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1、单元/章/课:Unit 2 第 3 课时 主备人:刘云霞课题Unit 2 How do you come to school?课型新授课教材分析本部分是Bobby想骑自行车去上学的故事。Bobby有一辆新自行车,他很喜欢在公园里骑他的新车,他感到很酷。他想在Sam面前这哪是他的新车,于是问爸爸能不能骑车去上学。爸爸说年龄小不同意等等,这个故事延续了本单元交通方式的话题,同时也复现了上一单元的句型。目标表达1.能理解并演唱“The wheels on the bus”2.熟练掌握bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro等交通工具类单词3.理解与掌握tr 在单

2、词中的发音规律。4. 在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。5. 在理解cartoon time的基础上,进行创造性地输出。学情分析学生有什么在上几节课中,同学们基本掌握了本单元的重点内容。学生缺什么熟练灵活运用本课涉及的句型重点能正确理解,朗读cartoon time的故事难点能正确并熟练询问并回答原因方法手段A.通过观看光盘,创设情境,组织游戏等活动帮助学生建构知识B.让学生在主动探究、合作学习的过程中,内化知识,提升能力教 学 过 程(包括:主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、亮点/精彩片段)教师教什么、怎么

3、教学生学什么、怎么学Step1 Learning aims1. 能理解并演唱“The wheels on the bus”2. 熟练掌握bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro等交通工具类单词3. 理解与掌握tr 在单词中的发音规律。4. 在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。5. 在理解cartoon time的基础上,进行创造性地输出。Step2 .Free time4. Sing the song “The wheels on the bus”Teach: wheel r

4、ound and round through the town Sing together; sing in groups1. Guessing gamewhat transportation is it?It has 2 wheels, it doesnt go fast.-bike It has 4 wheels, it goes fast.-car It has many wheels , It looks like a snake.-train It has two wings, it can fly high.-plane It looks like a snake , it goe

5、s under groundmetroStep 2. 新知呈现 Cartoon timeWhat are these things about?They are about traffic transportation. 板书: traffic,transportation1. Learn a rhymeTraffic, traffic, on the street,Beep beep, beep beep!Trans, trans, through the trees,Choo-choo, choo-choo!1) Read after computer2) Read in groups2.

6、 PronunciationCan you find out any rules?They all have “tr”and it sounds /tr/Find out more words with “tr”?Step3 Post- reading1. Talk about the pictures:Who can you see in the picture?Bobby and his father.2. Listen to the tape:What does Bobby like doing?3. Watch and answer.How does Bobby want to go

7、to school? 4. What about Sam?Can he come to school by bike too?Step 4 Homework. *听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读小故事并尝试背诵。*小组内分角色扮演小故事Learn new wordsSing a song(work in groups)Say a chantGuess the transportation and spell it. 导入sound timeRead sound timeRead in many ways.(Read in groups)Work in groupsAsk and answerListe

8、n and answerWatch and answerBecause he is young. is not old.自主学习同学们观看动画,并找到问题答案。合作学习学生自读课文内容,找到问题的答案,并读一读。自主阅读1, Act it outa, Read fluently 流利的朗读b, Read fluently and beautifully流利、优美的朗读c, Act it out with emotions有感情地表演课堂巩固完成导学单2课堂练习1课后安排巩固练习1、分层作业2、 完成导学单2课堂练习2预习内容Fun time Sound time Culture time and Ticking time反思与重建Cartoon time延续了本单元交通方式的话题,同时也复现了上一单元的句型why。?及其回答because,所以我又设计了几个问题都是以why。?开头的,见二次备课。


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