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1、分 类 号 密级 学校代码 10542 学号 基于消费者行为的企业营销策略研究以小家电行业为例Enterprise marketing strategy on consumer behavior - a case study of small household electrical appliances industry研 究 生 姓 名:导 师 姓 名、职 称:学 科 专 业:工商管理研 究 方 向:企业管理湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室二一四年四月摘 要随着我国市场经济的持续发展,小家电业的市场化程度不断提高。由于产品的高度同质化,以及价格竞争、品牌竞争带来的多败俱伤,具有持久竞争优势



4、tWith the continuous development of market economy in China, the degree of marketization of small household electrical appliances industry continues to improve. Due to high degree of homogeneity of the product,as well as more defeated by price competition, brand competition hurt,has the lasting comp

5、etitive advantage marketing strategy has become the key factor of small household electrical appliance enterprises winning the market. Therefore, has the extremely vital significance to strengthenmarketing strategy management to improve sales of small household electrical appliance enterprises to ex

6、pand the market. The modern concept of marketing that, in many factors that affect the sale of goods,consumer behavior is the most important, the reason is very simple, acommodities to meet consumer demand as a fundamental purpose; twois all marketing strategy only considers the characteristics of c

7、onsumer behavior, it may play a role. Study of consumer behavior is the different consumer consumption psychology and consumer behavior, and thefactors influencing consumer psychology and consumer behavior,consumer behavior changes revealed. Factors affecting consumer behavior is mainly reflected in

8、 the economic, cultural and psychological.Only a comprehensive and profound study of consumers and theirbehavior, to an important role for the enterprise market marketing.Various factors influence the behavior and consumer behavior ofconsumers, to formulate the corresponding marketing strategy, can

9、effectively improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Network and the rapid development has an important influence on the marketing, andconsumer behavior changes will also require the enterprises to developnew marketing strategies to adapt to new changes. The correctunderstanding of these effects,

10、 for enterprises to adapt to the newenvironment, and better market segments, the marketing of new means and methods, has important significance to meet consumer demand.In this paper, the small household electrical appliances industry as an example, from the consumers perspective on what factors infl

11、uenceconsumer demand for small household electrical appliances purchasing behavior, based on the enterprise marketing strategy based on consumer behavior, for small household electrical appliance enterprisesreference. And the beauty of small household electrical appliancesmarketing strategy for the

12、case, for small household electrical appliance industry marketing strategy formulation as a hook, which is advantageous to the enterprise of small household electrical appliancesindustry related enterprise marketing strategy. Keywords: private, consumer behavior; enterprise; marketing strategy; smal

13、l household electrical appliances industryIII目 录摘 要IABSTRACTI1. 绪 论21.1 选题背景及研究意义21.1.1选题背景21.1.2选题意义21.2 研究内容与方法21.2.1研究内容21.2.2 研究方法21.3相关概念界定21.3.1 小家电的定义与分类21.3.2 小家电行业特征31.4论文主要创新点32. 理论基础及研究综述42.1 消费者行为学理论基础42.1.1消费者行为学42.1.2 消费者购买决策过程理论62.1.3 影响消费者行为的因素72.2 营销策略理论82.2.1 市场营销的理论综述82.2.2 市场营销的经

14、营思想82.2.3 市场营销策略92.2.4 服务营销组合策略102.3 企业营销策略与消费者行为的关系102.4 国内外研究现状112.4.1国外研究现状112.4.2国内研究现状113. 基于消费者行为的小家电行业发展现状133.1 小家电行业发展现状133.1.1小家电行业分析133.1.2小家电行业发展特点143.1.3小家电的SWOT分析143.2小家电消费者消费心理和消费动机分析153.2.1小家电消费者的消费动机153.2.2小家电消费者的消费决策153.2.3 网络消费者购买过程分析173.3小家电行业发展现状及存在问题183.3.1小家电行业市场格局183.3.2小家电细分市

15、场分析193.3.3小家电发展趋势213.3.4小家电市场面临的主要问题224 小家电行业的营销策略制定244.1产品策略244.2价格策略244.3促销策略254.3.1传统方式的常用策略254.3.2新型促销方式254.4人员策略264.5有形展示策略264.5.1原则274.5.2有形展示实施策略274.6过程策略274.7 渠道策略285 美的小家电的营销策略305.1 美的小家电简介305.2 美的小家电营销SWOT分析305.2.1美的小家电营销的优势分析305.2.2美的小家电营销的劣势分析315.2.3美的小家电营销的机遇315.2.4美的小家电营销的挑战325.3美的小家电产品市场营销策略335.3.1美的小家电营销的产品策略335.3.2美的小家电营销的渠道策略335.3.3美的小家电营销的促销策略335.3.4美的小家电营销的价格策略346 结 论35参考文献36


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