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1、有关工作的英语励志句子 【篇一】有关工作的英语励志句子1、在以后的学习中,刻苦学习,拼搏进取。In the later study, study hard, enterprising.2、人的价值蕴藏在人的才能之中。The value of a man is in the persons ability.3、环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。The environment will never be perfect, negative people affected by environmental control, positive people control

2、environment.4、就算前面有大风大浪,我们也要咬紧牙关,大步向前,因为我们拥有青春。Even if in front of the wind waves, we also want to bite the bullet, big step forward, because we have the youth.5、人一定要受过伤才会沉默专注,无论是心灵或*上的创伤,对成长都有益处。People must focus on injury will only silence, whether spiritual or physical trauma, are helpful to grow

3、th.6、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个奋斗。Life for some people is beautiful, the persons life is a struggle.7、自己去做吧。不要依赖别人。Do it myself. Dont rely on others.8、没有人能改变你,别人只能影响你,能改变你的只有你自己。No one can change you, others can only affect you, only you can change you.9、智者不只发现机会,更要创造机会。The wise man will not only find

4、the opportunity, should create more opportunities.10、只要做一个努力改变自己的人,我们的人生才无悔!As long as make an effort to change their own people, our life is without regret!11、我从来不认为半小时是我微不足道的很小的一段时间。I never think half an hour is my small small for a period of time.12、没有一种不通过蔑视忍受和斗争就可能驯服的命运。Not a kind not through t

5、he contempt of suffering and struggle can tame destiny.13、一个人的成功往往不是因为他的聪明而是因为他的努力。A persons success is often not because hes clever but because hes efforts.14、如果导致了两极分化,改革就算失败了。Even if the lead to polarization, reform failed.15、不管你去往何方,不管将来迎接你的是什么,请你带着阳光般的心情启程。Whether you where, no matter what to m

6、eet you in the future, please leave with the mood like the sunshine.16、错过的东西永远比失去的多。那还悲伤什么。Miss something more than lose forever. What is sad.17、每一个人都是其他人的对手,但其实真正的对手却是时间。Every man is the opponent of others, but the real rival is time.18、敢于梦想,勇于梦想,这个世界永远属于追梦的人。Dare to dream, have the courage to drea

7、m, the world belongs to pursue forever.19、用“分”来计算时间的人,比用“时来计算时间的人,时间多五十九倍。"Points" can be used to calculate time, than to use "time computation time person, time fifty-nine times more than.20、有梦青年去奋斗,不惧怕风雨,只为那绚丽的彩虹。A dream of youth to struggle, not afraid of wind and rain, to be the g

8、orgeous rainbow. 【篇二】有关工作的英语励志句子1、人的志向,应在千里之外。should the aspirations of people, thousands of miles away.2、把握住这天,胜过两个明天。seize the day, is worth two tomorrow.3、被克服的困难就是胜利的契机。be overcome difficulties is victory.4、走过这片泥泞,我在那里等你!through the mud, i there waiting for you!5、题诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。sense to send you

9、 not not, mo negative youth from shame.6、比别人多一点执着,你就会创造奇迹。a little more persistent than others, you will create a miracle.7、要做到坚忍不拔,最要紧的是坚持到底。to do perseverance, stick to it is the most important thing.8、学会技能是小智慧,学会做人是大智慧。learn skills is a little wisdom, learning life is great wisdom.9、教育是人才的娘家,社会是人

10、才的婆家。education is the talents maiden, society is talented persons husbands family.10、一个胆怯的问题总会得到一个自信的答复。a timid question will always receive a confident answer.11、愚者用*监视心灵,智者用心灵监视*。the foolish one monitor with the human body heart, the wise monitor the human body with the mind.12、老板和员工并不是对立的,而是和谐统一的

11、。the boss and employees are not opposing, but harmony.13、思想如钻子,必须集中在一点钻下去才有力量。ideas such as drill, drill down must be focused on a point to have power.14、当你工作和研究的时候,必须具有强烈的*。when you work and study, must have a strong passion.15、如果成功方向是错误的,坚持到底就会错误到底。if successful direction is wrong, do it will be w

12、rong.16、生活中若没有朋友,就像人生活中没有阳光一样。a life without a friend, just like no sunshine in life.17、朝着心中目标前进的人,整个世界都在为他让路。toward the goals in the heart of man, the whole world is on the way for him.18、我是你的风筝,线在你手上,可陪伴我的只有风。i am your kite, line in your hand, can accompany me only wind.19、跌倒了,要自己爬起来。你将会成为了不起的人!fe

13、ll, will get up myself. you will be a great person!20、面对困境,悲观的人因为往往只看到事情消极一面。in the face of difficulties, pessimist because often only see the negative side of things. 【篇三】有关工作的英语励志句子1、守其初心,始终不变。Keep the beginners mind, always the same.2、先知三日,富贵十年。Prophet 3, riches and honour for ten years.3、世上唯有贫穷可

14、以不劳而获。Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.4、想法决定做法,思路决定出路。Idea decided to practice, thinking decide way out.5、成功的秘诀是走向目的的坚持。The secret of success to purpose is to insist on.6、只有在苦难中,才能认识自我。Only in the suffering, can know his own self.7、没有人会让你输,除非你不想赢。No one will make you lose, unless you

15、dont want to win.8、战胜自我不服输,高考场上显身手。Overcome self relentlessness, college entrance examination on the field.9、信心加认真听讲加检查等于好成绩。Confidence and listening plus check is good result.10、为别人照亮道路,自己必须放出光茫。Illuminates the path for others, oneself must emit light.11、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈。No money and rank can confuse, no poverty to power and force can.12、有许多人是用青春的幸福作成功的


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