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1、一、 亮点词汇替换前面的词为六级所淘汰的且出现频率高的,括号内为替换这些淘汰词的六级中的亮点词。 行测、申论复习与考试过程中,阅读量都非常的大,如果不会提高效率,一切白搭。首先要学会快速阅读,一般人每分钟才看200字左右,我们要学会一眼尽量多看几个字,甚至是以行来计算,把我们的速读提高,然后再提高阅读量,这是申论的基础。行测的各种试题都是考察学生的思维,大家平时还要多刻意的训练自己的思维。学会快速阅读,不仅在复习过程中效率倍增,在考试过程中更能够节省大量的时间,提高效率,而且,在我们一眼多看几个字的时候,还能够高度的集中我们的思维,大大的利于归纳总结,学会后,更有利于行测的复习、考试,特别是在



4、出误区。(摆脱套路模式)第四:把握申论变化。(勤写多类文章)第五:请公务员朋友批改申论。(没有的话去中政申论批改系统)第六:杜绝学生腔。(不要感天动地)申论写作的关键不是自己写不好,是没人指导,给大家介绍个吧!跟上面说的是一套的产品(链接了,按住ctrl,点击就看到了),要是能做完上面的一半题,你的申论一定80分以上。大家认真做里面的题,个人认为这是拉开与别人差距的地方。也许 perhaps (替换词(词帽):It is Perhaps the case that1 逐渐意识到 gradually know (be gradually aware of that 、)2 应该 should d

5、o sth ( be expected to 、be supposed to、)例:we are expected to do our part to enhance the awareness of environmental protection.我们应该尽自己努力提高环保意识。3 尽力去做、try our best(endeavor to do 、)4 建议:suggest、advice(propose)5 谈到、涉及到talk about (as far as sth is concerned 说到)6 非常地 very (absolutely, extremely, excessiv

6、ely, exceedingly)7 重要 important (动词替换:mean(matter) a lot ;make a difference;its sth that count、形容词替换:crucial、critical、significant、fundamental、vital)例:minimizing(减少) the utilization(使用) of disposable plastic bags is fundamental(重要的) to environmental protection and the economic development 8 不同的原因 dif

7、ferent reasons (diverse reasons)9 举例来说 for example;such as (its the case in point that、)10 引起,导致 lead to,result in (contribute to ,give rise to)11 大多数人 most people (the majority of individualsthe overwhelming number of individualsthe overwhelming proportion of individualsa vast number of individuals

8、)12 人们 people (individuals ,population)例:there are diverse reasons which contribute to the environmental pollution,its the case in point that the majority of individuals will throw bags here and there(导致环境污染有不同的原因,例如大多数人到处扔塑料袋。)14. 我认为 I think (动词替换:argue,claim,maintain,reckon,deem,短语替换:from my stan

9、dpoint ;from my perspective )15.我相信 I believe (I hold the firm belief that、)16.必须 must (its a must for us to do sth )17.知道 know (be aware of that (in that)、)18.最后 at last (eventually)19.如果 if (provided that )20.各行各业的人 all kinds of people (all walks of individuals)21.在当今社会 in the modern society (in t

10、he contemporary society)22.明显的 obvious (it is apparent that )23.经常 often (frequently)24.使 make (enable sb to do sth ;render sb to do )25.提高 prove (enhance)26.越来越多 more and more(the mounting number of +可nthe mounting amount of +不可数nthe skyrocketing number of )27.为了 in order to (in an attempt to do 、)

11、28.和 and (coupled with 、)二在英语写作中充当帽子及亮点的短语1.There is an universal(普遍的) phenomenon nowadays that 、(用于现象解释性作文中)2.it is universally acknowledged that 、(人们普遍认为)3.it goes without saying that ;it is needless to say that 、(毫无疑问)4.it is highly significant that 、(做事重要)5.Play a crucial role ;fulfill a critica

12、l role (发挥重要作用)6.English proficiency(英语水平);living standard (生活水平)7.with the advance of economy and the improvement of living standard、(随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高)Coincident with the advancement of science and technology (随着科学技术的发展)8.exert(产生)tremendous (enormous,considerable,remarkable)influence on (产生巨大的影响)9.

13、change dramatically(发生了巨大变化)10.increasingly(越来越、)11.the dawn of the new century witnessed 、(新世纪的黎明目睹了、)例:the past decades witnessed the wide utilize of plastic bags(塑料袋在过去曾广泛使用)12.干任何事情都能产生以下后果(下面的这些可以用于大多数英语写作中):enrich(acquire) knowledge (丰富(获得)知识)broaden horizon (开阔眼界)tap potential (开发潜力)accumulat

14、e experience (积累经验)get acquainted with individuals(认识人)13.as a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds.(就像一句谚语说的没有花园就没有杂草)(这句谚语用于陈述任何事情都有不足)14.Never in the history has sth been so frequently talked about as today.(过去从没sth(事情)像今天这样被频繁的谈论)三六级写作重点短语1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy 2.

15、人民生活水平的显著提高稳步增长 the remarkable improvement steady growth of peoples living standard3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges5.人们普遍认为 it is commonly believed recognized that、6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern draw public attention8.不可否认 it is undeniable that、there is no denying that、9.热烈的讨论争论 a heated discussiondebate 10.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人、而另外一些人、 some peopl


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