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1、科教版人教PEP版四年级下册英语语法填空摸底专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 写出单词的正确形式填空,并将其填在横线上。1-How many_(orange/oranges)do you have?-I have one orange.2Look at_(that/those)animals.3- Can Wang Biang_(skates/skate)Well? -Yes, he can.4Have a birthday cake_(with/at) a cherry.5They_(is/are) tigers.2. 选词填空。is, to, next, so, on1Welcome_my

2、 school.2This gym is_big.3Its_the second floor.4That_a music room.5The classroom is_to the art room.3. 看一看,选一选。A. car B. card C. arm D. tall E. ball F. wall1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_) 6(_)4. 用所给的单词或短语造句。(答案不唯一)例如:read: I can read a book.1. help:_2. winner:_3. have a look:_4. get up:_5. going to:_5. 选词填空。

3、Her apples me students bedrooms1Let_clean the windows.2_name is Wang Fang.3Would you like some red_?4I have three_.5How many_are there in your class?6. 根据图片选择单词,补全句子或对话。noodles, fan, storybooks, parents, doctor1Who are they?They are my_.2There are two_on my desk.3A_is on the table.4My uncle is a far

4、mer and my aunt is a_.5Id like some soup and_7. 背诵课文,填写对话或句子。1A: How are you?B:_2A: Nice to meet you.B:_3Steven,_. His name is Danny. Her name is Kim.8. 选词填空(词汇运用)。1Kim is_(between / behind) the box.2The teacher is_(in front of / between) the blackboard.3The pencils are_(in / in front of) the pencil

5、 box.9. 选择正确的单词填空。A. buy B. Dont C. costs D. in E. after1._stand up!2.Dont speak_class.3. Grandmother is looking_my little sister.4. The beautiful dress_108 yuan.5.I can_a computer.10. 根据提示完成下列句子。1Its warm inside._(脱下) your shoes.2Good morning. This is the_(天气预报).3Its cold outside._(戴上) a hat.4_(几点)

6、 is it?5Whats the weather like_(在伦敦)?11. 根据句意或汉语提示,选词填空。learn our Friday visit Wednesday1.Today is Thursday and tomorrow is_.2.Today is_and tomorrow is Thursday.3.Robots will do_(我们的)homework.4.On Friday Ill_(看望)my grandma.5.They will help children_(学习).12. 选词填空。A. are B. on C. for D. too E. at1Look

7、_that dress. Its very cheap.2We have many colours_you.3These sunglasses are¥200. Theyre_expensive.4The gloves_nice.5Its cold today. I can put_my sweater.13. 根据句意或汉语提示填空。(每格一词)1My friend is super. He can_nice pictures. He can_songs. But he cant_in the water.2My father likes reading,_(游泳)and_(跑步). But

8、 he doesnt like_(跳)or_(画画).14. 将词归类,按要求写在横线上。twenty, first, library, second, forty, near, in, computer room1基数词:_2序数词:_3介词:_4教学设施:_15. 按要求写单词。1they(宾格) 2we(宾格)3potato(复数) 4sheep(复数)5this(复数) 6that(复数)7expensive(反义词)8warm(反义词)9cloud(形容词) 10sun(形容词)16. 写出单词复数及汉语意思。1monkey_ 2panda_3tigers_ 4lions_5anim

9、al_ 6elephant_7camels_ 8bird_17. 按要求写单词。1dance(动名词)_2boy(对应词)_3sheep(复数形式)_4this(复数形式)_5I(宾格)_18. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We dont have_(some) lessons on Saturday.2Helen_(have) a dancing lesson today.3How many_(lesson) do you have, Wang Bing?4Lets go and_(play) basketball.5Liu Tao has two football_(match) today.19. 根据汉语意思选词填空。nice shy cool clever cute1.This is my cat. Its very_.(可爱的)2. Lucy is a nice girl, but she is a bit_.(害羞的)3. This is my big brother. Hes very_.(酷的)4. Xiyangyang is very_.(聪明的)5. Snow White is a very_(友善的) girl.页码 / 总页数


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