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《Unit5 My clothes.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit5 My clothes.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 My clothes 一、教学目标与要求 1.知识目标 (1) 能听懂、说出、认读表示服饰的单词socks、shorts、sweater、jacket、coat、shirt;(2)能掌握单、复数名词与be动词的搭配使用。(3) 能学会询问服饰的位置和颜色及其应答的交际用语:Where are my new socks? What color are they? They are . I want to wear my.2. 教学重点(1)听、说、读表示服饰的单词socks、shorts、sweater、jacket、 coat、shirt;(2)能听懂问句Where are my

2、new socks? What color are they? 并根据实际情况回答:They are . 运用I want to wear my.表达自己喜爱的服饰 3. 教学难点 (1)单、复数名词与be动词的搭配使用。 (2)简单描述服饰的颜色,位置,并根据不同天气,出门需求选择合适的服饰。1世纪教育网版权所有二、教学过程 1. 热身活动(Warm-up) (1)Sing a song T:Hello, boys and girls. All of you sang a beautiful song, you all did a good job. Now can you tell me

3、how many colors are there in the song?(2)Review the clothes T:Lets enjoy some pictures. These pictures are about the clothes we can wear. (3)Review T: Now whole class stand up and lets do the actions together. Are you ready? 2. 新课导入(Lead-in)(1)情景引入,突出重点 T : Look at the picture. This is a world map.

4、We can see some cities in it.教师用多媒体动画呈现Sarah和妈妈的对话情境,让学生观看视频动画。视频中的对话内容如下:Sarah: Mum, where are my new socks?Mum: What color are they?Sarah: White.接着教师提问:What does Sarah find?所有(2)整体感知,击破难点What color is it ? / What color are they ?Where is my skirt ? / Where are my socks ? 3.课堂操练(Practice)(1)听录音,跟读2

5、 T:This class, we travel with our friends Chen Jie, Sarah, Wu Yifan and Mike to different countries. At the same time, we have learn six new words. Do you enjoy it? S: Yes. I like Moscow. Its cold and snowy. T: I like it too. Now lets review what we have learn today. Follow the video, please.(2)趣味游戏

6、,单词操练 Game1: Challenge your memoryT: Say the word as soon as possible.When you know the answer, please put up your hand and say it loudly. (3)小组合作学习。T:Boys and girls, we had reviewed all the words we learn today. Now I will give you a small test. Four students in a group, lets finish the sentences. Its your turn, go, go, go. I will give all three minutes.6. 板书设计 (Blackboard writing) Unit 5 My clothes Part B Lets learn shirt , sweater , jacket , coat socks ,shorts Where are my new socks ? What color are they ? 21 I want to wear my.


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