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1、 中心 小学 四( )班 ( )号 姓名:2012017学年度第一学期 四年级英语Unit 1测验卷听力部分一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词、数字或字母。(10分) A B C( )1. ball board door( )2. fan fat fun( )3. what where wall( )4. friend floor door( )5. new me near( )6. face fat fate( )7. cat cake cap( )8. clean computer classroom( )9. light window help( )10. teacher pig pict

2、ure二、听录音,根据下图中物品的位置判断句子对错,对的打“ ”,错的打“ ”。(10分)1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )三、 听录音,标顺序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,根据问句选答语。(10分)( )1. A. Its so big. B. Its blue. C. My name is Sarah.( )2. A. Its near the window. B. Its on the chair. C. Lets go and see.( )3. A. Good idea. B. Thank you. C. Its nice.( )4.

3、 A. One desk, one bed and 4 chairs. B. Ten classrooms.C. A blackboard, 6 lights and 2 doors.( )5. A. Its on the floor. B. Thank you. C. Its a bee.五、 听录音,写出下列句子所缺的单词。(10分)1. Whats this? Its a _.2. Hello, my _ is Lily.3. Look at my _. Its red.4. Let me eat the _.5. Where is my _? Its on the desk.六、听录音

4、,圈出你所听到的物品,并与相应的颜色连线。(10分) green whiteblackredorange笔试部分七、 找出下列划线部分发音与其他三个不同的单词,将正确答案填在题前的括号里。”( ) 1. A. cake B. cat C. make D. grape( ) 2.A. mad B. fat C. fan D. date( ) 3.A. dad B. can C. name D. hat( )4.A. plane B. came C. same D. at ( )5.A. sad B. rat C. happy D. face 八、根据括号里的提示,连词成句,回答问题。(6分)1.

5、 Where is it? _( near, it, the, is, window )2. Where is the picture? _( is, on, it, the, wall )九、完成对话,将句子的编号填在横线上。(10分)A. Where is it? B. Let me clean the teachers desk. C. It is near the door. D. We have a new classroom. E. Wow, its nice. F. Lets go and see.Amy: Hello, Mike. _.Mike:Really?What is i

6、n the classroom?Amy: _.Mike: Its so big. Amy: Look ! My new desk. Mike: _?Amy: Its near the door.Mike: _.Lets clean our classroom.Amy:Good idea!_.Mike : Good. Let me clean the window. Miss White: Good job!十、阅读短文,判断对错。(10分) Hello! My name is John. Im 11. We have a new big classroom. You can see two b

7、oards, six lights, four fans, five windows, two doors and one computer. There are 40 desks and chairs in the classroom. My seat(座位)is near the window. ( )1. John is a student.( )2. Johns classroom is small.( )3. You can see a computer in the classroom.( )4. You can see 40 chairs and desks in the classroom.( )5. Johns desk is near the window.


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