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1、 china daily双语新闻:不是仙境是污染,首都等各大城市雾霾笼罩Local authorities said the severe pollution is likely to persist until Tuesday, as weather conditions are preventing pollutants from dispersing.地方机构说严峻污染可能持续到周二,随着天气状况正防止污染物集中。The Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center has reported air quality readings

2、between 176 and 442 from its monitors throughout the greater Beijing area since Friday.北京市环境监测中心报告了自上周五以来监控整个北京地区的空气质量数据在176和442之间。The monitors measure levels of airborne PM 2.5 particulates. These tiny particles are considered among the most harmful as they can travel deep into the respiratory trac

3、t, reaching the lungs. Exposure is linked to respiratory and other problems.监测是以空气颗粒物PM 2.5来衡量的。这些微小粒子被认为最有害由于他们可吸入呼吸道到达肺部。暴露其中会引发呼吸道等其他问题。Air quality is considered good when readings are 50 or below but hazardous at between 301 and 500, when people are told to avoid outdoor physical activities.当数据P

4、M2.5低于50时空气质量被认为是好的,但在301和500之间时就有危急,当人们被告知要避开户外体育活动时。The elderly, children and those suffering from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are advised to stay indoors to reduce exposure to polluted air.老人、儿童和那些患有呼吸系统和心血管疾病的人建议尽量留在室内,削减接触污染的空气。Monitors in Beijing reported air quality indexes above

5、300 on Friday, and the center”s real-time reports showed the capital remained heavily polluted yesterday, with readings around 500 at 5pm from some stations.周五北京公布的空气质量监测指标PM2.5高于300,中心的实时报告显示首都仍旧严峻污染,昨天下午5时一些地区的PM2.5在500左右。A warning on the monitoring center”s website yesterday said the density of P

6、M2.5 had reached 700 micrograms per cubic meter in many parts of Beijing and that the pollution was set to linger for three more days.监控中心的网站昨日提示说在北京的很多地方PM2.5的密度已经到达700微克每立方米,污染将持续三天。This air quality data is the worst in Beijing since the municipal government began to track PM2.5 early last year.自北

7、京市政府去年年初开头追踪PM2.5以来,这是最糟糕的空气质量数据。Sports activities stop体育活动停顿According to rules issued by the city government in December, all outdoor sports activities are to stop and factories have to reduce their production capacity if Beijing”s official air quality reading goes over 500.依据市政府在12月公布的规定,全部户外体育活动都

8、叫停了,假如北京的官方空气质量读数超过500时工厂不得不降低他们的产能。Several other cities, including Tianjin on the coast east of Beijing and Wuhan, capital of central Hubei Province, also reported severe pollution.其它几个城市,包括位于北京东面沿海的天津和中部湖北省的省会武汉也报道污染严峻。In eastern Shandong Province, more than 20 highways were closed as visibility i

9、n some areas was reduced to less than 50 meters, the provincial meteorological center said.位于中国东部的山东省20多条高速大路被关闭,由于省级气象中心说一些地区的能见度降到50米以下。And 63 flights in and out of Shandong”s eastern coastal city of Qingdao had been canceled or delayed by 2pm yesterday, affecting about 5,000 passengers, said airp

10、ort authorities.进出山东东部沿海城市青岛的63趟航班已经取消或推迟到昨天下午2点,影响大约5000名乘客,机场称。In southeastern Jiangxi Province, visibility in eight cities was reduced to less than 500 meters. Five highways were closed and dozens of flights delayed at an airport in the provincial capital of Nanchang yesterday morning, said meteorological authorities.西南部江西省8个城市的能见度降到低于500米。昨日上午5条高速大路被关闭,省会南昌机场数十架航班被延误,气象部门说。


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