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1、Module8 Unit1 There are stone animals.第一课时一、教学目标与要求(1)知识与能力目标Listening, reading and acting the dialogueReading the base expressions and sentences:There is a camel. There are stone animals(2)能够用英语描述有什么。2、情感态度目标学生通过学习了解中西方文化的差异二、教学重点及难点1重点:Practicing the drills with others, using the sentences:There i

2、s-. There are-.2 难点:能用英语灵活运用There be 句型三、课前准备 教具:单词卡片、 配套课件、PowerPoint课件、教学挂图四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1、Free talk: 师生问答生生互答T: Do you like animals? Ss: Yes, we do.T: What animals do you like?S: I like dogs.( rabbits cats pandas tigers-)Say and pointStep 2 Presentation and practice1学习新知识:1)教师出示图片Look, ther

3、e is a dog. Teacher points to the picture and says:There is a-.Have the children practice the sentences2) Teacher points to two same animals and saysThere are two-.学生练习句子3) Write the two sentences on the boards and find out the difference between the two sentences.4) Watch the video of the animals a

4、nd have the children say out whats in the zoo?Ss: There is a-. / There are -.1) Learn the new words: camel, stone animalsLittle teacher teach the words and check.Read the sentences together.2. 学习对话:1) T: Now were having a good time at the zoo. But what about Sam and Amy? Where are they? And what are

5、 they doing? Lets watch the video.Watch the video of the dialogue the first time.Teacher asks question: Where are they?Learn the new expression: The Ming Tombs2) T: What are they doing in the Ming Tombs? Lets watch the video again.Watch the video the second time. And have some questions for children

6、: Whats in the Ming Tombs?How many stone animals are there? Is there a monster?After the video, discuss the questions in group, then answer the questions.3) Listen, point and repeat the dialogue4) Act out the dialogue. First , practice in groups.Then give each section a role in the conversation, eit

7、her Amy, Sam, mum, dad. Act out the dialogue, with each group saying the corresponding text.Step 3 Consolidation and extension1) Watch and say whats in the picture?2) Guessing game: Whats in Santa Clauss bag?3) Practice: Read the article and design your roomStep 4 HomeworkModule8 Unit1 There are sto

8、ne animals.第二课时Teaching steps:Step1 Warm-up1. Greetings2. Sing songs.“Old Macdonle”Step2 Lead-in and task-settingT:Look!There are some pictures .There is a picture of Haicang Zoo. There is a picture of Zhongshan Park.There is a picture of Huandao Road.Our teacher Ms Bachelor wants to visit them.she

9、needs some guides.Do you want to be her guides?Ss:Yes.Step3 Presentation1. Watch CD-ROM2. Present “Animal,camel,lion,horse,elephant,There is”3. (Sing a song)song:(There is a lion. There is a lion. There is a horse,There is a horse. There is an elephant. There is an elephant. There is a camel. There

10、is a camel.)4. Present “There are”5. Say the chant:听音,说一说。(There are dogs. There are ducks. There are cats. There are snakes.)Lets say the chant.选出最棒的组。6. Listen and repeatStep 4 Consolidations.T:Miss Huang 有棵魔术树,长满了奇怪的果实,小朋友们想得到他们吗?看看哪个小组拿到最多的礼物。Ss:There is /areStep 5 Task-fulfillingT :Now its time

11、 to finish our task. Well choose guide groups. Stick them and say out by turns .Give you 3 minutes.Ss:(小组合作完成任务)T:Its time to choose guide groups.四人小组上台介绍图片,评出导游小组。Step6 Homework .1. listen and read the text.2. Tell you parents what you learned.教学反思Module8 Unit2 How many people are there in your fam

12、ily?第三课时【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法 many people aunt grandfather grandmother grandparent uncle have got 2. 能力目标:能在实际情境中运用表达建议的句型。如:How many ? There is/are .Have you got ?I have got .Somebody have/has also got .3. 情感目标:让学生给出学习的建议,培养学生自主学习的意识。【教学重难点】:1.重点句式:How many ?There is/are .Have you got ?I

13、have got .Somebody have/has also got .2.难点:have/has got的用法及询问数量的句式How many ?以及回答There be句型。【教学过程】一、Lead in 问学生:你知道多少与家庭成员有关的词汇吗?写一写,比一比 设计意图:这样会调动学生用英语思维的积极性,学生肯定回答不一。此时教师可向学生简单家庭成员名称及数量统计,引出How many people are there in your family?。以此为情境,导入本课。二、Text study 听Activity 2 ,将单词与图片中人物搭配,使单词得以更好地应用。三、听力 多层

14、听1. 听activity 3判断下列句子的正与误。1) Tony has got a small family . ( )2) Tony has got three grandparents . ( )3) He hasnt got any brothers or sisters . ( )4) He has got three uncles . ( )5) He hasnt got any aunts . ( )2.听activity3, 填写activity 4的句子,完成后让学生小组内交流答案。3.听后说让学生主动站起来,介绍一下自己的家庭成员。4.小组内合作解决activity 3的汉语意思,找出不懂的地方。5.小组间合作解决不懂的地方五、重点与难点(一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1. people.(泛指)“人;人们;人民”,作“人”讲时,是一个_名词,本身表示复数,其后不加-s。如:我家有三口人。There are _ _ in my family.


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