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1、八年级英语第一学期期末考试试卷 (总分100分 答卷时间100分钟)题 号一 二三四五六七八九总 分结分人核分人得 分 同学们,你们好!聪明的你这一学期肯定取得了不小的进步。让我们一起来检测一下吧,你会成功的!第I卷(选择题 共60分) 一、你能根据听到的对话或独白选出问题的正确答案吗?(每小题1分,共15分)A)请根据你所听到的对话,找出问题的正确答案。(听两遍)( )1. Whats the womans favourite animal?A. B. C. ( )2. Which is Jims house? A.B. C. ( )3. How does Li Mei go to scho

2、ol every day?A. B. C. ( )4. Who is cooking dinner now? A. B. C. ( )5. Where can the woman be?A. At a library.B. At the doctors.C. At a bookshop.( )6. What will the weather be like?A. It will be rainy.B. It will be cloudy.C. It will be sunny.( )7. What do they plan to do?A. Go window shopping.B. See

3、a movie.C. Go to a park.( )8. How long should the man wait for the next bus at least?A. 20 minutes.B. A quarter.C. 5 minutes. 听下面一段对话,回答910小题(听三遍)( )9. What is Mary going to do tomorrow? A. Play basketball. B. Do her homework.C. Have a picnic.( )10. Who bought something to eat for Mary? A. Tom. B. J

4、ack. C. Marys mother.B)下面你将听到一段独白,请根据听到的内容选择问题的正确答案(听三遍)( )11. Which is true about Beijing Zoo? A. Its the oldest zoo in China. B. Its the biggest zoo in China. C. Its the most beautiful zoo in China. ( )12. Where will they visit first? A. The Childrens Zoo. B. The Bird World. C. The African Area. (

5、 )13. Where can they see elephants and lions? A. In the African Area. B. In the Asian Area. C. In the American Area. ( )14. How will they get back to school? A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. ( )15. What can the student see in the Asian Area? A. Birds. B. Monkeys. C. Lions. 二、请用你的火眼金睛从A、B、C、D四个选项中找

6、出正确答案。细心点!(每小题1分,共15分)( )16. Mum, Im hungry! Oh, dear. We only have bread in the fridge. Would you like to have ? A. one B. many C. some D. any( )17. Are these cars made in Japan? Yes. And theyre much cheaper than _ in America.A. those B. thatC. it D. ones( )18. His grandfather is over 85, _ he is v

7、ery healthy. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )19. May I come in, Mr Fang? . But please late for class again. A. Sure; dont be B. Yes; not be C. Certainly; not D. No; be not ( )20. Why not join us in the game, Kitty ?_, but I have to do my homework first.A. Lets go B. Its a pleasureC. Yes, please D. Id l

8、ike to( )21. Come over, Lily! Ill show you . A. anything special B. nothing special C. special something D. something special( )22. Sorry, Miss Sun. I my English book at home. Thats OK, but dont forget to bring it here next time. A. forgot B. remembered C. left D. kept( )23. Do you mind my opening t

9、he window? . Its a bit hot in the room. A. Yes, I mind B. No, of course notC. I dont know D. Its hard to say( )24. I dont want the bananas. They smell _. A. good B. bad C. well D. badly( )25. Jane is funny and she often makes us .A. happy B. polite C. friends D. happily( )26. nobody believed me when

10、 I told them the news. A. Almost B. Nearly C. Hardly D. Only ( )27. How was your trip? Terrible. I first took the wrong bus and then got on the way back. A. lose B. losing C. lost D. loss ( )28. How are you today, Jim? Much , but the doctor says Ill have to rest for another few days. A. well B. good

11、 C. better D. best ( )29. The advertisement says this kind of camera is wonderful. Oh, dont just believe the advertisement. The camera is it says.A. as good as B. not as good as C. as well as D. not as well as( )30. The number of giant pandas is getting because their living areas are becoming farmla

12、nds. A. less and less B. larger and larger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer 三、Amy读到一篇富有哲理的短文,可是中间缺了一些词,请你动动脑筋帮她从所给的四个选项中选出恰当的词。(每小题1分,共15分) Last summer, many Beijing middle school students had a different kind of holiday. Instead of playing 31 friends or traveling, they were 32 hard for the National Day celebration.To celebrate the 33 anniversary (周年纪念) of China, the students would 34 a group display in a big parade on Tiananmen Square on October 1.Students were training from 7:30 am to around 10:00 am. or 35 4 pm. and 6:30 pm. It was to keep away from the 36 temperature. They w


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