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1、 海南省洋浦中学2013-2014高三年级英语周测试题一单项填空1. - Why is the cake so expensive?- Maybe you dont know a cake made of wheat costs less than _ made of rice. A. one B. that C. the one D. another2. A traffic regulation released in a foreign country states that passengers sharing a car with a drunken driver _ be punis

2、hed together with the driver himself. A. can B. must C. shall D. will 3. He witnessed Yushu, a county in Qinghai Province hit by _ unexpected earthquake, but the Yushu people havent lost heart, vowing to turn their homeland into _ more beautiful Yushu.A. a; a B. an; the C. the; a D. an; a 4. The amb

3、ulance was just arriving, for a worker, who _ the window on the second floor, fell off the window. A. had been repairing B. was repairingC. has been repairing D. would be repairing5. When he was in high school, he made up his mind to _ membership in the Party. A. learn from B. apply for C. take in D

4、. join in 6. - Im so sorry that I made your computer stop working.- _. I can repair it myself. A. No big deal. B. Dont say that.C. Not at all. D. Of course not.7. With prices rising sharply, we now have to spend _ three months ago on basic living materials.A. as twice much as B. twice as much as C.

5、twice as more than D. twice as many as 8. The last thirty years _ the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress. Until today we have reached a stage _ we have almost no rights at all.A. saw; which B. see; where C. are seeing; in which D. have seen; where9. Barrack Obamas recent visit

6、to the Asian nations clearly sent a message to the world _ Asia is important in Americas global partnership. A. which B. where C. that D. what 10. -Thank you very much for giving me a hand when I was in trouble. -Dont mention it. I only did what anyone else _ in my place. A. must do B. might doC. wo

7、uld have done D. can have done11. -Can you think of another good idea? -This is the best approach I can imagine _ the work ahead of schedule. A. to accomplish B. to accomplishing C. accomplishing D. accomplished12.- Where did you watch the national flag being raised last Monday morning?- It was on t

8、he square _ we flew kites sometimes. A. which B. that C. to which D. where13. When the accident happened, your brother escaped being hurt, _?A. didnt he B. did he C. didnt it D. did it14. It would be very safe if you_ the door_ to the garden. A. fasten; led B. will fasten; leadsC. fastened; leading

9、D. fastened; to lead15. - It took me nearly 5 years to make a breakthrough in my field. - Well, you know what people say. _.A. There is no smoke without fire. B. Practice makes perfect.C. All roads lead to Rome. D. No pains, no gains. 二完形填空 A group of graduates got together to visit their old univer

10、sity professor.The conversation soon turned into complaints about 16 in work and life. Offering his 17 coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and 18 with a large pot of coffee and a 19 of cups-porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain-looking, some expensive, some beautifultelling them to 20

11、 themselves to the coffee.When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, “if you have 21 , all the nice-looking expensive cups have been 22 , leaving behind the plain and 23 ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the 24 of your problems

12、 and stress.”“Be assured that the cup 25 adds no quality to the coffee. 26 it is just more expensive and in some cases 27 hides what we drink.”“ 28 all of you really want is coffee, not the cup, 29 you consciously went for the best cups. And then you began 30 each others cups.”Now consider this: 31

13、is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. 32 are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the 33 of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we 34 to enjoy the coffee. Value the coffee, not the cups! Dont let the cups 35 you enjoy the coffee instead.16. A. stress B. dreamC. sorrow D. truth17. A. friends B. customers C. fellows D. guests18. A. carriedB. returnedC. arrived D. reached19. A. kindB. variety C. sortD. number20. A. devote B. expose C. helpD. addicte



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