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1、Step1 Warming up How many holidays do you know in western countries?New Years Day January 1St. valentines Day February 14April Fools Day April 1Mothers Day The second Sunday in MayFathers Day The third Sunday in JuneHalloween October 31Thanksgiving Day The 4th Thursday in NovemberChristmas December

2、25Background:Harvest Festivals(感恩节) Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, an

3、d will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes. w 感恩节是美国仅次于圣诞节的重要节日,可追溯到英国在北美建立殖民地之初。w 1620年12月一批清教徒

4、乘“五月花”号船到达新英格兰的普利茅斯,建立了英国人在北美的第二个殖民点。w 1621年这些英国殖民者在当地印地安人帮助下经过努力奋斗取得了丰收,为感谢上帝,他们举行了庆祝活动。w 以后这一习俗逐渐扩展到全美国,并把庆祝活动固定在每年11月的第四个星期四。这一天,一家人聚集在一起,享受烤火鸡和南瓜饼等美食,并常有舞会等余兴节目。Step2. Fast reading Complete the following table:Time Place/Person AffairsDecember.1620 Plymouth, America A group of Englishmen arrived

5、 there and settled down.December13, 1621 / That day was set aside for celebration/ harvest.November 26, 1789 George Washington He declared November 26, 1789 to be Thanksgiving Day / Abraham Lincoln He decided that the last Thursday in November be Thanksgiving Day.Step3. Careful readingAnswer the fol

6、lowing questions: Who at what time and in which part of the world first celebrated Thanksgiving Day? Did the Mayflower passengers meet with difficulties when they settled down in the new world? Why was Thanksgiving Day celebrated? Introducing some Thanksgiving food:Traditional Thanksgiving mealStuff

7、ed Turkey 烤火鸡Sweet Potatoes 甜土豆Pumpkin Pie 南瓜馅饼Other common Thanksgiving foodMashed Potato and Gravy烤洋芋泥 ,浓稠淋汁Cranberry Sauce, Biscuits小紅莓調味醬,饼干Wine, Corn Bread and Squash 酒,玉米面包,南瓜Step4.Language points: settle down arrive in along with thanks sb for sth set aside set apart the rest be devoted to st

8、h.( doing sth.) 强调句:It + be+要强调部分+who(强调人)/ that(强调其它)v when is .? What doyou usually do on.? Whats your favourite festival? Whats your favorite food ?Step5:Activity:情境回归,知识内化。Suppose one student is a reporter and the others in the group are foreigners from different countries, talk about the festiv

9、als and act it out . 活动形式:让一名学生扮演记者,其他小组成员扮演来自世界各地的人,进行采访。活动准备:首先引出课文中所提及的感恩节,让学生用所学知识答记者问。 设计意图 :通过采访与台前表演这一环节巩固了整篇文章内容,活跃了学生思维,锻炼了其英语表达能力及组句成篇的能力。丰富学生情感Step6:联想节日,扩展训练。v 学生游戏及互动打分。v 观看视频:母亲节等 。突出主题:爱祖国,爱亲人,爱他人,感恩一切Step7: Homework1. Read the text after class2. Retell this text by your own word教学后记:课件制作说明:本课所学的是中专英语第二册:Comprehensive Reading: Thanksgiving Day. 内容是有关国外的一个节日-Thanksgiving Day(感恩节的历史)的阅读文章,它所要求的是学生对感恩节的历史有一个清晰的认识,并由此对国外的风土人情有所解。通过讲解教材、知识延伸,培养学生的合作能力和创造能力;培养学生学习英语的兴趣,爱国爱家爱他人的品德 。学生们英语底子差,因而有畏难情绪,但对音频和视频感兴趣;喜欢表达自己的看法,有自己的思维,动手创造能力强;因此,加入了图片、音频、视频,还加强互动,穿插了角色扮演,达到巩固强化,使学生学会感恩。


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