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1、初一英语组导学案设计Module 8 Choosing Presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts.【学习目标】知识目标:能读懂关于他人喜好的文章,识别他人的喜好。能力目标:能正确使用一般现在时介绍他人的喜好。情感目标:让学生了解国外的生日文化,比较中西方生日文化的不同,培养和提高学生的跨文化交际意识。学习重点 :Key vocabulary - choose ,wear , shoe, spend, film ,song, weekend. Key structure - She likes/ She has got./ She often goes

2、 to the cinema.学习难点:正确使用一般现在时介绍他人的爱好。预习案【学法指导】小组合作, 自主学习 两种阅读技巧:Skimming means reading quickly to get the main idea of a passage. 略读:迅速阅读获取段落的主要意思.Scanning means reading quickly to find specific information.寻读:迅速阅读获取文本的详细信息.【预习任务】学习建议:根据汉语提示写出下列单词短语,错误的用红笔圈好、改正,背会。I.词汇:1 衣服 2.杂志 3.围巾 4.连衣裙 5.锻炼,练习6.

3、选择 7.花费 8.昂贵的 9.音乐会 10.周末 II.短语:1. 保持健康 2. 进行锻炼 3.花很多钱4. 去看电影 5.去看足球赛 6.在周末 III. 句型:(1).花费时间、金钱:spend /take1. 我花费一个小时做作业 I _ an hour _ my homework. =_ _ me an hour _ do my homework.2. 他花10元买了一支钢笔 He _ 10 yuan _ a pen.(2). 穿着 wear /put on 3. Its very cold, Please _ _ your coat.4. I often _ a pair of

4、old shoes.IV. 语法: 一般现在时 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. I usually _ (get) up early every day. 2. He _ (like) going swimming. 3. The girl often _ (go) to school late. 4.She _ (not play) computer games. 【背景知识】趣谈西方人过生日同学们,你们知道在西方的英语国家,那里的人们是怎样过生日的吗? 一起走进今天的信息链接, 来简单了解一下吧!生日对每个人来说都是很特别的日子,所以一般过生日的人都会受到朋友和家人的特别待遇。 所以小孩子

5、都对自己的生日十分期待, 甚至希望早点来, 但是成年人则比较反感,因为又有人来祝贺自己老了一岁。 除了聚会之外,在生日这一天被邀请的客人还会有礼物送给过生日的人,一般来说寿星都会得到一大堆朋友和家人送的礼物。 在你生日的时候你是不是也希望得到很多的礼物呢? Birthday presentsIn the UK and the US, people often give candy to children as birthday presents. They also give toys(玩具) or clothes. The children always open their present

6、s immediately(立刻).探究案【质疑探究】Free talkIf your birthday is tomorrow, what presents would you like? 学习建议:迅速浏览短文,运用两种阅读方法,扑捉关键信息,把握文章主题,完成下列各题。【思维导图】Activity 1.Read the text. Mind mapping : Who are we going to choose presents for?WhoActivity 2.Match the people with what they like doing1. Damings grandpar

7、ents going to concerts2. Damings mother going shopping 3. Bettys cousin staying healthy4. Tonys sister watching films5. Linglings aunt and uncle watching football matchesActivity 3. Choose presents from the pictures in your books on Page 50.NamePresentsDamings grandparentsDamings motherBettys cousinTonys sisterLinglings aunt and uncle提升案【学以致用】Free talkSuppose(假设): Tomorrow is your fathers birthday, what would you like to give him? Why?检测: Write some sentences about choosing birthday presents for your family.


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