人教版八年级英语上Unit3 Section A 学案

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Section A 导学案学习目标:1、学会正确使用比较级,正确评价朋友、家人之间的不同之处。2、在通过学习比较级的同时,发现不足之处并积极进取。学习重点:1.形容词和副词的比较级的形式变化规则。2. asas“与一样” 用于同级比较句学习难点:比较级的用法学习过程:一、 情景导入(warm up)1. T:(在你的心目中谁是你好朋友,你们有什么不同点?)Who is your good friend?Are there any differences between you and your friend?What are the differences?2. 分

2、别让几位同学描述他们的朋友二、引入新课(presentation)(今天我们将学习如何谈论朋友之间的不同、家人之间的不同。)T: Today we will learn to talk about the differences between you and your friends and your family.三、教授新课(New lesson) 1、学习1a,让学生观察图片。 Who can you see in the picture? Are they twins? Do they look the same?帮助学生作出正确回答。Read the dialogue in the

3、 picture. Then talk about Tina and Tara, Peter and Paul.检查1a的答案并让学生举出更多对的反义词。2、学习1b,让学生听并给出正确答案。3、自由展示,(学习1c,)练习上面图片中的对话并编出关于另外两对双胞胎的类似对话。4,Listening 听力训练(2a, 2b)听第一遍完成2a, 再听一遍完成2b.让学生试着讲述听力内容。5.学习2c, 看表格,用两人小组的形式来完成任务。6.学习2d,分角色朗读对话并试着让学生分析其中的短语。四.活动练习(Group work):1.学习3a,3b.让学生在课外完成。2.小组活动:让学生谈谈自己的

4、爸爸妈妈之间的不同之处,然后在班上进行小组表演。五、语法角形容词和副词比较级变化规1. 单音节以及少数双音节形容词或副词大致按以下规律变化:(1) 一般在形容词或副词后面直接加er 变为比较级。如:oldolder highhigher(2) 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,则双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-er变为比较级。如:bigbigger thinthinner(3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词,则将改y为 i 再加-er变为比较级。如:busybusierheavyheavier(4) 以字母 e 结尾的单词,直接加 r 变为比较级。如:largelargerfreefre

5、er2. 多音节以及某些双音节形容词或副词变为比较级时,则通常在其前加more变为比较级。如:importantmore important difficultmore difficult usefulmore useful3.不规则形式或易错形式:much / manymore bad / badly / illworsefarfarther / further furthest littlelessfewfewer oldolder / elder六、自我评估1.用所给词语的正确形式填空:1.The black dog is (thin) than the white dog.2. I a

6、m (short) than Lucy. 3. -Is this balloon (big) than yours? -No, it isnt .4. -Who is _ (strong) , John or Mike? -Mike is.5. -Whose bag is _ (heavy) , mine or yours? -Yours is.二 选择题1. Bob is _ than Tom.A tall B taller C taller D tallest 2. Which is _ a hen or a ducking?A heavy B heavier C heavyer D he

7、avyies 3. He is much _ than Lily. A good B better C best D bettest 4. Miss Chen is _than Mr. Zhang.A popular B more popular C popularest D the more popular 5. Question A is _ than Question B.A easy B easier C easiest D easyer6. The chair is _ than the book. A more expensive B expensiver C expensives

8、t D the more expensive7. The basketball is _ than the tennis.A big B bigger C the bigger D biggest8. This dress is _ than my dress.A beautiful B beautifuler C beautifuller D more beautiful9. She is _ than my sister.A younger B young C youngest D the younger 10.My hair is _ than your hair.A long B lo

9、nger C longest D the longer 11. The flower is _ than the bees. A many B more C most D the most12. My uncle drives much _ than my mother. A better B much better C best D the best13. Winter is _ than autumn. A cold B colder C coldest D colder14. My father is _than my mother.A busy B busier C busyer D busiest七、开心:通过学习我知道了1、 2、 3、 加油:这些知识我还记不牢1、 2、 3、



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