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1、Module 3 Music 基础练习本课时编写:四川绵阳普明中学刘宗华第一部分 单词拼写1. Many artists were _ (天才), such as Leonardo da Vinci and Beethoven.2. _ (音乐的) theatre is a form of theatre combining music, songs, spoken dialogues and dances.3. He was an excellent _ (指挥) of the orchestra before he retired.4. The _ (听众) was enjoying ev

2、ery minute of the performance.5. The Beatles sold more _(专辑) than any other rock band.6. He showed a special t_ in singing at an early age.7. They c_ a song for the Olympics in Tokyo last month.8. The song is c _, so I remembered it after I heard it.9. I l_ my job when the company moved to another s

3、tate.10. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very i_ with him.第二部分 短语翻译1. 对印象深刻_ 2. 变聋_ 3. 在很小的年龄_4 一位独奏艺术家_ 5. 毕业后 _6. split up_7. of all time_8. be known as _9. make a note of _10. out of tune _第三部分 翻译句子1. 乔治是一名美国人,作为一位成功的银行家而著名。(known as)_2. 完成作业之后,汤姆去打篮球了。(having done)_3. 他的演讲给到场的人留下了深刻的印象。(impress

4、ed)_4. 是李老师教我们英语。(It who )_5. 热天鱼容易变坏。(go + adj.)_6. 我们应当把每天的花费情况记录下来。(keep a record of)_7. 约翰和玛丽已经分道扬镳了,你知道吗?(split up)_8. 他的母亲不知道他已经在战争中牺牲了。(lose)_9. 我们为他的英雄行为所感动。(moved)_10. 不仅是你,他也收到了这个急电。(as well as)_第四部分 单项填空1. He had a beautiful singing _.A. voice B. soundC. noise D. tone2. After _ music in V

5、ienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria.A. study B. studiedC. studying D. studies3. Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, _ he became director of music. A. when B. whereC. which D. that4. He only lived 35 years and he composed _ 600 pieces of m

6、usic.A. other than B. much thanC. rather than D. more than5. Wolfgang had musical _ from a very early age.A. temper B. talentC. appearance D. character6. He learned to play _ harpsichord when he was four.A. a B. an C. the D. /7. By the time he was 14, Mozart _ many pieces for the harpsichord, piano

7、and violin,as well as for orchestras.A. composed B. composesC. has composed D. had composed8. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed _ him.A. to B. at C. with D. over9. The two were friends until Mozarts _ in 1791.A. died B. deathC. dead D. deadly10. _ he grew older, he began to go deaf.A.

8、As B. ThoughC. Still D. With11. By the time he realizes he_into a trap, itll be too late for him to do anything about it.A. walks B. walkedC. has walked D. had walked12. Father keeps impressing _ me the importance of following others advice wisely and correcting my mistakes in time.A. to B. withC. o

9、n D. by13. He showed a special talent _ singing _ an early age.A. in; at B. for; inC. at; in D. for; at14. _ his father came back from work _ his homework.A. Not until; he didB. It wasnt until; when he didC. It was until; that he didnt doD. It wasnt until; that he did15. On hearing the news of the a

10、ccident in the coal mine, she _ pale.A. got B. changedC. went D. appeared答案与解析第一部分 单词拼写1. geniuses【解析】句意:许多艺术家都是天才,比如达芬奇和贝多芬。2. Musical【解析】句意:音乐剧是一种集音乐、歌曲、口语对话和舞蹈于一体的戏剧形式。3. director/conductor【解析】句意:退休前,他是一位杰出的管弦乐队指挥。4. audience【解析】句意:听众们在享受表的每一分钟。5. albums【解析】句意:披头士乐队的专辑销量超过其他摇滚乐队。6. talent【解析】句意:他

11、在很小的时候就表现出了一种特殊的歌唱天赋。7. composed【解析】句意:上个月他们为东京奥运会谱写了一首歌。8. catchy【解析】句意:那首歌很动人。所以,我听一遍就记住了。9. lost【解析】句意:公司搬到了另一个州,我便失业了。10. impressed【解析】句意:海顿于1781年与莫扎特相遇,并对他留下了深刻的印象。第二部分 短语翻译1. be impressed with/by2. go deaf3. at/from an early age4. a solo artist5. after graduation/graduating6. 分裂;分割7. 前所未有的8. 被称作;以著名9. 记录10. 跑调;不一致第三部分 翻译句子1. George is an American and is known as a successful banker.2. Having finished his homework,Tom went to play basketball.3. The people present were al



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