Li SiParty B:Principal Investigator: Prof. John DoeE-mail: T

8、el.: Fax: Address: Main Participants (Participating Universities/Institutes and other Institutions):Prof. Dr. Jeo BloggsIII. Research Plan, Division of Labor and TimetableThe project aims to design a *for *. It will focus on * and will be developed in the following units:Unit A: Title:*, Investigato

9、rs: Prof. Dr. Qian ErThe goal of this group is to deepen our understanding of *. The research work is closely connected to *.With *, this group is going to * and address the question of *. Unit B: Title:*, Investigators: Prof. Dr. Sun San and Prof. LI SiUnit C: Title:*, Investigators: Prof. Dr. John

10、 DoeIV. Sources of Funding and Its Use A will apply for 2 million yuan RMB from NSFC, in more detail:Small EquipmentGraduate StudentsWorkshopsConsumables EnergyAdministrationTravelThe use of funding obeys NSFCs regulations and requirements.B will apply for xxx US dollars form X, in more detail:V. Ow

11、nership, Use and Transfer of the Intellectual PropertyIntellectual property rights of the project cover all results obtained within the project. The IPR of common results will be shared by all parties concerned. The IPR of results obtained independently by one party without any assistance from the o

12、ther party or obtained before or after the collaboration will belong to the respective party. Authorship and acknowlegement in papers should be based on contribution to the project and decided in discussions involving all parties concerned. Before submitting any application for realted intellectual

13、property rights, one party should first consult with the other party and may proceed only after the other party has agreed without objection on the ownership of the IPR. Without the written consent of both parties, none of the projects common IPR may be transferred to any third-party. VI. Duration,

14、Amendament and Withdrawal The project will terminate upon completion of all research activities, which is agreed on the date of *. A research partner who decides to withdraw from the project before the above-mentioned date shoold notice other members of the collaborative research at least three mont

15、hs before the change happens. Any amendament to this agreement should be agreed by both parties. VII. Legal ValidityThis agreement comes into effect on * and terminates on *. It is made in two counterpart originals and two counterpart copies, with one of the originals to be retained by each of the two parties and one of the copies to be retained by NSFC and X respectively. VIII.Signature: Party A:Time:Place: Party B:Time:Place:


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