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1、高三英语专题训练写作10第一节:基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)假如你是吴明,上周六下午,你们宿舍几个同学去森林公园野炊,回来途中淋了雨。晚上李华头疼得厉害。你给她量体温,发现她发高烧。你马上带她去看医生。医生说她得了重感冒,要卧床休息三天。信你代她给刘老师写一张请假条说明情况,并帮她请假两天(周一、周二),因此她不能参加周二的羽毛球赛了。写作要求1请假条的开头和结尾已为你写好;2必须用5个句子介绍所给的全部信息内容;3将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。Dear Mr. Liu,Im writing to you to ask for sick leave for Li Hua._ Yours ev

2、erWu Ming第二节读写任务(共1小题;满分25分)认真阅读下面的短文,按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。I think the awareness of the parents in China on the importance of education is growing. More and more parents will try really hard to get the best possible education they can get for their children. So, it is important that what the government

3、 offers for education is as good as it can get.And there has been a lot of changes in thinking, in education, in the last 20 years on how it should be approached, what is the best way of learning.Society is changing very quickly. None of us can stop learning when we leave school. So, we must create

4、life-long learners. We, ourselves must be life-long learners. But we must make sure that our students understand that they will never stop learning.They also must become independent learners, because, at some point, no one tells you; you must do your homework. They have to do this on their own. So,

5、that makes them become independent. It makes them responsible for their own learning. It also means that once you get them to understand this, that is the classroom.It is not just the teacher giving and giving and the students sitting back and taking it in. The students have to participate and take

6、an active role. But to give the students the feeling that they are active, they should be active both in and out of the classroom.And students need to have international understanding, which can not be fully got in the classroom. For example, they cannot learn about Iran or about Canada, because it

7、is just words on paper or even words on a screen or pictures on a computer.写作要求1用大约30词概括短文中作者对学生的希望;2用大约120词叙述你对主动学习,自主学习,终身学习的看法;3题目自拟;4你可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的观点, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子._Dear Mr. Liu.I m writing to you to ask for sick leave for Li Hua.Last Saturday afternoon, I went to Forest Park for a picnic with my roommates. Unfortunately, we were caught in the rain on our way home and Li hubs head badly hurt that evening. I took her temperature, finding that she was having a fever. So I took her to see the doctor right away and she was advised to be in bed for three days because


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