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1、初中在线Review of Units 1-2名词羔羊嫁;娶;(使)成婚;结婚理由,原因手术,操作修理;解决;安装电视机,电视节目厕所形容词比赛,竞赛动词奇怪的,陌生的痛惜,懊悔,遗憾,失望评理,劝说连词视野;景色;看法感到遗憾,惋惜也不化学骗取;作弊短语哄骗,作弊惩罚,处罚既不也不谋杀谋杀分析下面单词的词性和词意初中在线reasonable-_( )compete-_( )regrettable-_( )review-_( )interview-_( )chemist-_( )chemical-_( )punishment-_( )stranger-_( )operate-_( )marri

2、age-_( )married-_( )在练习题中找到下面的句子并分析1. Li Fei said population problems,_pollution and_pollution were the main reasons why he was uncomfortable. p49-1-B-(9) 译:_点拨:the main reasons - 主要原因 思考:why he was uncomfortable-_做reason的_语2.Wei Hua advised him to join the club, “Greener China”. 译:_点拨:advise sb. to

3、 do sth. - 建议某人做某事 思考:advise的同根名词是-_(不可数)练习:a.老师建议我们每天锻炼身体。Our teacher _ _ _ _ _ every day. b.谢谢你给我提了一条好的建议。Thanks _ giving me _ _ _ _ _.3.Our country provides good medical treatment for homeless people. 译:_点拨:provide sth. for sb. - 给某人提供某物 同义短语:provide sb. _ sth.对比:offer-提供(主动) 用法:offer sb. sth. =

4、offer sth. to sb. - 给某人提供某物练习:a.The government has provided plenty of school supplies for the children in poor areas. 译:_同义句:_ b. I offered him a glass of wine. 译:_同义句:_4.China has developed rapidly in recent years. 译:_同义句:China has made _ development _.5.I am considering changing my job because Im

5、tired of it. 译:_点拨:consider doing sth.-考虑做某事 be tired of sth./doing sth.- 厌倦某事/做某事练习: 如果你厌倦了网上聊天,考虑一下用另一种方式。_ _ in another way if you _ _ _ it.6.Congratulations! You were in the English competition. 译:_点拨:congratulations -祝贺(常用复数) 链接:Best wishes!-_ Thanks!-_competition -竞赛 链接:match - race- game-7.In

6、 Sweden, it is against the law to hit a child. 译:_点拨:against-反对,对抗(介词) 链接:play against-_ against the wind-_8.I regret to tell you that you didnt pass the exam because of carelessness. 译:_点拨:regret-感到遗憾,惋惜 用法:regret doing sth.-遗憾做了某事 regret to do sth.-遗憾地做某事练习:a. He regrets doing such a silly thing.

7、译:_ b. I regret to tell you that that old man died last night. 译:_ c. To my regret, she couldnt pass the exam successfully. 译:_9.Lisa watched until the train disappeared from the view. 译:_点拨:view-视野;景色;看法 链接:view-视野 同义词:sight in view=in sight-在视线中 思考: 不在视线中,消失-_ view-看法 同义词:opinion 练习:a. Keep out of

8、 my view/sight! 译:_b.What are your views/opinions on free education? 译:_10.It doesnt matter to me. 译:_点拨:matter(动词)-有关系,要紧(用于疑问和否定句) 练习: What does it matter? 译:_链接:matter还可以用做名词-事情,问题,麻烦事练习: a.你怎么啦?Whats _ _ _ you? = Whats _ _ you? b.事实上,他根本不觉得惋惜。_ _ _ _ _, he didnt _ at all.11.Tom is good at chemis

9、try while his brother does well in history. 译:_总结:be good at = do well in - 在方面擅长/做得好练习: 你擅长唱英文歌吗?a._ b._12.Although I am weak in English, I never give up. 译:_总结:be weak in - 在方面差/弱 同义短语:do badly in13.My neighbor is sure that somebody has just stolen the new garbage can. 译:_总结:be sure that- 对肯定/有把握练习: 每个中国人确信中国将会成为世界最发达的国家。Each Chinese _ _ _ China will _ _ _ _ country in the world.14.We shouldnt allow anybody to cheat in the exams. 译:_



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